> you consent when you don't vote and let them steal it with every trick possible.
By voting and participating in ANY way in a system you know in advance is corrupt you consent to the corruption.
The only way to not consent is to refuse to acknowledge or participate their system, to deny their authority, and treat them at all times as the hostile foreign belligerent occupying forces that they are.
Your rights are inherent, granted by your creator. When you recognize no other authority but your creator’s, only then are you not consenting.
Trust must be earned. Q+ said so himself. I refuse to consent to any earthly authority who does not demonstrate they are worthy of my trust to be my representative in all social matters.
Military is the only way. So fucking prove it. No vote or participation from me outside of memes and a voice to wake other up to existentialism. It’s time to take personal responsibility for your safety and security, and stop consenting to the continued corruption and evil perpetuated by others attempting to claim authority.
Guess what, you might actually have to fucking die for standing on your principals for once. Or would you rather trade those principles for the illusion freedom and consent to more evil?
The choice is yours.