Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:09 p.m. No.20918593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823 >>8933 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

Chinese Nationals Breached US Military Bases and Sensitive US Sites Over 100 Times in Recent Years


The FBI and Department of Defense have documented over 100 incidents of Chinese nationals posing as tourists to gain unauthorized access to U.S. military bases and other federal sites.


Labeled as “gate crashers” by U.S. officials, these individuals have employed various methods, from crossing into restricted missile ranges to swimming near key rocket launch sites, according to information obtained by The Wall Street Journal.


“In coordination with our defense and intelligence community partners, the FBI is committed to protecting our national security,” an FBI spokesperson said regarding the report of Chinese nationals trespassing on U.S. government property.


Recent attempts include a group of purported tourists trying to force their way into Fort Wainwright, Alaska.


According to The Wall Street Journal, the Department of Defense conducts more than 10,000 ‘controlled turnarounds’ each day to ensure unauthorized individuals are prevented from entering any of its 1,400 gates.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.20918605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8628

Helicopter with ex-Soviet state’s leader makes emergency landing


Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s aircraft had to make an

unexpected stop due to inclement weather


Media reports suggest that the helicopter landed at a local stadium in Vanadzor, which is located some 70km from Armenia’s border with neighboring Georgia.


Explaining the reason for the incident, Pashinyan said that “bad weather conditions” were to blame, while providing assurances that “everything is fine” and that he and his entourage “will continue the trip by car.”


Local media reported that the Armenian leader was heading to the city of Tashir, not far from the Georgian border. Conflicting reports, however, suggested that he was on his way to the village of Baganis on the border with Azerbaijan.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:13 p.m. No.20918610   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US strike on Russian targets would be ‘start of world war’ – Medvedev


The former president’s warning comes after Poland said Washington would hit Russian targets if Moscow were to use nukes in Ukraine


In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday, Medvedev suggested that Sikorski “apparently, has decided to scare his masters.” He noted that Washington, unlike Warsaw, has so far refrained from making any such threats publicly “because they are more cautious” than the Poles.


“Americans hitting our targets means starting a world war, and a Foreign Minister, even of a country like Poland, should understand that,” Medvedev added.


On Saturday, in an interview with the Guardian newspaper, Sikorski expressed skepticism regarding a hypothetical Russian nuclear strike in Ukraine.


“The Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn’t kill anybody, we will hit all your targets [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we’ll destroy all of them,” he claimed, describing the presumed warning as a “credible threat.” The Polish diplomat alleged that China and India have also warned Russia against a nuclear escalation.


The minister also suggested that Ukraine’s Western backers should allow Kiev to use their weapons to strike military targets on Russian territory as “apart from not using nuclear weapons, [Moscow] does not limit itself much.”


According to Sikorski, the EU should not be afraid to escalate the situation, and should not impose limits on itself regarding the Ukraine conflict, so that Moscow is left guessing what the next step will be.


While the US and its allies have on several occasions accused Moscow of nuclear saber-rattling, President Vladimir Putin insisted in March that at no point during the Ukraine conflict has Russia considered using such weapons. Around the same time, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stressed that Russia’s nuclear doctrine envisages the use of weapons of mass destruction only “if something threatens the existence of our country,” echoing a previous statement by the head of state. The official also described the deterrent as a “farewell weapon.”

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.20918621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8626 >>8631 >>8635

Lady Gaga Brags About Performing At 5 Concerts While Sick With COVID After Warning ‘Masks Are A Sign Of Respect’: ‘I Shared It With Everyone On My Team’


Singer Lady Gaga urged the peasants to “wear a mask” as a “sign of respect” as governments around the world exploited the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic to install tyranny.


Now the pop icon is gloating and laughing about how she performed five concerts while she was sick with Covid, wore no mask and “shared it with everyone on her team.”


Her fans gave her a round of applause when she admitted to exposing them all to the virus.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:19 p.m. No.20918633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8640

Massachusetts Trans “Woman” Goes on Stabbing Rampage at Massachusetts Movie Theater – Stabs 4 Girls Ages 9 to 17 without Warning


A trans man is in custody after allegedly stabbing four youg girls at a movie theater in Braintree, Massachusetts on Saturday night.


ABC News reported:


At 6 p.m. Saturday evening, a man entered the AMC Braintree 10 and entered one of the theaters, authorities said.


Once inside the theater, the suspect stabbed four females between the ages of 9 and 17-years-old, police said, adding that the attack appeared to be unprovoked and without warning. The four girls sustained non-life-threatening injuries and were transported to Boston hospitals for treatment, poilce said.


