Fucking gibberish. Would someone with a twit twat account twat this idiot and tell her to fuck the hell off? I, along with humanity, would appreciate that.
Fucking gibberish. Would someone with a twit twat account twat this idiot and tell her to fuck the hell off? I, along with humanity, would appreciate that.
I don't need Comer to tell me what this piece of shit president should be impeached for. Everything his handlers ie……… [Hussein] has had him do is impeachable. Never mind the Chyna, Ukrainian and others………………..payoff to Biden and family so that all of them can work within to destroy our country.
What other proof, evidence does anyone need? I'll go one further, the Military should take all of these people down and try them all for Treason. Convict them, hang them right in the public square for all of America and the fucking world to see. Anything less than this and it continues in perpetuity.
Got it Mike. Thanks.
Something anons have known all the long.
Yea, that lead poisoning is pretty bad around here also. Don't need 911. All that has to happen is one iotas worth of evidence something like this is going down. Swift. Final.