Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 8, 2024, 8:21 p.m. No.20840481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5418



私たちの現在の政権は信頼できないので、誰もが基本的に米国を放棄しています(彼らは誰が担当しているのかさえ知りません-そのフセインですが、公)アメリカに依存している国の多くは、他の場所で女の子の安全保障を探しています。 個人的には、コントロール構造のこのたわごとのショーが取り出されると、多くの人は本当に"boogeymen"がないことに気付くでしょう。


everyone basically abandoning the U.S. because our current administration can't be trusted (they don't even know who is in charge-its hussein but cant say that in public right?) plenty of countries that depended on America are looking elsewhere girls 'security'. Personally once this shit show of a control structure gets taken out many will find there really aren’t any ‘boogeymen’ and the normies will realize it’s just a bunch of bullshit spoon fed to them since a young age

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 8, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.20840513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0516 >>5436



(彼らはすぐに再びこれを激しく打つつもりだと思っていますmebby@156。xxとなぜ? 2つの理由:インフレは本当に彼らのデータセットで怖い取得します-その同じ彼らはここで彼らが報告し、法線が覗いて見るものの現実と同じです- 彼らが通貨を切り下げて2番目の価値を認めるならば、ショートが教訓を学ぶことを確実にするために-彼らは何年も持っていないし、彼らが円と国債をショートさせる理由は愛情を込めて「未亡人」貿易として知られています、そしてそれは日銀が金利を低く維持しなければならないからですそして通貨はやや強いので、日銀は数週間前に1/10%の金利を引き上げました、そしてプレスsez「彼らは今プラスの領域にあります」あなたが本当のインフレを調整するときを除いて、彼らはまだNIRP(負の金利政策)にうまく入っていて、これから何年もそこにとどまるでしょう。 円安は避けられないが、彼らはそれを購入することによって、今、再びそれにブレーキをかけることができます-彼らは先週worth60bの価値をしたとNY連邦準備



あなたが望むものに注意してください。 何年もの間、日本は2%前後の持続可能なインフレを切望してきました(FRBと同じレベル)パンデミック、エネルギー価格の上昇(そして彼らはその97-8%を輸入しなければなりません-そしてLNGの世界最大の輸入国の1つ)グローバルな中央銀行の歴史の中で見られる最も広範で長期的な緩い金融政策の1つ、そしてそれはそこに着いたかもしれません。 (多くの人は知らないが、実際には数ヶ月で日本を破ってZIRPの最新の期間を開始したのはデンマーク人だった)。 しかし、適切なレベルでインフレを止めることは、貨物船を回すのと少し似ています:あなたがする必要がある前に長い間回転する決定をしなければ 日本のヘッドラインインフレは、原油価格の低迷に助けられ、最近の高値から外れています。 しかし、いわゆるコア-コアCPI(元生鮮食品とエネルギー-誰もそのいずれかを使用していないため、ここと同じ)は、心配そうに頑固であり、依然として史上最高値の-0.5%ポ

インフレが埋め込まれるようになる兆候がさらにあります。 CPIバスケットへの入力の割合(それらの650以上で、詳細のビザンチンレベルがあります)は、消費税率引き上げの外ではるかに最高レベルに上昇し、上昇


日銀の上田和夫総裁は、FXがインフレに影響を与える重要な要因であることを強調し、今日のワイヤにされています。 彼は間違っていません。最近の円の弱さはすぐにCPIに再び上昇するよう圧力をかけるでしょう。短観では、企業の生産価格に関する調査に基づいて、より長期的な予想物価上昇率が上昇している時期です。 インフレに対する長期的な家計の期待も粘着性があり、シリーズの最高値に近い。 日本は、ほぼ生きている記憶の中で、持続的に高い予想物価上昇率に対処する必要はありませんでした。 上田氏はまた、急激な一方的な円安による経済への悪影響を強調した。 より悪質なのは、あまりにも多くを与える日銀への贈り物になるようにすでに見えているインフレのさらなる喚起である可能性があります。


キャップ2は1ヶ月のビューでmuh円/US$です。 ここでのデータは1972年に戻り、低値はツリーのすぐ下にありました-fiddy Nov1972。 私はそれがすべての時間だと思う低半ば350の範囲だったが、それに私を保持していません。


Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 8, 2024, 8:30 p.m. No.20840516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436


Be Careful What You Wish For: Weaker Yen A Blessing And A Curse For Japan


(thinking they are going to hit this hard again very soon mebby @ 156.xx and why? 2 reasons: inflation really gets scary in their datasets-its the same their as here what they report and reality of what normals peeps see- if they allow currency to devalue and the second: to make sure the shorts learn a lesson-they haven’t for years and the reason they call shorting the yen and JGBs is affectionately known as the ‘widowmaker’ trade and it’s because the BoJ has to keep rates low and currency somewhat strong so the BoJ raised rates 1/10th of a % several weeks ago and the press sez “they are now in positive territory” except when you adjust for real inflation they are still well into NIRP (Negative Interest Rate Policy) and will remain there for many years to come. The yen weakening is inevitable but they can put the brakes on it now and again by buying it-as they did $60b worth last week and had help from the NY Federal Reserve)


A weaker yen will boost inflation in Japan, but it may do so to an undesirable extent, especially as there are growing signs price growth is becoming embedded.

