Anonymous ID: 6f5435 May 15, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.20870979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i laughed, i cried, i rolled on the floor kekkin muh arse off…


Who has the joe biden "i did that" meme?


it applies here… the nordstream pipelines sabotage and the Slovak prime minister assassination attempt!


in the words of Sun Tzu… HoRe Fuk O'Biden is an idiot

in the immortal words of Pepocrates … FAGGOT Move Mr So Called Ruler of the USA!


PANIC in DC baby

Anonymous ID: 6f5435 May 15, 2024, 2:37 p.m. No.20871009   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Might be Fake News

the real president (Pepe Trumpo) should send a cardboard cut out to the debate, maybe throw a voice box pullstring that says…"Crooked Joe did this"

Anonymous ID: 6f5435 May 15, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.20871156   🗄️.is 🔗kun


odd how people glow after the vaxx.


odd how people can attach a magnet to their bodies after the vaxx.


odd how the new installed MAC adresses come from you after the vaxx.


odd how the vaxx targets reproductive organs in male and female victims


add how all the turbo cancers popped up after the vaxx.



just what is your point?

that is safe and effective? as it kills off the population?


your DNA has been forever corrupted if you took the gene therapy. infact there is legal precedent on ths evil… you now belong to pig pharma as chatel


really odd eh

btw i'll let you dig on this shie, i'll wait right here!



pic may or may not rel

Anonymous ID: 6f5435 May 15, 2024, 3:14 p.m. No.20871189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"Cut" to Resident giving a pre-recorded answer that the viewers at home see.


you just know o'biden's adrian dittman clone will be there giving answers!

Anonymous ID: 6f5435 May 15, 2024, 4:06 p.m. No.20871452   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>will happen before the WHO pandemic treaty is confirmed


so who is it?


one thing is certain, it will be heavily AI based like the elon musk clone known as adrian dittman


just this… the evil that is known as islam will have to accept it and that is no easy task for these wicked people. so buckle up buttercup it's time to shitpost and delay the NWO till post rapture or second coming of Jesus Christ


still not obvious yet:

the false profit - fauci

the antichrist - pope

the beast - elon?

the dragon - china

the two witnesses - jones & trump

don't get me wrong, papi trumpo figures in here too. just where at this time i know not, but he is our guy at this time! trump will lead the revolution to clobber that beast head and delay the enemy for a few seasons. ncswic and the bible is your guide to this sitcom


i'll leave you with this… a jewish aquaintance of mine told me the hebrew calander year is not 5774 but rather closer to 5984. that was ten years ago ish! a day with the Lord is as a thousand, and on the seventh day God rested…


btw that same jewish aquaintance asked me one final question before we parted, a very strange question. do you have any hair(s) on your nose? why you ask? cuz according to him, i am the only guy who has ever claimed a miracle from the Lord and actively demonstrated it. now scripturally that could signify a mark from the Lord as his servant? i do not know but this i do know… biblically, israel gets judged last. it's called the great white throne judgement and it is final!