Anonymous ID: 9faf5b May 13, 2024, 6:18 p.m. No.20863136   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a clever rabbit named Thumper, a gentle cow named Daisy, and a mighty panda bear named Kung Fu.

One sunny day, Thumper stumbled upon a patch of succulent carrots hidden in the forest. Delighted by his find, he invited Daisy and Kung Fu to share in his discovery. The three friends agreed to divide the carrots equally among themselves.

However, as they began to feast, Kung Fu, with his massive strength, started devouring the carrots at an alarming rate, leaving little for Thumper and Daisy. Thumper, feeling indignant, confronted Kung Fu, arguing that they had agreed to share the carrots equally.

Kung Fu, towering over Thumper and Daisy, scoffed at their protests. "In this forest, might makes right," he declared. "I am the strongest, so I shall eat as much as I desire."

Feeling helpless against Kung Fu's power, Thumper and Daisy reluctantly accepted their fate and watched as Kung Fu consumed the carrots.

Days passed, and Kung Fu's arrogance grew. He began to bully other animals in the forest, demanding their food and resources. Thumper and Daisy, witnessing the injustice, knew they had to act.

One moonlit night, Thumper devised a plan. He approached Kung Fu with an offer to challenge him in a contest of wits and agility. Intrigued by the prospect of a challenge, Kung Fu agreed.

The next morning, the forest gathered to witness the contest. Thumper led Kung Fu on a daring chase through the dense underbrush, utilizing his speed and cunning to outmaneuver the lumbering panda bear. In the end, Thumper emerged victorious, proving that brains could triumph over brawn.

As Kung Fu nursed his wounded pride, Thumper addressed the assembled animals. "In this forest, it is not might that makes right, but wisdom and fairness," he proclaimed.