Be careful what you wish for. For years, Japan has yearned for sustainable inflation around 2% (the same unobtainable level as our FRB) Add a pandemic, a rise in energy prices (and they have to import 97-8% of that-and one of the biggest importers of LNG globally) one of the most extensive and long-lasting loose monetary policies seen in the history of global central banking, and it may have got there. (Many don’t know but it was actually the Danes who started the most recent period of ZIRP beating Japan by a few months). However, stopping inflation at the right level is a bit like turning a cargo ship: you have to make the decision to turn long before you need to. Headline inflation in Japan is coming off recent highs, helped by subdued oil prices. But so-called core-core CPI (ex-fresh food and energy-again same as here because no one uses any of that /s) is proving worryingly stubborn, still hovering within ~0.5% points of its all-time highs.

There are further signs of inflation becoming embedded. The percentage of inputs to the CPI basket (with over 650 of them, there is a Byzantine level of detail) rose to by far its highest level outside a consumption tax hike and remains elevated.


BOJ Governor Kazuo Ueda has been on the wires today, highlighting that FX is a vital factor effecting inflation. He is not wrong.The recent yen weakness will soon pressure CPI to move higher again.That’s at a time that longer-term inflation expectations are rising, based on the Tankan survey of businesses on output prices. Long-term household expectations of inflation are also sticky and near series highs. Japan has not had to deal with persistently high inflation expectations almost within living memory. Ueda also highlighted the negative effects on the economy from an abrupt, one-sided weak yen. More pernicious is likely to be the further rousing of inflation that’s already looking like it’s going to be the gift to the BOJ that gives too much.

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 8, 2024, 8:42 p.m. No.20840559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436

ここにあなたが関連すると思うかもしれないいくつかのPlaneFaggin投稿があります。…特にウクライナのもの. 午後の半ば頃からCET


はい、私もQRでそのほとんどを行います ;)


here are some PlaneFaggin posts that you might find relevant….especially the Ukrainian one from about mid afternoon CET













中国AF CCA005 747習近平ベオグラード、セルビアからブダペストで地面に出発

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 9, 2024, 7:20 a.m. No.20841966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2163


You are welcome muh fren and muh pleasure

All the info you post is staggering-thank you for the English in headline too!

Saves some time

Like that there is less “noise” here

They’ll eventually follow though…they always do

Be back later


Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 11, 2024, 7:22 p.m. No.20854848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5427

1番は757人が集まって集まった群衆の上を飛んでいます。 その後、セント-アトランティックシティ-インターナショナルに上陸した。


Number 1 is the 757 flying over the crowd gathered below for rally today in Wildwood, New Jersey it then landed st Atlantic City international

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 11, 2024, 7:48 p.m. No.20854935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5427

Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



May 11, 2024 · 5:33 PM UTC

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 11, 2024, 7:53 p.m. No.20854941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5078 >>5427

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



.@realDonaldTrump departing Atlantic City, New Jersey🛫…

May 12, 2024 · 1:42 AM UTC


Cap 2 is 45’s aircraft N757AF as it’s just about to pass over Rehoboth Beach where Potato (Biden) is heading after deplaning the 747 on ground at Dover AFB


Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 13, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.20861640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4957


Have never been to a full blown rally but was very close to him when he went to CA border area in 2019/20.

No speeches just meetings and passing.

That was good enough for me

Fren has pics but I just wanted the ‘moment’ and not view it through a camera.

He gave us a point from the car and even slowed down cuz I had a Pepe flag and another had a ‘Q’ sign.

That was a fun day

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 18, 2024, 8 a.m. No.20883062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3086







Thank you for kind words

I am amazed at your pace in here

>Have a safe and happy day

Thanks and have a great rest of your evening!

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 18, 2024, 8:57 p.m. No.20885535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6511


Habby for you!

I wish that was the case for muh Japanese!

Think these are the two hardest languages to learn as a second or third one but just muh personal opinion. The slang in English hardest for non speakers plus the verb conjugations.


Post a lot but you are correct…it’s about doing something for others or leaving a mark even if it’s “anonymous”. One day will look back and be happy I was a part of it.




