The mind virus is not new. It is ancient, it just oozes forth in different iterations over time, as one iteration is exposed as fallacious by Rationalism (Reason), another one rears its ugly head.
This dialectic logic (philosophy of power at the expense of truth) always results in internally inconsistent statements from the same source mind.
The adherents output completely self-contradictory arguments as if they are revealing or being gifted with special insight of reality, when in reality they're just contradicting themselves.
The CEO of NPR is a textbook example. At a TED talk, she presented what was clearly intended to be understood by the audience as "truth", namely, that "truth" is "an outdated concept".
Notice how the mind virus condemns the world in some deterministic exile yet always ALWAYS leaves an escape hatch for itself where 'the rules for thee do not apply to me', that statements about what applies to everyone, does not apply to the speaker of those very same statements.
This is exactly how pure evil tyranny starts. It always starts this way. Hitler's statements about the superior Aryan race, blond haired, blue eyed, was directly contradicted by his own body. Stalin's statements about freeing the proletariat class was directly contradicted by his own dictatorship praxis.
In every case without fail, pure evil, pure destruction, genocide, tyranny, dictatorship, they all depend on elevating a 'vanguard' or 'elite' who implement contradictions while posturing and arrogating themselves as exempt and above their own contradictions.
DEFUND NPR. If they're going to go down this abyss, don't use taxpayer money.