Why do you think that this has anything to do with God or its blessings or curses?If it curses why is it god or is all judgement just because what you deem god says it is.
what god are you specifically talking about. I understand you will say its the creator and that it is all god but specifically what cannon are you basing your definition of god on? Because just saying god this and god that makes you look like a fucking idiot.
which god and what religious doctrine are you saying this god comes from?
and you know that because why? Were you told that or is it just something you believe?
I can not agree or disagree when I do not even understand this concept of God that you speak of to determine if there is a blessing or not? Depends what god it is.
and your crying is old. Maybe get a fucking back bone you fucking faggot,
and may your family be set on fire. You are fucking garbage and your beliefs are cancer so I pray your family burns and dies and you have nothing but their screams to keep you fucking warm at night.
or maybe you should fucking kill yourself and die like the fucking coward you are
awww look what happens when a fucking bible fag is challenged. Bible fags are a cancer on this world and I really hope that everyone you love suffers in pain and trauma as they die.
come on you fucking bible faggots tell me which god and why it is better or more accurate than other peoples beliefs. COME ON YOU STUPID GOD DAMN FUCKING CUNTS
meh, tell me what is not miserable at this point in time in a universe of lies and deception where people are told to trust in eternity because of an ancient mistranslated story but because of that society thinks its a good basis of running the world. Kek.
but does that make the story correct that people follow, or is it just different values that were created over the centuries. Why segregate the beliefs when you mention India it has direct ties to the abrahamic stories.
but only that christian white one.
Christianity is not the answer when it is clouded in lies perpetrated by the deep state. Tell me what part of Christianity has remained untarnished and not manipulated by the governments over the centuries. So society is only good for you if people believe with you. What do you do with those who don't agree with you?
it depends on who the person claiming Jesus views who Jesus father is if he comes in fear or love. But that is part of the problem that people can not easily answer that question.
I have it is half truths that people take as unadulterated and the people who say crap like you are the theological mental midgets that project their cognitive dissonance on others when they are confronted with people who do not ascribe to their belief structure. Reading the bible does nothing except if read properly create questions that people are not prepared to answer or research for themselves.
So it is better to be the blood thirsty type that proliferates more christian institutions. There is also the idea that Buddhism influenced christianity and that is why the islamic and tibetian cultures hold jesus in high esteem.
how do people get brought to christ if they are required to read a book of half truths and edits and the institutions that people go to for education and learning are flawed and either they do not know or they willfully lead people away from truth. So bringing people to Christ is not the answer well not the full one.
and when your father tells you to kill your own child or better yet kill your neighbors that women and children you had better listen or else. Come on now. The question is the same that Jesus posed who is the Father? Is it the father of creation of the father of the religious that have existed through the ages. Is it the God of Noah? Why just because it says so?
fine you have one verse, now rationalize all the crap built up around it that has been edited and manipulated and interpreted poorly.
you have no proof of that.
Well fuck you and all your kind unless you come to your senses unless you have really big tits and that is a definite possibility
So if it is the God of Noah and the God of Abraham and the God that told the Hebrews to kill babies. Jesus dad is a great guy.
one post but I am bored. If there is only one God as you state is everyone wrong except christians, because every other group thinks the same damn thing about christians.
I have it is why I am asking what I am. So if there is only one god then what is each religious group kneeling for because each group views source or god differently and then act out in ways according to this belief.
go fuck yourself with that shitty attitude anon.
and to quote that creepy mystic guy. The people are retarded. It is not personal when they act out on their interpretations. Religion is cancer and it is what divides. But when people consider only their side correct then there can be no reconciliation between groups.
and maybe you are destined to be a fucking brain dead sheep kneeling for false teachings.
I can agree on that the problem is when you have multiple groups of people who are all in power in various ways telling people what to think and believe. The problem with breaking religious conditioning is in some ways similar to breaking peoples trust in the government the problem is that people find their religious and beliefs unquestionable and in truth. Does not matter if they are muslim jewish or christian. They all think they are right. They have to other wise is to create doubt and question the narrative.
its slow im bored call it what you want, might as well bitch about this what else unfair judicial practices, corruption in government cry about that for a while, nothing gets resolved till it gets resolved. Might as well shit post and fuck around.
they think the same thing about you. There is a better way but people don't want that.
the only bitch is your fucking father as he watches your mother get railed by niggers.
don't have to IP hop.
did not admit to anything your need to project tells much.
why would I have to play your game you fucking god damn niggerfaggot.
and you seem like a faggot posting a fucking lame meme
why would I do that when I am having so much fun.
I consider all groups to be dangerous till they are not all their beliefs justify the barbaric behavior.
because they each visualize that god differently even though the stories are all telling something similar. They have enough Truth to keep people interested and faithful but enough lies to utilize the control and and brainwashing to promise people things like salvation. Every human on this planet has been a victim in one way or another to this lie. Only when humanity decides to toss aside this bullshit and try to realize what binds us all together and what we are really facing can this control be overcome. But it can not as long as each side thinks it is absolutely right.
the old testament did also. It is all based on lies.
not an atheist and not an agnostic, More of a deist or at least the idea that there is a creator but what people worship as the creator based on the stories that are passed down have been manipulated to have people kneel for powers they do not understand. The problem is the word God itself and the multiple interpretations of it
wrong. Try again. I question your very definition of what god is or is not. It is not what it can or can not do that is at question it is who or what each group considers it and what ancient cultures considered it.
so jews muslims and christians are not worshiping the creator because it is called Yahweh?
going after Flotus is petty and tacky not shocking if it comes from clowns.
and what word is that? Jesus ? So again only christians are correct and the only way is through christ because reasons?
but they are worshiping the created. This is the problem of trying to condense a polytheistic belief into a monotheistic one. And there is a better word for it. Its when there are many gods but people are just chosing a particular one. This is why the Yahweh cults and all that spawned from it are a problem. They are not of the creator but the created. The created God not the Creator God.
they are that is the funny bit about it. Everyone is wrong. There may be only one created but what people are worshiping is the created god. That is the tragedy of it all. People want to know truth but are only given lies.
why do you assume I am lost. Because I reject your lie.
The problem is that when people can only discover truth for themselves and other people can not see it or claim what they see as true you get into problems. Unless you are willing to lose what you hold as true, you are never going to find truth. Gotta be willing to lose it to get it.
who declares what is true. The individual? Is it the observer of the truth? How does one realize what they are seeing is true? just a feeling, that is not a good way of dealing with things.
you told me shit nigga.
which would include all the brainwashed religious fucks.
delusional. you really need help.
yes but that example does not make the bible true or anything in it or any other belief any more or less true based upon its existence either. Just because words are printed does not make it true.
oh I do I dont think you have a clue about what I am talking about.