これらは、第二または第三のものが、ちょうどmuh個人的な意見として学ぶために二つの最も難しい言語であると思います。 非スピーカープラス動詞の活用のための最も難しい英語のスラング。


たくさん投稿しますが、あなたはcorrect…it他人のために何かをしたり、"匿名"であってもマークを残したりすることについてです。 ある日、振り返って、私はそれの一部だった幸せになります。


あなたのために幸せ! それはあなたがそれを拾っていることを意味します


これらは、第二または第三のものが、ちょうど多くの個人的な意見として学ぶために二つの最も難しい言語であると思います。 非話者のための英語のスラングと動詞の活用

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 18, 2024, 9:19 p.m. No.20885587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436



(それらのいずれかがここにあるナンバーワンの理由は、低金利であり、"話"の残りの部分は、ちょうどそれと一緒に行くために何か他のものを持っていることです-ウォーレンビュッフェは、ここでトップ商社の右の周りに10%を所有し、彼は2018年にそれらを購入し始め、他の人が従うのに時間がかかったことに驚いたことを覚えています。 金利はいつでもすぐにここで意味のある方法で上昇していませんが、通貨は下落し続けます-次回日銀がそれを行うとき、彼らはOct'23のように米国債を 彼らが4月下旬/5月上旬のような現金で永久にそれをすることができない限り、彼らはそれを達成するためにニューヨーク連邦準備制度理事会からの「助け」を持っていたので、彼らはすることができるかもしれません。)



米国のプライベート-エクイティ-カンパニーの共同マネージング-パートナーであるDavid Gross氏は、日経アジアのインタビューで、"過去10年間で5億ドルを超える投資をしてきた"と語った。 「私たちは確かにそれが今後5年間で倍増する可能性があると思います。"

グロスは、4月からボストンを拠点とするアセットマネージャーの共同責任者を務め、同社のアジア事業を運営しています。 ==日本は、他のほとんどの国とは異なり、中央銀行が低金利を維持しているため、また、企業が活動家の投資家やプライベート-エクイティ-ファンドを大々的に受け入れ始めているため、外国人投資家を誘致している。

これは、東芝がPE企業に事業を再構築することを決定したことや、より良い株主還元の要求に応える上場企業が増えていることに反映されています。 ベインは東芝の買収に入札していた企業の中にいた。 ベインにとって、2024年はアジア事業にとって重要なマイルストーンになる可能性があります。 2018年にベイン主導のコンソーシアムが180億ドルで買収した旧東芝メモリチップ事業であるキオクシアは、当時のアジア最大のプライベートエクイティ取引でした。 日経は先月、キオクシアが早ければ月に新規株式公開の準備をしていることを報告しました。


グロス氏は、ビジネス環境がプライベート-エクイティ業界にとってより有利になっていると述べた。 20年以上にわたって米国で見られる最も厳しい金融政策は、今年後半に緩和され、買収や買収のための借入コストの低下の見通しが高まると予想されます。 一方、半導体市場は、2022年に始まった深刻な低迷から回復しており、過去2事業年で資金を失ったキオクシアのようなチップメーカーの売上を再燃させています。 平均して、日本はベインのアジアへの投資の30%以上を占めており、ベインのポートフォリオ全体の約3分の1を占めています。


Bain Capital aims to double its investment in Japan


(The number one reason any of them are here is the low interest rates and the rest of the “talk” is just to have something else to go with it-remember Warren Buffet owns right around 10% of the top trading houses here and he began buying them in 2018, surprised it has taken longer for others to follow. Rates aren’t rising, in a meaningful way anytime soon here but the currency will continue to depreciate-the next time the BoJ does it they’ll sell US Treasuries like in Oct ‘23 and that will spike our interest rates. Unless they can perpetually do it with cash like late April/early May and they may be able to as they had “help” from the New York Federal Reserve to accomplish that.)


Bain Capital is looking to double its investment in Japan in the next five years with the country emerging from decades of stagnation as one of the hottest destinations for global investors.

"In the last five to 10 years, we've invested in excess of $5 billion" in Japan, David Gross, co-managing partner of the U.S. private equity company, told Nikkei Asia in an interview. "We certainly think that could double over the next five years."

Gross has co-headed the Boston-based asset manager since April and runs the company's Asia operations.Japan has been attracting foreign investors because its central bank has maintained low interest rates unlike most other countries and also because businesses have started embracing activist investors and private equity funds in a big way.

This was reflected in Toshiba's decision to turn to a PE company to rebuild its business, and in more and more listed companies responding to activists' demands for better shareholder returns. Bain was among the companies bidding for a buyout of Toshiba. For Bain, 2024 could be an important milestone for its Asia business. Kioxia, a former Toshiba memory chip business that a Bain-led consortium acquired in 2018 for $18bn, was the largest private equity deal in Asia at the time. Nikkei reported last month that Kioxia is preparing for an initial public offering as early as October.


