These nigger bitches are dumber than dirt but they are too arrogant to realize it.
That's why the Jews use them to do their dirty work.
These nigger bitches are dumber than dirt but they are too arrogant to realize it.
That's why the Jews use them to do their dirty work.
All Jews exploit all Goyim.
ALL of them.
It's what makes them Jewish, they believe that they are Special and Goyim are beasts to be used at their discretion.
If a Jew doesn't want to be Jewish, all they have to do is stop being Jewish. It is their choice to be Jewish. But they won't give up their Jew Benefits and their Victimhood mentality.
Jews are very good at hiding their agendas.
My dad had a bunch of Jewish "friends" that he worked with. All of them were buddies with my dad because it put money into their pockets.
They used him for their purposes.
As soon as my dad retired, all of his Jewish "friends" disappeared.
They know how to scratch your back to get what they want.
But you will always be Goyim to them. They consider themselves to be superior to Goyim.
Goyim exist to serve and benefit them.
And visa versa
Police show up after the crime has been committed.
They write up a report.
They are basically useless.
Jews are a subset of Whites. They like to say they aren't White, but they are. This is how they exempt themselves.
There is no such thing as White Supremacy.
It is a mislabeling of Jew Supremacy.
The Jews are chameleons hiding amongst other Whites, blaming all Whites for the evil that they have actually committed.
But the Jews are the ones who are pushing the White Supremacy bullshit and CRT.
Too bad her mother didn't abort her.
That's exactly what I was trying to say.
They exempt themselves from their own accusations.
It would be like if all red headed women claimed that all women are evil. But exempted themselves by saying that all women are evil, except for red headed women.
They are a subset of the group that they are condemning.
We are already divided between Good vs Evil.
Messianic Jews (Jews for Jesus) are the only exception. But even they must give up their Judaism. They need to cut their tether to the Khazarian Mafia.
>Messianic jews
Seems like an oxymoron, doesn't it?
That's why I say they must cut their tether to Judaism. At least by the 2nd generation.
They might have been born into a Jewish family but they need to abandon Judaism if they become Christians. And their children must abandon their Jewishness.
The only reason for holding onto it is because of the worldly Mafia benefits.