Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.20861096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1120

Rasmussen Reports



"He states that the pollster’s “inability to meet polling standards caused ABC News’ 538 to cut Rasmussen from its polling analyses.”"


(Rasmussen in 5th place, ABC in 23rd place)


Very happy to go.


Immigration’s impact felt in Colorado, as divisions grow over density.

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.20861149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1165 >>1186 >>1395 >>1515 >>1583

Here’s Fresh Evidence Biden’s Using Your Tax Dollars To Turn Out Democrat Votes In 2024

By: Ben Weingarten May 13, 2024 (Long but worth the read)1/3


Months from the 2024 presidential election, Americans remain mostly in the dark about a sweeping executive order Joe Biden signed early in his presidency that could swing the entire contest in his favor. New bombshell documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project reinforce that is precisely the point of the directive — and the administration is working in cahoots with left-wing activist groups to achieve it.


In March 2021, President Biden signed an “Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting.” The administration inked the directive,apparently the brainchild of leftist think-tank Demos, to cheers from dozens of like-minded but officially nonpartisan nongovernmental organizations.


As I have been reporting at RealClearInvestigations,Executive Order 14019 mandates that every single federal agency register and mobilize voterswith the express intent of increasing election participation amongminority groupsthat tend to vote disproportionately Democrat. In pursuit of its aims, the order calls on agencies to “solicit[] and facilitat[e] approved, nonpartisan third-party organizations … to provide voter registration services on agency premises.”


That language has raised alarm bells among the right, who suspect the leftist groups supportive of the order — that may be unconstitutional or violate several laws — could coordinate with agencies to implement it and increase registration only of Democrat voters.


Such an effort could well prove decisive. A since-deleted but archived Demos analysis indicates that, if fully implemented, the order could lead to 3.5 million new or updated voter registrations annually — a massive figure considering recent presidential elections have been decided by mere thousands of votes in a handful of states.


Bombshell Memo

Details from a July 2021 listening session the Department of Justice (DOJ) conducted with leftist activists about implementing the order,revealed for the first time in a May 1 Oversight Project memo, suggest fears of collusion between federal agencies and leftist activist groups are more than merited. The details come from a set of unredacted notes taken by a DOJ attorney.

During those proceedings, Biden administration officials heard from activists overwhelmingly from the left. According to its review of the listening session roster, the Oversight Project found that “Every participant whose party affiliation or political donation history could be identified by the Oversight Project was identified as a Democrat except for one Green Party member.”


Here were some of their recommendations, as recounted by the unnamed Justice Department official:

• Keeda Haynes of The Sentencing Project indicated that eligible voters who are incarcerated “have been left out of voting,” and emphasized that those held in pretrial custody also have the right to vote. Haynes proposed a variety of ways the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) could provide voter registration information during prisoner admission, orientation training, and various other touch points with prison personnel. She also recommended that authorities “provide in-person voting options, such as voting machines” at facilities where “eligible voters” reside. “Felony disenfranchisement is voter suppression,” the DOJ attorney recorded.

• Dana Paikowsky of the Campaign Legal Center indicated a desire to “develop infrastructure in jails and prisons and also help people understand their eligibility after they are released.” She related that her organization remained “concerned about BOP’s focus on voter registration only, and only on individuals from ME, VT, and DC. Felons in Puerto Rico are also eligible to vote. In Mississippi, don’t lose right to vote for federal convictions, and AL also has some eligibility. Those individuals with convictions for federal misdemeanors can usually vote, too.”

• Terry Minnis of Asian Americans Advancing Justice pushed not only for agencies to create multi-lingual materials pertaining to voting, but for making “voter registration info mandatory at naturalization ceremonies.”

• Michelle Bishop of the National Disability Rights Network reportedly called on increasing the access to vote for people in long-term care facilities — without any apparent concern suffering patients could be taken advantage of by partisan operatives.

• Nik Youngsmith of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund seemed to acknowledge that under the order, noncitizens could be registered to vote, noting “Federal employees need to know who should be properly registered and not. Don’t want someone to face charges for registering based on bad info.”

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 9:41 a.m. No.20861165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1180 >>1186 >>1395 >>1515 >>1583



The documents obtained by theOversight Project date back to a July 2021 meeting, yet represent something of a major revelation in May 2024. That illustrates how surreptitious this effort has been.


