>iden claims he "got arrested standing on the porch with a Black family"
>Was remembering it just like that
It would make for good times if the Biden character was shown to the masses eating a cup-o-pizza
If this space study is right, humans have never left Earth’s atmosphere
The Earth’s atmosphere is described as a fragile coat wrapping around the planet, comparable in scale to an apple’s skin protecting the fruit. For more than half a century, even before the Apollo 16 mission captured the first ultraviolet images of Earth, researchers knew that the outermost atmospheric layer — the geocorona — extends far beyond the denser, surface-level air that we breathe.
Now, a new study from Space Physics redefines the boundaries of our planet, based on overlooked data collected at the end of the last millennium. The report concludes that the edges of the atmosphere actually extend more than 391,000 miles from the planet’s surface, about twice as far as our moon.
This doesn’t mean you can go moonwalking without a spacesuit, said Jean-Loup Bertaux, a study coauthor and planetologist. The hydrogen molecules that make up the outer atmosphere are so sparse that this region is still considered a vacuum. Any spacecraft traveling through it wouldn’t notice a thing or be slowed by drag.
It does mean, however, that humankind has yet to leave the Earth’s atmosphere. The moon, the farthest point ever reached by astronauts, orbits well within the geocorona.
All of this challenges the way we see our planet’s borders. NASA considers a space traveler to be an astronaut when they climb higher than 50 miles above the planet’s surface. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, which judges world records for aeronautic travel, uses the Kármán line — set at 100 kilometers above sea level — to denote the “edge of space.”
The first ultraviolet photos of the Earth's geocorona were taken by astronauts on the moon in 1972. Photo courtesy of NASAThe first ultraviolet photos of the Earth’s geocorona were taken by Apollo 16 astronauts on the moon in 1972. Photo courtesy of NASA
With this new knowledge, high-powered telescopes on the moon or in Earth’s orbit will also need to account for — and filter out — the geocorona’s bright ultraviolet light when looking out into the universe. This would make it easier to scan the cosmos.
And if those telescopes spot planets out in the galaxy with the same halo that surrounds our Earth, that light could someday be used to locate habitable planets far from our own interstellar front door.
What the researchers did
More than two decades ago, a spacecraft called SOHO — the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory — was suspended halfway between the Earth and the sun, searching the sky for a particular frequency of ultraviolet light known as Lyman-alpha radiation.
What they found
Although the existence of the geocorona was well-known even in the early 1960s, according to Bertaux, experts at the time would have estimated that it ended well inside of the lunar orbit.
Bertaux, Baliukin and their team found the geocorona extends more than 50 times the Earth’s diameter away from the planet’s surface.
“When the astronauts were on the moon, they were looking back at the Earth,” Bertaux said, “but they were not thinking that they were indeed inside the atmosphere of the Earth.”
What it means
The Earth’s extended atmosphere isn’t much good for supporting life, but it does have consequences for our search for extraterrestrials, said Thomas J. Immel, a physicist at the University of California, Berkeley’s Space Sciences Laboratory who was not involved in this study.
“We’re more interested in the upper atmosphere of planets these days because of exoplanets,” Immel said.
There’s more to do here on Earth even as we reach out to observe planets around other stars.
Exoplanets orbit stars other than our own sun. Some of those exoplanets likely fall in the “habitable zone,” where liquid water might exist on a planet’s surface. The hydrogen in our atmosphere is the result of hydrogen atoms separating from water. If we’re looking for habitable planets out there in space, we might be looking for a geocorona just like ours.
“Thirty years ago, we knew there were 100 billion stars in the galaxy like our sun, but we did not know if there were any planets,” Bertaux explained. Today, one estimate lists nearly 4,000 confirmed and recorded exoplanets, with many more yet to be identified.
This research, Immel said, is “a reminder that we don’t know everything about our atmosphere. There’s more to do here on Earth even as we reach out to observe planets around other stars.”
goalpost: shifted
>Flamethrower-Wielding Robotic Dog
>don't get their communist revolutions in nations without purposely driving everyone but themselves into poverty
It's a multi-spectrum problem. On the one hand, they have to impoverish the masses, which pushes many toward religion.
On the other hand, they have to destroy all cultural ties of the demos, religion being a tenet of culture.
Funny problem. The trick seems to be distraction, whereas distraction is more often used to conceal the trick.
>didn't he have an uncle shot down and eaten by cannibals around then?
Rockefeller International Group HQ is in Moscow…
>Did the Russians foil their evil plans?
Communists always project. Always.
"Trump colluded with Russia" was their narrative.
You can bet your last dollar the opposite is True.
Communists ALWAYS project.
>censor anons from saying Rabbi or Goy, Rabbi
You're also not censored from watching/listening to Rabbi's. I learned more from the source than I ever could have imagined from 2nd hand sources.
They don't 'worship' any god.
They do admit to many gods.
Lucifer is the god of this world.
The Creator is ALL. Lucifer and YHVH inclusive.
Moses is bound by covenant to convert those he took out of Egypt along with the Hebrews. They call 'them' the Erev Rav but don't speak of them to gentiles.
Many secrets are revealed in the history/genesis of the Kaifeng Jews, who are currently a group that receives social benefits from the government of China. Started by the Jesuits.
>Hammer and sickle