fuck you won't do what ya' tell me
you ain't black.yet
think the cabin staff/crew took a selfie while Nathan was cruising white chicks
public awareness forces hand. last image needs the salad cat.
double dare them to call it. "if it don't crack"
it's weird at work irl. everybody knows the people buying houses are buying in bulk. 20 pairs of adult shoes per pack & stack. its fucked. two brand new nice cars in the tiny driveway & 5 moar on the street. the homes are 800,000+. 10% down. the occupants do not speak English. the builders city product by 60%. if the city allocated 100 lots there are zero rules. ccp chink can buy 50 and rent it to tim Hortons employees.
fore the love of God fucking do something for fuck sake. amen tabarnac
always use a tri-pod this free hand shit is scattered pixels wobble dee gook
planefags always around
do da da di doo doo 11 TWELVE
how many fucks can a woodchuck fuck
red_beaver_fucking_mound underscore
escaped a somali pirate in an elevator during the trucker protest canuckistan . fuck there was alot of running involved after the escalator out of the crack den. long story. kek
irl or on the strangest corner of the interwebs. this place is fucking a prayer answered.
half tard jail. smoke show. its muskeg on fire. underground.
fucking wanker
fucking dreams are 3d
gonna do a date Nov 5 KEK
300 fucking voted for Trump tattoo dates. not a tattoo artist. just most than 6 ghorillion
300 fucking voted for Trump tattoo dates. not a tattoo artist. just most than 6 ghorillion
excuse the post count
the best cops inform the chief of bacon town. the feds are to afraid to go back downtown. the mayor knows.
homeless shelters are overwhelmed & people are bent in half . nothing is normal.
lurking around dark in the dark
fuck no wont do what ya' told me.
this timelines