Gross said the business environment is turning more favorable to the private equity industry. The tightest monetary policy seen in the U.S. in over two decades is expected to loosen later this year, raising the prospect of lower borrowing costs for buyouts and acquisitions. The semiconductor market is meanwhile recovering from a deep downturn that started in 2022, rekindling sales at chipmakers like Kioxia, which has lost money in the last two business years. On average, Japan accounts for more than 30% of Bain's investment in Asia, which in turn accounts for about a third of Bain's total portfolio.

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 19, 2024, 7:21 p.m. No.20889546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1188










He was telling everyone long ago to buy farmland but few listened.

He had commodity ETFs before they grew like weeds but he sold them to a Swedish firm I think so it’s just his name as branding.

He also pointed out the ruble (to buy it) when it dropped hard as that conflict began.

Tbh I would have done same thing as sanctions never work

Everyone comped (if you are successful in their system you’ve got dome skeletons).

Read a few of his books got a few tidbits here and there.

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 19, 2024, 7:42 p.m. No.20889616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1188


You hit the nail on the head.

Exactly how I see it too

If someone speaks Japanese can pick up words here and there to understand what is being conveyed but reading it was never able to grasp it.

The sounds are what connects the meaning of it all but when it’s written I just lose it for some reason.


Yes I know what I’ve done and you know what you’ve done so we know the “truth” do to speak.

Happy with that as not here to convince anyone-not my job but here’s what I can contribute and hope someone gets something and I get something too-never too old to learn. Many dots connected earlier on as knew some “stuff” back in the day because of where I used to work, location etc. however viewing through a different lens and passage of time it really fired my Brian synapsis. Saw stuff I had forgotten then this came around and BANG all those memories from 70s, 80s,90s living in San Francisco/Bay Area came back but different feel because the dot connecting completed.


Bottom line is I’m happy being anon and that is because it’s not a “hey look at me” for me (and you either) like some of the posters over there and it used to bug me at first but just ignore it.

That little bit of patience I lacked, this place completed that for me.

You have to be patient but most don’t have that attribute so am grateful it gave that to me.

So yes I don’t care that anyone knows my name-I like that

Mebby a parade would be cool one day but I don’t think that will ever happen and I’m fine with that.


You have a good Monday muh fren and mebby our paths cross at your evening and my Monday morning in about 9-10 hours.

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 21, 2024, 8:33 a.m. No.20895978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9311


Thanks for sharing those personal details.

Not often many do. Or you get the one two sentence “wonders” who post 40 times telling everyone they know everything.


Not special here by any means…just give a shit about what the world was and became. It wasn’t perfect before and certainly didn’t improve.

Just would like to see some justice inflicted on that other side before I shuffle off.

Not a lot to ask imo

Reading actual books is how I got all the information but I did sell a lot of them when we moved and I regret that now.

When google started the whole “send us your books” for scanning was instantly skeptical and that turned out right.

Give me a magazine or hard backed book any day.

No kindles or digital stuff here

Pretty much ditched all tech stuff 2006/7 as did not like where it was heading overall.

Knew how to build out servers and networks back in the day.

Thanks again for those details and hope your Weds is pleasant

See you later


That’s all

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 21, 2024, 7:37 p.m. No.20898455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436


彼は取締役会に残っているので、彼は本当にどこにも行きません。 彼はWEFの「顔」ではありません。 彼らは後継者が誰であるかを知っており、数週間前にリヤドでの特別会議でそれを伝えた可能性が高い。


he remains on the board of directors so he's not really going anywhere. he just won't be the "face" of the WEF. They know who the successor will be and likely communicated that at the special meeting in Riyadh a few weeks ago.

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 23, 2024, 6:50 a.m. No.20904064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4162


It’s ok muh fren

Sometimes it just comes out so don’t you worry about that.

I do it occasionally

That instant camera popularity is good to see as it’s all phones now.

Still have a film SLR camera and many rolls of film still to be developed.

Just never got around to it…one day

Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 26, 2024, 2:56 p.m. No.20919289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0801 >>1809 >>5427

>>20918990, >>20918972, >>20918739 pb off

N757AF 757 Dulles Intl to Charlotte Intl and a flyover of CMS prior to landing















'89年にロードコースのためにシアーズ-ポイントに初めて来たとき、これまで以上にモア-ベント-カーがあった! M.ウォルトリップはカントリータイムポンティアックをハードに抹消し、もはや黄色ではなく、トラック上のバック最高速度の部分からグランドスタンドを取りました。 かなり彼のズボンをたわごと。




N254CA G4still@マナサス地域空港


Anonymous ID: aeb6da May 26, 2024, 8:16 p.m. No.20920801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5427