Administration Partnering with Leftist Groups

Although the Biden administration has stonewalled congressional Republicans over the strategic plans each agency was to develop in accordance with the order, evidence has slowly emerged through primarily conservative media reportage and watchdog groups’ Freedom of Information Act requests and litigation,suggesting the administration took the groups’ suggestions to heart.


In January, The Daily Signal reported that BOP “has partnered with and regularly consults on voting issues with theLeague of Women Voters, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Campaign Legal Center, and the Washington Lawyers’ Committee” — several of which were represented at the July 2021 listening session — in connection with the executive order. A BOP spokesman detailed that the bureau had partnered with such groups to offer “civics education classes” and “voter registration drives” at several correctional facilities nationwide.


Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson wrote a letter in March to Attorney General Merrick Garland raising concerns that under Executive Order 14019, theU.S. Marshals Service was being directed to “modify agreements with jails” to mandate that they “provide voter registration materials and facilitate voting by mail,” on top of requiring the DOJ “to facilitate voter registration and mail voting for individuals in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons.” According to Watson, this could lead to not only ineligible voters but among them noncitizens — including illegal aliens — being encouraged to illegally register to vote.


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is working to register voters at naturalization ceremonies. Other agencies ranging from the Departments of Housing and Urban Development to Labor and Agriculture have also been executing plans to register voters who favor Democrats.


In connection with a federal lawsuit challenging the order brought by 27 Pennsylvania state legislators, the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) — which has sued the Biden administration to unearth documents and communications associated with the order — filed an amicus brief asserting that:

all of the federal agencies FGA has identified as taking active steps to carry out EO 14019 have one thing in common: They provide government welfare benefits and other services to groups of voters the vast majority of which have historically voted Democrat.


The House Small Business Committee recently subpoenaed the Small Business Administration (SBA) over its stonewalling regarding an agreement the agency came to with all-important swing state Michigan to “promote civic engagement and voter registration” — including through allowing state officials to engage in in-person voter registration efforts at SBA’s business outreach events.


Consistent with FGA’s brief, Fox News reported that:


An investigation by theHouse Small Business Committee found that 22 out of 25 such outreach events have taken placein counties with the highest population of Democratic National Committee (DNC) target demographics.


Meanwhile, 11 of 15 Michigan counties that showed the largest voter registration increase over the last year have ranked highest in population of young voters and Black voters, according to the committee — two of the left’s most-sought voting blocs.


To the extent the Biden administration is using the full resources of the federal government to turn out Democrat voters under the facially nonpartisan guise of expanding the franchise to allegedly underrepresented groups, this would echo Democrats’ related efforts to use nonprofit organizations to achieve the same.


As I recently reported at

RealClearInvestigations, at least one major Democrat Super PAC has written to donors that:


501(c)(3) voter registration focused on underrepresented groups in the electorate would be the ‘single most effective tactic for ensuring Democratic victories’ – ‘4 to 10 times more cost-effective’ on after-tax basis at ‘garnering additional Democratic votes’ relative to alternatives like ‘broadcast media and digital buys.’

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 9:45 a.m. No.20861180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1186 >>1395 >>1515 >>1583



In recent election cycles,Democrat fat cats and dark-money vehicles have given hundreds of millions of dollarsto left-leaning, state-based voter registration organizations targeting demographics that tend to vote Democrat in pivotal states.These outfits have arguably flouted IRS restrictionson charities engaging in political activity by targeting their “nonpartisan” electioneering activities toward populations likely to vote blue.


As reported, at least two recipients of grants under theEverybody Votes Campaign — the left’s preferred vehicle for driving out voters via 501(c)(3)s— were listed on an email as participants at the July 2021 listening session.


Legal Challenge’s Urgency

With the 2024 election fast approaching and theBiden administration executive order being implemented, Pennsylvania legislators’ challenge to it has taken greater urgency. Several weeks ago a district court judge dismissed the case on standing grounds.On April 23, the legislators filed a petition for writ of certiorari at the Supreme Court, and asked the court to expedite the case.


The legislators believe the executive order violates state laws“prohibiting the influence of outside organizations in election operations” enacted over concerns regarding the influence of “Zuckerbucks” — private financing of public election administration from the Zuckerberg-Chan Foundation — during the 2020 election. In their motion urging the

Supreme Court to swiftly take up the case, the legislators explain that Congress neither authorized the executive action nor appropriated funding for it, and that Pennsylvania law therefore bars such voter registration activities.


