Anonymous ID: 733efa May 13, 2024, 4:54 p.m. No.20862825   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Learning that my '"mother's" and even her remarry were freemasons,

The county courthouse is full of Freemasons,

Some people who call themselves employers have been and hires fellow Freemasons

This anon still is punctual to work for the wage that lets us buy junk food and worry about next months rent.


All public facing of course, there is humility in that, all this captured on the internet, all the emails, the texts, the location data, the phone calls. Full Armor every single day, waiting for the schemes of the 'devil', gangstalkers, freemason while waiting for someone who claims to be funded by tax dollars to do anything about a freemason cia grooming ring involved in so much.


This anon tries to go low key then some clown is convinced to try and push my buttons. Just more mockery right, the people who betray species, race, nation, and anything good and beneficial to society in the name of greed and continued control over the law enforcement apparatus that also worries about next months rent