The suspect allegedly left the scene in a black SUV, police said. Using video footage in their investigation, police were able to identify a license plate and alert other law enforcement agencies.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.20918645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823 >>8933 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

Sinaloa's Top Assassin Extradited To US For Flooding Nation With Fentanyl


The US Justice Department announced on Saturday the extradition of a top assassin for the Sinaloa drug cartel to the US who was recently arrested by Mexican authorities. The cartel has been responsible for flooding America with fentanyl via the Biden administration's open southern borders, sparking the worst overdose drug crisis this nation has ever seen.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.20918657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823 >>8933 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

NATO Country Says Goal Should Be Breakup Of The Russian Federation


Last week, Russian media took note of the latest provocative statements by Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. She has led Russia's tiny Baltic neighbor into a firm hawkish anti-Moscow position. The country was part of the wave of eastern European nations to join NATO in the mid-2000s during the Bush era.


She's calling for the breakup of the Russian Federation. Kallas proposed during a debate in the country's capital of Tallinn last week that Russia could become much "smaller" as a desired outcome of the Ukraine war.


"Russia’s defeat is not a bad thing because then you know there could really be a change in society," the prime minister told the 17th Lennart Meri Conference, as translated in Russia's RT.


She said that currently the Russian Federation can actually be seen as making up "many different nations" and that they could be naturally broken into separate states.


"I think if you would have more like small nations… it is not a bad thing if the big power is actually [made] much smaller," Kallas asserted.


Despite its small size Estonia has been outspoken over the last several months related to the war. For example it recently appeared to back French President Macron's call for NATO to consider sending Western troops to Ukraine:


The government of Estonia is “seriously” discussing the possibility of sending troops into western Ukraine to take over non-direct combat, “rear” roles from Ukrainian forces in order to free them up to fight on the front, though no decision is imminent, Tallinn’s national security advisor to the president told Breaking Defense.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:29 p.m. No.20918666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823 >>8933 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

Papua New Guinea landslide death toll likely over 670 – UN body


International Organization for Migration’s estimate comes after natural disaster obliterates one village and impacts several more


The International Organization for Migration, a UN body, fears that Friday’s massive landslide in Papua New Guinea, which buried an entire village, has claimed more than 670 lives. Local authorities initially estimated that the natural disaster had resulted in 100 fatalities or more.


Tragedy struck when a side of Mount Mungalo, located in a remote northern area of the South Pacific island nation, sheared off and completely covered Yambali village with a mix of rocks, mud and uprooted trees. According to a statement on Saturday by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs, more than six municipalities have been affected to some extent.


The disaster zone is located some 600 kilometers (373 miles) away from the capital, Port Moresby.


Speaking to Associated Press (AP) on Sunday, Serhan Aktoprak, the chief of the migration agency’s mission in Papua New Guinea, said that local authorities “are estimating that more than 670 people [are] under the soil at the moment.”


He explained that the initial figure had been based on the assumption that a total of 60 households had been affected, while in fact this number stands at more than 150.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:33 p.m. No.20918679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823 >>8933 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

5-Hour GARVIS ‘Glitch’ Hits Georgia on Election Day


Georgia's new cloud-based voter registration system malfunctioned for five hours on Election Day.


The Georgia Registered Voter Information System (GARVIS) was believed to be an updated measure to combat cyber-attacks. However, the recently deployed system had a statewide breakdown on Election Day yesterday.

According to a press release by VoterGA, an NGO geared towards securing elections, from 11 am to 4 pm, the Salesforce cloud-based system that allows third-party vendors to manage Georgian voter data suffered a critical outage, making the state’s “My Voter Page” inaccessible for those seeking to locate their precincts and other information. It also prevented county election offices from verifying absentee ballots and updating receipts of mail-in ballots, which prevents double voting.


VoterGA reported that the failure ultimately did not affect most voters since voter lists are downloaded to each poll pad for Election Day voter verification. Still, several counties utilized poll books with vulnerable remote GARVIS access.


The GARVIS initiative completed its development on January 19, 2022. The launch was initially delayed a year until March 2023. The Secretary of State’s office said the trial run was “successful” in the November 2023 municipal election. However, it had over 3,500 open support tickets just that year and freezing defect corrections for another month. This year’s primaries were the first opportunity for the system to be implemented statewide.


The press release indicated that the Secretary of State’s office tried to blame the problem on lack of funding, but the new system had never properly functioned since its implementation. VoterGA claimed election directors and board members had criticized GARVIS, wanting to return to the secured Enet system.


VoterGA additionally stated that Salesforce faced a class action lawsuit before signing the contract with Georgia. The platform became infected with malware that seized the Personal Identifying Information (PII) of nearly 20,000 customers, which was later sold on the “dark web.” The release stated that Salesforce never took the opportunity to alert its clients and customers of the breach.


