Good to see you coming out of the closet and honest about who you are. Feels liberating, doesn't it?
>>20815210 last bread
>>20815255 last bread
>Tagboard Flyer. USAF B-52 60-0036. Appears to be u from White Sands missile range and/or Holloman FB. Now flying low over central texas. Looks like residents of San Antonio got a look as it flew over the city at about 5,000 feet.
Still up and flight path has turned out to be rather interesting. Looks like may be landing in San Antonio at Lackland AFB.
Here go ahead and give anons advice to hurt the US economy like you did before.
There I posted a couple of them for you. Anons can see what you are about now. Happy that it is all out in the open now. Remember to call anyone who criticizes you deep state and stupid. Because that always works. Remember name calling might seem childish, but it is a long standing board tradition. And the hallmark of a true champion.
That arcing sort of flight path. Centered on San Antonio. And higher altitude at greater distance. Like trying to maintain line of sight. Almost as if they were testing some sort radio signal. Lot of Air Force stuff in San Antonio. NSA too.