are McRibs actually meat leftovers pressed and moulded into the shape of ribs?
Is it even possible to gather 6 million people into camps, kill them all, destroy all the evidence by having the ovens going 24/7 for 4 years?
what's fucked, is that even after reading this, i have a craving for chicken mcnuggets and bbq sauce. My mouth is literally watering.
I'm just tired of the lies. This whole world is lies.
net neutrality's actually gay. Most normies rage, but don't understand what it is.
I hope her tits are still big.
I'm gonna get called a shill but does anyone else worry if this whole thing is yet another layer of jewish control?
I mean, Trump's daughter is married to Jared Kushner, a HARDCORE zionist jew. Trump's cabinet was packed with jews. As president, he did more for Israel than any other president. The Q drops talk about the deep state, satanists, democrats, but never names the jew, who OBVIOUSLY have a role in the world's problems.
I just hope we're not getting played 'cause I have nothing else to believe in, except Jesus maybe.
Space is fake.
How high is the ceiling of the firmament?
that's all i'm asking. i'm not denouncing trump or Q, but all the jewishness is somewhat of a red flag and it'd be foolish to ignore it. But like I said, there's nothing else offering hope in this world except this Q thing.
fuckin' niggers.
do her white tits pop out?
I bet they can speak fluent arabic to each other.