When the relevant law was introduced, itssponsor’s memo “explained the need to prevent public officials from partnering with third party non-governmental organizations‘for the registration of voters or the preparation, administration or conducting of an election in this Commonwealth.’”


“Exactly what the legislators sought to preventthrough their law-making authority has now been facilitated by executive action by the President who is also a candidate in the 2024 election and, as such, stands to benefit personally from the executive action,” the legislators wrote.


Time will tell whether the Supreme Court will hear their case, rule that they do in fact have standing, and thereby give them a chance to seek an injunction that would halt the executive order before voting begins. Even then, much damage will have been done.

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 9:49 a.m. No.20861190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1395 >>1515 >>1583

UN suddenly halves estimate for dead children in Gaza. We still don’t believe the numbers.


May 11, 2024 | Flash Brief

UN Halves Its Estimate of Women and Children Killed in Gaza


Latest Developments

The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) revised its child fatality figure from the Gaza war sharply downward, reporting more than 14,500 deaths on May 6 but then 7,797 on May 8. OCHA also revised downward its figure for women fatalities from more than 9,500 deaths to 4,959 deaths. The Jerusalem Post first reported the changes on May 11.


The UN attributed its original, higher figures to the Hamas-controlled Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza, whose figures OCHA has cited continually for the past two months. The UN gave no source for the lower figures in its May 8 update, but the figures precisely match those in a May 2 report from a different Hamas-controlled organization, the Gaza Ministry of Health.


Expert Analysis

“This change may signal that the UN has finally recognized the lack of evidence behind Hamas’s original claims that more than 14,000 children and 9,000 women have been killed in Gaza. If so, the UN should state clearly that it has lost confidence in sources whose credibility it has affirmed for months. While this change may only reflect the conclusion of one UN office out of the many operating in Gaza, it is a clear step forward.” — David Adesnik, FDD Senior Fellow and Director of Research


“For observers following the conflict, it should have been evident, since the war began, that data published by Hamas and its affiliates requires rigorous scrutiny. While the UN’s belated decision to rectify the casualty figures is welcome, it may come too late to undo the harm already caused. The delay has bolstered Hamas’s position and increased its chances of survival in the conflict.” — Joe Truzman, Senior Research Analyst at FDD’s Long War Journal


Gaza Health Ministry Admits Flaws in Casualty Data

In early April, the Gaza Ministry of Health admitted it had “incomplete data” to document more than 10,000 of the deaths it had previously reported. Subsequently, the ministry indicated that it did not have names for more than 10,000 of the individuals it claimed to be deceased. As of April 1, the ministry also stopped repeating the claim it made since the first weeks of the war that 70 percent of the dead were women and children, even suggesting the media invented this number. Meanwhile, the GMO continues to promote the 70 percent figure while revising its own numbers upwards, to remain consistent with that claim.

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 9:58 a.m. No.20861221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1243

Angela Merkel memoirs to be published in November

Freedom: Memories 1954-2021will cover Merkel’s childhood, political rise and 16 years as German chancellor (This woman is sick)

Deborah Cole in Berlin

Mon 13 May 2024 11.19 EDTLast modified on Mon 13 May 2024 12.44 EDT

Angela Merkel will release her long-awaited memoirs in November under the title Freedom: Memories 1954-2021, sketching her journey from life behind the Berlin Wall to the top echelons of power “more intimately than ever before”.


Merkel, whose image in Germany and abroad has been tarnished by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, will turn 70 in July. She notes that her life can be neatly cleaved into experiences in “two German states – 35 years in the German Democratic Republic, 35 years in reunited Germany”, according to the book’s English publisher, Pan Macmillan.


The 700-page tomewas written with Merkel’s longtime political adviser Beate Baumann. It covers Merkel’s childhood in East Germany, improbable political rise after the collapse of the communist regime, and 16 years as chancellor.


Merkel said in a statement from her publishers that the book would ask and answer the question: “What does freedom mean to me?”, which she said “has occupied me my entire life”.


“Freedom, for me, is finding out where my own limits are and pushing myself to those limits,” she said. “Freedom, for me, is to never stop learning, to never stand still, to continue moving forward, even after leaving politics.”


