Christ and Anti-Christ are one person. You have to ask me so I can explain further.
How can parents be cautious of their kids getting molestered if they weren't molestered themselves? Therein lies the paradox. Therefore everyone should be molested, then everyone will be aware of molesting.
Jesus spoke and argued against everything even though he was told he was going against God and would burn in hell by the Jews. Sounds moar Anti-Christy / Lucifer ironically.
He was the Anti-Christ for the Jews, and the Christ for others. Perspective.
>God is the mind
Notice how in this artpiece, behind God you can see what appears to look like a red brain? The higher you go up the Spine, the more pure the Intentions are. Lowest is penis / sex, highest is Pure Logic and Reason (Brain). Ideally emotions should be tamed. If your emotions are tamed then you can Unleash the Lion and Shut it Off at Will.
This is how you become God; Ascending.
You become God by connecting / channeling God*
One man's Christ, is another Man's Anti-Christ.
I Am That I Am
This guy ain't shit. These people just rely on people doing nothing by demoralization / fear.
This is called the "Chrystia Freeland Freestyle".
Looks like Rachel Weiss.
I tried this supplement and didn't notice any benefit tbh. It's also $50+ per bottle.