Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:13 p.m. No.20870915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0931 >>0948


Knotty_Llama ☸︎


"Once Upon the Metaverse" Parts I and II aka "The WuTang Thesis"


Part I


Part II


7:03 AM · May 4, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:14 p.m. No.20870920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0931 >>0948


Ross Brown


I think I figured something out. It's a little complicated legally, but it's clever as fuck if I'm right.


First, I presume everyone is on the same page that this guy standing backwards is RC in the same black hoodie from the Gamestop store pictures:




And now the @PleasrDAO

is edging everyone hard with posts about the album (which I am dying to hear) but the legal agreement says they can't sell or commercialize the album for 88 more years.


Fuck me, I'm 56. Not gonna hear it, right?


Let's look at the agreement, because the language matters:


"Only one single copy of Once Upon A Time In Shaolin was ever to be made. This has been the case since the very first announcement. A commercial release was never planned. The right to commercialize it, meaning the right to sell it en mass to the public in any form is not allowed until 88 years from now. If the public rights were handed over now, then this would be a record deal like any other. Not the sale of a single copy. It can be exhibited publically and it can be given away for free. But it cannot be commercialized as a conventional album release until 2103. Even then, it will be the owner's decision to release it or keep it as a single unit, not the Wu-Tang."


Here is the magic phrase: "It can be exhibited publically and it can be given away for free"


Want to know how to create a business virus that destroys all shorts and even blows up the mechanics of shorting at the core principle of fungible securities?


A free NFT of the album to shareholders, distributed to shareholders in a digital wallet with a smart contract on it.


So what, we knew that, that's been around for some time. What's new?


The free bit combined with "it can't be sold", It's an NFT you cannot buy, it can only be attached to the stock share and transmitted as a free asset with the paid asset.


You can't buy them and attach them to fake shares. They are tied to real shares only. And there are limited number of them.


I expect it comes with a contract model that validates the share transfer at a digital registrar, which implies the entire asset is digital and non-fungible.


#DividendViralPayload #NonRehypotheticable

12:24 PM · May 14, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:18 p.m. No.20870939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1298




I tested the new gpt4-o by asking questions using the almost extinct manchurian language and it wasn't able to understand me.

Not sure if my pronunciation is off or gpt4-o just struggles with manchurian.

Gpt4-o has a good standard mandarin accent, but does not switch to regional chinese accents very well.

I was not able to get it to speak the southern vietnamese accent, but it can do the northern one decently.

In Mandarin chinese I was able to get gpt4-o to use Chinese to tutor me in strong monoidal functor application and linear algebra with generally good results.

Definitely a cool tool for learning, but it struggles in certain areas still.

Might use it to brush up on my spanish next.

8:01 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:22 p.m. No.20870953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0968 >>1186 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484




Congress is pushing a bill that would cutoff the entire DoD & State Dept if Biden puts a limit on additional arms transfers to Israel.


Congress is willing to cutoff funding our military, including paying our troops, just to ensure Israel gets all the bombs it wants.


8:01 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.20870966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1186 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484




80 officials overseeing elections in swing states believe the 2020 election was rigged.


Nevada Dem Sec. of State gripes about voter fraud investigations, "They can completely shut down the election at the state, for the state and for the nation."


CBS Evening News

7:51 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:27 p.m. No.20870970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1017 >>1186 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple

Journal Closures


Wall Street Journal, by Nidhi Subbaraman



Posted By: DVC, 5/15/2024 5:17:34 PM


Fake studies have flooded the publishers of top scientific journals, leading to thousands of retractions and millions of dollars in lost revenue. The biggest hit has come to Wiley, a 217-year-old publisher based in Hoboken, N.J., which Tuesday will announce that it is closing 19 journals, some of which were infected by large-scale research fraud. In the past two years, Wiley has retracted more than 11,300 papers that appeared compromised, according to a spokesperson, and closed four journals. It isn’t alone: At least two other publishers have retracted hundreds of suspect papers each. Several others have pulled smaller clusters of bad papers.

Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:36 p.m. No.20871007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1186 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


Here are all the restrictions Biden's

team demanded in their Trump debate offer


Fox News, by Anders Hagstrom



Posted By: JunkYardDog, 5/15/2024 3:54:13 PM


President Biden and former President Donald Trump on Wednesday made their plans to officially debate, but the offer from the Biden team came with several strings attached. Trump gave Biden an open invitation to debate anytime, anywhere, and Biden rose to the challenge, telling Trump to "make my day" in a heavily edited video on social media. Alongside Biden's announcement came a letter from his campaign to the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), and that letter revealed a few critical limits that Biden's team was placing on any debate between him and Trump.

Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:38 p.m. No.20871014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1020 >>1026 >>1186 >>1252 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


johnny maga


Harriet Hageman just called out Rep. Dan Goldman for preparing Michael Cohen in the Trump hush money trial, despite paying Judge Merchan’s daughter’s firm over $150,000


“I think we’ve got quite a conflict of interest from Mr. Dan Goldman”


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸

7:21 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:39 p.m. No.20871019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1186 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


Wall Street Apes


Whistleblower Says Democrat Politician Ran A Dark Website For Pedophiles


If you want to know how truly evil the people we’re dealing with are, you need to hear this:


This is from Nathan Larson, Democrat politician, ran for Congress, multiple times. Ran a website for pedos to discuss their dark intentions and fantasies. Here's the quote.


“It's not enough to fck kids and take their innocence. You also need to reproduce the next generation with them. Let them see that you prefer to fck the offspring you have with them, than to have s*x with a woman who is no longer jailbait.”


There is more to the quote mentioned in this video but honestly it just gets so much more dark and disgusting I won’t transcribe it. You can watch the clip and hear it.


The whistleblower provided the evidence to Major News Media, no one would run the story. He says they were all aware of it including enforcement agencies but no one would do anything about it


Democrats Nathan Larson is an admitted pedophilia advocate who also was on trial for allegedly grooming and kidnapping a 12-year-old girl

6:35 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:41 p.m. No.20871023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1028 >>1186 >>1266 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


Peru’s Government Officially Classifies

Trans, Nonbinary, and Intersex as ‘Mentally

Ill’ People


Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hᴏft



Posted By: rememberwhen, 5/15/2024 3:41:18 PM


The Peruvian government has taken a firm stand on the issue of gender identity. A new decree, signed by President Dina Boluarte, has officially classified transsexualism, nonbinary, and intersex conditions as “mental illnesses.” Supreme Decree No. 009-2024-SA specifies “transsexualism” and “gender identity disorder in children” as mental health conditions, The Telegraph reported. It further includes “dual-role transvestism, fetishist transvestism, egodystonic sexual orientation, and other gender identity disorders” in the same category. This groundbreaking decision by the Peruvian health ministry is seen by many as a bold affirmation of biological truths and a commitment to providing appropriate mental health care.

Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:42 p.m. No.20871028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1110 >>1186 >>1198 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484



Libs of TikTok


Remember when Dylan Mulvaney fled the US to Peru to “feel safe”?


Well now Peru just passed a bill classifying trans people as “mentally ill.”


Dylan Mulvaney would be officially considered mentally ill in Peru.


What do you think of this new policy?

Rate proposed Community Notes

5:03 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:43 p.m. No.20871034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


MUST SEE VIDEO: “I 100% Believe” He Will Stand With The Establishment – RINO NV Senate Candidate Sam Brown’s Campaign Staffers Expose His Anti-Trump Agenda on Undercover Recording (EXCLUSIVE) via @gatewaypundit


6:44 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:44 p.m. No.20871039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1077 >>1116 >>1186 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


Jake Sherman




Very, very overwhelming vote: 387-26.


DCA gets its new slots above objections from DC-area delegation.

7:19 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:45 p.m. No.20871047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1185


Israel and Ukraine: Both Essential to

America’s Interests


American Thinker, by Ajay Bruno



Posted By: DVC, 5/15/2024 3:21:33 PM


As both a proud Reagan conservative and as an American patriot, I am deeply troubled by our nation slipping from its responsibilities as the leader of the free world. Russia and Hamas both represent terrorist entities. Disengaging from the world stage and thinking it’s “none of our business” is a position that a man lionized by every conservative American like President Ronald Reagan would never embrace. Russia’s horrific crimes against the Ukrainian people are inexcusable and unjustified. I am both embarrassed by the Biden administration’s slow and weak response, and by the so-called Republicans who embrace the same foreign policy views that radical leftist

Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:46 p.m. No.20871059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1088 >>1276 >>1387


Nick shirley


Migrant in NYC is deporting herself back to Ecuador after realizing NYC and the USA is not what it seemed like on TikTok. She says there are others like her that are going back as well… could we be seeing a shift in migrants deciding to return to their countries?

6:48 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:47 p.m. No.20871065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1280


Libs of TikTok


Looks like @Snapchat

joins the growing list of woke AI programs.


They allow you to ask about black-owned businesses but if you ask about white-owned businesses, suddenly it doesn't give you results while claiming that they support all local businesses regardless of ownership 🤔


7:10 AM · May 15, 2024




Anonymous ID: d8d64f May 15, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.20871073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1104 >>1186 >>1293 >>1390 >>1440 >>1484


The Gateway Pundit


BREAKING UPDATE: Leftist Writer Juraj Cintula Arrested Following Attempted Assassination of Populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico – Shot Him 5 Times! – VIDEO OF SHOOTING via @gatewaypundit


6:29 AM · May 15, 2024


