you slap yo momma with that hand?
It's a good start
How can they start a Genocide if they don't have their own 9/11 to justify their atrocities???
Look away lads. Those are recreational Gazans happily flying above their productive farmland.
Who punched him in the chest?
Fuck Joe Biden!
There are tunnels in those hats. You betcha
Everyone's a winner baby, that's truth.
That's dasting
hang on, let me grab a calculator.
If you cut off a Bull's cock n balls. Is it now a cow?
Prison ain't enough for some nutters.
>did you stop the DS anywhere in the world
I've been memeing hard out, man!
I single-handedly stopped multiple catastrophes using only the power of memes.
How many kilos can she 'snatch'?
and they put one on the jab prick hole as well.
6 ways from Sunday if you mess with Chuck
Looks like he wants to become a meme.
kek wills it
LOST $400mil?
That implies the COST to make it was more than $400mil. Unlikely.
Do they mean it's takings were down on budget by $400mil?
trips confirm
Coolest Missile ever made.
While the window is not blown out, it does appear Israel killed these people, knowingly.
Well that explains the heavy cardboard lander walls then.
Convenient excuse, of course.
shit habs. All good now tho.
<CIA warns CIA will FF Israel to provide Israel cover for more Genocide.
Appreciate the 42 seconds of black silence before the 1 guy's comment
Butt sex?
Moar winning please.
>I just want to be a girl and move on.
But you're a dude. Know the difference between acting and real life.
I think it's that the person was allegedly unconscious
History will be written in memes.
maybe so, 4 post anon. maybe so.
What's happening with all this stuff, seems to have gone quiet.
All these sex crazed folk chop off their nuts and poof there goes the sex drive and the reason for everything they just did.
Hindsight must be a thing to behold.
Provided free by your friendly government?
> But like I said, there's nothing else offering hope in this world except this Q thing.
Fuck you Zio
Kim, looking for his fren, Donald Trump
"The Snake"
It's a mafia racket with goons to boot and crush. Armed with nukes.
Oy Vey!