The book promises to offer “recollections and insights from her meetings and conversations with the world’s most powerful people,” often as the only woman in the room, while recounting “significant national, European and international turning points … how the decisions were made that shaped our times”.(Probably a lot of knocks against PDJT)


The memoirs, whosehardback edition is priced at £35 or €42, will go on sale worldwide on 26 November, in time to catch the December holiday wave of book sales. The German audiobook will be read by the acclaimed actor Corinna Harfouch, who also grew up in the communist east.


Since leaving politics two and a half years ago, Merkel’s strong popularity and status as a global icon of liberal values have taken a heavy knock over allegations that she weakened Germany by increasing its dependence on Russia and on China during her long tenure.


Critics say she has failed to reckon with the damaging impact of those policies in the ensuing years despite repeated public appearances to discuss her legacy.


Roderich Kiesewetter, a longtime Merkel ally from her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and a defence affairs expert, accused her of makingfateful mistakes in continuing to pursue the Nord Stream gas pipelineproject with Russia even after its 2014 annexation of Crimea.


“Merkel has her accomplishments but we have got to come to terms with her closeness with Russia,” he said on public television last month.


If the former chancellor’s recent public statements are anything to go by, however,readers should not expect apologies in Freedom.


Merkel has reportedly spent much of her time since handing over the keys to the chancellery to Olaf Scholz in December 2021 holed up with Baumann writing – a task that has provided a useful excuse to skip potentially awkward events such as last week’s congress of her CDU, now run by her frequent nemesis Friedrich Merz.


Merz has since broken with Merkel’s centrist course and steered the party rightward, particularly on migration – an issue on which Merkel, during the 2015-16 refugee influx, won widespread admiration as a compassionate conservative for keeping Germany’s borders open.


Leading CDU officials have accused Merkel of helping to fuel the rise of the far-right AfD partywith her welcoming stance toward migrants – another issue sure to get a thorough airing in her memoir.(the one good thing she did)


Merkel’s disillusionment with her own party can be seen in another item in her diary on the day of her book announcement: on Tuesday evening she will deliver a keynote speech in tribute to Jürgen Trittin, a Green party stalwart and her leftist predecessor as environment minister, as he leaves the political stage after four decades in politics.

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 10:18 a.m. No.20861280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1293 >>1303 >>1305 >>1351

• May 13, 2024

Princeton students end hunger strike due to hunger, 'health concerns' after 10 days

On day 9, there had been 13 students hunger striking, but they swapped out on day 10 for 7 alternates.


On day 10 of their hunger strike, Princeton students decided to give up their protest and grab a bite to eat. In an Instagram post, the 13 students who had been camped out on the New Jersey campus for 10 days, undertaking a hunger strike for Gaza, gave the update that "the first hunger strike wave ended." On day 9, there had been 13 students hunger striking, but they swapped out on day 10 for 7 alternates.


"Princeton Gaza Solidarity Encampment Update: Due to health concerns of the 13 strikers who fasted for 9 days," they wrote, "the first hunger strike wave ended, and the second wave has begun.In the tradition of rotary hunger strikes,(KEK) Seven new strikers are indefinitely fasting for a free Palestine."

(There is no "tradition of rotary hunger strikes", they just made that up)

However, there is good reason to believe that in this case, indefinitely means 10 days. The graphic they shared reads "we will not rest until divest," referring to one of their demands, which is for Princeton to divest investment and cultural ties with Israel.


During their 10-day hunger strike, other groups had come and gone to give their support via solidarity fasts.Over the past weekend, a group of professors joined the Gaza campers for a 24-hour fast. They went to the Gaza camp to give their support in the form of video testimony backing the students. In so doing, they said the students were only doing what they had been taught to do, namely, by these educators.


One associate professor said, "the students have simply done what they were told to do," while a professor in the English department said, "Our students are putting their bodies on the line to try to affect change, and teaching them how to affect change is what we do as educators."


Five days into their strike, the students were complaining of hunger and claimed to be "all immunocompromised."


"We are both cold and hot at the same time," a student complained, "we are all immunocompromised. And based off the university's meeting yesterday with some of our bargaining team, they would love to continue physically weakening us because they can't stand to say no to unjust murder." They complained further that the school wasn't doing enough to make sure they were healthy during their self-imposed fast.


