When NATO "Officially" goes into Ukraine
It will be the -End- of them
Germany, Poland & France are NATO
When NATO "Officially" goes into Ukraine
It will be the -End- of them
Germany, Poland & France are NATO
Deep State Admits There is a Deep State & Says we're "Patriots"
It'll pop off in June
They always start their summer Psyop in before school lets out
MSM Purposefully Ignores The Spinners, Plankers & Excess Deaths
So they could use them to prop up their Numbers for the Next Psyop
"Disease X causing Sudden Death"
"Disease X causing people to Spin and Die"
"Disease X Causing people to go Stiff and spasm to Death"
There is a Returning Happening
Return to God
Return to High Morales
Return to Strong Indignation of Wrong Doing
It only work if the people Participate
Covid is a Bioweapon
There is a Deep State
There is a Pedophile Cult
There will be Death
& Those that took the vaxx will put it together
What a terrible Position to be in
Rough way of Waking up
Be kind
Only 3% of the Pop are "Fully Vaxxed"
2.5 Billion didn't' take the Vax
97% of 5.5 aren't taking any more vaxes
5% would be a very conservative number
I Suspect Ivermectin will be a Key Defense in the Coming Plandemic
I don't think we were supposed to know about it
There'll be no Warming the Public up this time around
Straight to Lock downs, Mandates & Vax Passport to buy or sell
The Camps they built will be used to punish those that don't "comply"
they don't have enough camps for all of us
The camp only have enough space for making examples
Mass Covid Camp Break-outs will take place
Make Asylums Great Again
Yeah we're gonna do all this and more
-Drill Baby Drill
-Indemnify the Police Nation Wide
-End Russia Ukraine war
-stop Marxist prosecutors
-overhaul DOJ
-Investigate DA's
-Terminate Open Borders
-Domestic Deportation operation
-invoke Alien Enemies Act
-End Automatic Citizenship for Illegal Aliens
-Tax Cuts, Energy Cuts
-Cut Federal funding for CRT, ABC Schools
-Kick Men out of Women's Sports
-Prohibit Child Sexual Mutilation in all 50 States
-End Funding for Vax or Mask Mandated Schools
-Special Presidential Commission Investigation in all the Medical Problems
-Uphold & Protect the 2nd amendment
-Defend Innocent Life
-Bring Back Free Speech
-Death Sentence for Drug Dealers
-Death Sentence for Pedophiles
-Death Sentence for Cop Killers
-Task force to Fight Anti-Christian Bias
-cut off funding for the United Nations organizations that are funneling billions of tax payer dollars to Hamas