To add to the debacle of such implementation, the GARVIS implementer, Texas-based MTX, had no election system experience, poor performance on a Texas no-bid contract and only a mere three American employees when signing the contract with the state of Georgia. VoterGA noted that the company outsourced its programming staff to India, where citizens are not sworn to uphold the US Constitution.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.20918812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8820

Ukraine Biolab Watchtower


An attempt to triangulate something approximating truth about Ukraine and Biolabs


What a mess. Are there any grownups in the house? This is what happens in a world in which no one trusts anyone anymore, integrity is treated as an obsolete concept, both information and legacy media have become weaponized to such an extent that what passes for official reality becomes just a funhouse hall of mirrors, and the experience, intellect and maturity of those entrusted to manage these matters is just not up to the task.


Yesterday I published a substack article titled “All Along the Watchtower”, which posed the question “Would the Russian invasion of Ukraine be justified if it were for biodefense?”.


Since then, we have had a flood of new information drop:


1) Testimony of Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to Senator Marco Rubio, in which she admits that Ukraine has biological research facilities.


2) Epoch times’ report “US State Department Denies Russian Allegations of Biological Weapons in Ukraine”.


3) “US Is Protecting ‘Biological Research Facilities’ in Ukraine From Russia: Official”. Another excellent article by Epoch times, which has seemingly become one of the last remaining bastions of “old school” journalism in a major print news format.


4) And an insightful interpretation by journalist Glenn Greenwald via his often brilliant and occasionally sarcastic substack, entitled “Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them” with the subheading “The neocon's confession sheds critical light on the U.S. role in Ukraine, and raises vital questions about these labs that deserve answers.”


“Oh what a tangled web we weave


When first we practice to deceive”


(Sir Walter Scott, 1808)



Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:02 p.m. No.20918824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8856 >>8950

Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames


Elon Musk had recently announced that Starship’s fourth flight test could be just days away.


SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recently announced that Starship’s fourth integrated flight test, IFT-4, could be just days away.


With that important milestone just around the corner, SpaceX has seemingly faced a fiery setback. Footage from NASASpaceflight shows a massive explosion during a Raptor engine test.


SpaceX’s explosive Raptor engine test

SpaceX has yet to provide an update on the explosion, which took place at its Boca Chica Starbase facilities in southern Texas. The footage shows SpaceX’s engine test pad going up in flame.


The footage started a little after 4:12 pm local time. Roughly 14 seconds after ignition, the Raptor engine shut off. As the vapor surrounding the test tower dissipated, a fire appeared to start underneath the engine. These flames traveled upwards, causing a second explosion to engulf the entire tower.


In a tweet accompanying a clip from the footage, NASASpaceflight wrote, “The raptor testing stand at McGregor experienced an anomaly a few moments ago. The vapors from the anomaly caused a secondary explosion on the test stand.”

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.20918855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8870 >>8871

Unknown Force Purportedly Torches Secret Raytheon-DARPA Warehouse in Tucson


An unknown force purportedly demolished a joint Raytheon-DARPA clandestine weapons plant at Raytheon’s campus in Tucson, Arizona, Wednesday night, according to a U.S. Army Cyber Command specialists who intercepted a telephone conversation between an unidentified party at the location and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment Christopher Lowman, a Biden disciple.


On the call, which took place at 6:00 a.m. Thursday, the unidentified Raytheon employee, speaking frenetically, informed Lowman that intruders had defeated security, slain six security guards, and destroyed invaluable, irreplaceable hardware stored in a Raytheon-DARPA warehouse in southeast Tucson.


He told Lowman the damage was “catastrophic” and that he had already informed Raytheon CEO Gregory Hayes and DARPA Director Stefanie Tompkins of the attack.


In what might have been an injudicious slip of the tongue, Lowman asked whether data on the “camouflaged unmanned aerial assault program” had been stolen from the warehouse.


The Raytheon employee said time would tell and disconnected the call.


Sources at ARCYBER and Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News the incursion was not a White Hat operation, nor had they any knowledge of a secret weapons program taking place at the Tucson warehouse prior to hearing the call.


“At this point, we haven’t independently verified the event happened. All we have is the phone call, and we know the warehouse is intact,” our source said.


He pointed out, however, that thermite-based incendiary systems can be attenuated to completely incinerate a building’s contents without setting the structure ablaze, depending on its construction and the potency of demolitions.


White Hats, in fact, employed a similar technique to destroy a DEW plane at Wright Patterson AFB in March.


