Don't be shy to repost like once per bread so maybe another baker will pick it up (don't spam it many times per bread though).
Also the chat bots and shills aren't here right now.
To ignore potent news just because it is or because you think it's a newsbot is a stupid strategy. If the news is good then the news is good. Should mix opines in when possible though, yea but the narrative has to be somewhat linear too.
Healthy relationship with his daughter. You should be pointing out what Joe Biden does to his daughters and strangers.
So you're shitting on anons that post quality & quantity? Point out the notables that you think aren't worthy.
What does Test mean again?
Wow so kissing or hugging your daughter(s) is illegal now.
Never Bake here, and if you do, please stop.
Nvm the shills are still here.
I have a high rate of notable acquirement. Best tips:
-KISS (keep it simple stupid)
-Good formatting
-Good pics
-Keep vids in 3-15 min range
>Never got my patch tho totally got diss'd there
>No need to fret about the Baking part I'm good
That's how Trump was trying to fit in with Pedowood by saying mild things like that.
They should just said sexual harassment instead of toxic.