Among theirdemands were "complete amnesty from all criminal and disciplinary charges" for hunger-striking students. Theirinitial demands wereto "Meet with students to discuss their demands for disclosure, divestment and a full academic and cultural boycott of Israel; grant complete amnesty from all criminal and disciplinary charges for the participants of the peaceful protest. Reverse all campus bans and evictions of students."


"The University and the world must recognize that we refuse to be complicit in genocide, and will take every necessary action to change this reality, our hunger strike, though small in comparison to the enduring suffering of the Palestinian people, symbolizes our unwavering commitment to justice and solidarity."


The administration of the school appears to have waited them out, and it is unclear what new leverage the smaller group of hunger strikers will have to change the investment strategy of the Ivy League school.

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 10:33 a.m. No.20861314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1321 >>1395 >>1515 >>1583

William Upton Lawfare (Cohen should be scared. I bet even his Mafia friends are ashamed of him)


Michael Cohen’s ‘Perverse’ History Of ‘Serial Perjury.’

Disgraced lawyer Michael Cohen, who takes the stand today in former President Donald J. Trump‘s Manhattan-based hush money trial, is not the ideal witness for District Attorney Alvin Bragg‘s prosecutors. Cohen has a sordid legal history and served a prison stint for fraud, tax evasion, and lying to Congress.



In late 2018, following what appears to have been a nearly year-long investigation into tax evasion campaign finance fraud allegations, Cohen surrendered himself to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).He pleaded guilty to eight federal charges, including tax evasion, making false statements to a financial institution, violating the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1971, and making an excessive contribution on behalf of a candidate. The last charge stems from the alleged $130,000 hush money payment to Stormy Daniels.


After his conviction, Cohen began speaking to the press through his attorney, Lanny Davis, a long-time Clinton confidant. This, arguably, marked the start of the events that would culminate in the ongoing hush money trial brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. In what appeared to be a ploy to avoid any serious jail time, Cohen sat for over 50 hours of interviews with the Mueller Investigation — with little coming of his testimony. In December 2018, a federal judge sentenced Cohen to three years in prison. The disgraced lawyer was also hit with a $50,000 fine, ordered to pay $1.4 million in restitution, and made to forfeit an additional $500,000.



At the same time, in November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress. The disgraced lawyer admitted he misled the Senate and House Intelligence Committee during his 2017 testimony. Cohen was ordered to serve a two-month prison sentence. In 2019, Cohen was disbarred as an attorney in the State of New York.


In March of this year, Cohen asked a federal judge to lift the conditions of his early release from prison, citing his ongoing testimony against former President Trump.The judge denied the request by Cohen, calling it the ethics of reasoning “perverse.” In addition, the judge noted that Cohen was a serial perjurer.


(pic: Cohen on Tik Tok making money with Trump in jail)

Anonymous ID: 68dae9 May 13, 2024, 11:04 a.m. No.20861408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1418 >>1469 >>1515 >>1583

PSYWAR: U.S. Army Drops Fiery Recruitment Ad Featuring Baphomet Statue and ‘Invisible Hands.’


The U.S. Army has released a recruitmentvideo for PSYOP Soldiers titled “GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE 2,” attempting to lure new members with dark imagery and a suggestion that “invisible hands” move every choice people make.


“The most powerful weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed,” the video declares. “Behind every idea, a belief; behind every choice, invisible hands; behind every emotion, fire,” it continues.


The video contains disturbing imagery, including a human-like mannequin burning, a silhouette of a Baphomet-like figure with the head of an animal surrounded by flames, and a ticking watch with ‘PSYWAR’ written on its face.


Eventually, the video links to the U.S. Army Special Operations Recruiting website, with the page for Psychological Operations front and center.


“Someone who watches it and thinks, wow, that was effective, how was it constructed — that’s the kind of creative mindset we’re looking for,” said the 8th Psychological Operations Group major who created the video.


“We’re all nerds,“ he said of PSYOP Soldiers. Recruits are “writers, they’re great thinkers. They’re idea people,” he added.


While it is technically unlawful for PSYOP Soldiers to use psychological warfare against the American public directly, the Army website notes they can, “whencalled upon by the President, provide civil authority information support.”


Presently, the government uses its resources to influence or “correct” public opinion, sometimes through third parties. A U.S. government private-public partnership organization called the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) tracks Americans with certain political beliefs. During the coronavirus pandemic, the government pressured social media firms to censor Americans and alter the public discourse around the virus and vaccinations.