>Thank you.
Huh. Is that you anon?
Anon sees that the screenshot was taken 3 months prior.
Glad you made it off safe.
>Thank you.
Huh. Is that you anon?
Anon sees that the screenshot was taken 3 months prior.
Glad you made it off safe.
enjoy the movie
hence the popcorn
hmm, typo, popcern kek, another week and a half!
>Thx anon.
anon had the alternate thought, they fucked around, and now they FO.
chkt again!
>Is this where you delete all my posts?
nope don't have that power
or maybe anon does and forgot it with the MIB forget pen light
anyway, not planning to, kek
>im trying, some are harder to love than others
anon needs resolution to a right-of-way that neighbor blocked
want to do it in a loving fashion
haven't gotten the right words yetโฆ
or installed the camerasโฆ
they go up first, then we talk
chkt in infinite MPHs
>its in the attempt to love one another that we make him smile
love it TY anon
Start My Internal Love Engine
anon's been smiling more lately
enjoying life more
kinda neat