“If it really went down as the call suggests, and that’s something we’re investigating right now, there’s a dozen ways that place could’ve been scorched on just the inside.


DARPA and Raytheon have sordid history, so nothing’s impossible.


Assuming the call wasn’t a ruse to draw us into some vile trap, the question is, who did it? Naturally, all eyes turn to Col. Kurtz. He’s claimed to be privy to intel we don’t have. But we haven’t heard a peep from him since he met with Gen. Smith,” our source in Gen. Smith’s office said.


Real Raw News will update this article with more info as it becomes available.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:10 p.m. No.20918866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8933 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

U.S., Western allies meet at annual G7 summit, agree to more economic levers to stop Russia, China


The centerpiece agreement is aimed at securing funding for Ukraine well beyond this year


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other top economy officials from the world’s richest countries agree Saturday in Italy to to seize Russian assets to back Ukraine and to start pressuring China to cut subsidies that give its companies an unfair advantage against western allies.


The centerpiece agreement from the ministers of the Group of Seven nations – an informal bloc of industrialized and democratic countries that includes all of Ukraine’s key Western allies – is to secure funding for Ukraine well beyond this year, in which the United States and the European Union have elections that could change geopolitical priorities for both.


The ministers from the G-7 met for three days in the lakeside Italian town of Stresa. The entire list of G7 members is the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom. The European Union is also part of the group but is considered a "non-enumerated member."


The plan on Russian assets was first floated by U.S. officials in the lead-up to the talks and was originally opposed by G-7 members France, Italy, and Germany (the member states that use the euro currency). But in Stresa, one by one other G-7 ministers endorsed it.


The plan would issue Ukraine a loan worth roughly $50 billion to be paid off by about $190 billion in seized assets from Russia’s Central Bank currently held by the Europe-based central securities depository Euroclear. The assets, which do not include any funds owned by private Russian citizens, could be used to repay additional loans going forward.


The details on how the loan will be structured are expected to be finalized at next month’s G-7 head of state summit, also in Italy, which holds the G7 presidency this year.


Ukraine is not a member of the G-7, but Serhiy Marchenko, the country’s finance minister, attended the talks as an observer. And though he supported the idea, he said it would only be a “temporary solution.”


Marchenko said the Russian assets should be confiscated and given to Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.20918883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8933 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

Knesset to hold preliminary vote designating UNRWA a terror organization


“Without a shadow of a doubt, the UNRWA agency proved on October 7 that it is a terrorist organization that is no different from the terrorist organization Hamas."


The Knesset is set to hold a preliminary vote designating the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) as a terrorist organization, by which it will then sever all ties with the body that is the main relief service provider for 5.9 Palestinian refugees in the Middle East.


“The purpose of this bill is to declare UNRWA as a terrorist organization for all intents and purposes as well as order the termination of the relations [and the cooperation] of the State of Israel with the agency, either directly or indirectly,” Israel Beytenu MK Yulia Malinovksy wrote in the introduction to the bill, which she authored.


The legislative push comes as the International Court of Justice and the international community at large have taken Israel to task for not sufficiently ensuring the entry and distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:17 p.m. No.20918892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8916 >>8925



The air-launched version of the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB), the GBU-39, has been secretly supplied by the United States to Ukraine.


The delivery was first revealed by The Washington Post on May 24. Later on the same day, a U.S. official first confirmed to The War Zone that Kiev forces had already used the bomb in combat. On May 25, a photo showing at least two bombs of this type loaded onto a MiG-29 fighter jet of the Ukrainian Air Force surfaced online, further confirming the delivery.


The 129-kilogram GBU-39 is guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system and has a range of around 111 kilometers when launched from air.


The U.S. didn’t publicly announce the plans to deliver the air-launched version of the GBU-39 to Ukraine. However, it revealed the delivery of the Ground-Launched SDB, known as the GLSDB, earlier this year.


The GLSDB combines the GBU-39 SDB with the M26 227 mm rocket motor. It has a range of up to 150 kilometers. To speed up the delivery to Ukraine, the U.S. reportedly developed special launchers for the munitions, which are not yet compatible with the M270 MLRS and the M142 HIMARS systems already supplied to Kiev forces.


The GLSDB failed in Ukraine in the face of Russian electronic warfare means, according to The Washington Post’s report and another published by Reuters on the same day, May 24. However, the air-launched version had more success.


“One U.S. weapon used by aircraft, the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb, has proved resilient to jamming,” The Washington Post said in its report citing confidential internal Ukrainian assessments. The same article notes that “nearly 90 percent of dropped [Small Diameter Bombs] struck their target.”


No details are provided about the numbers of air-launched SDBs provided to Ukraine and which warplanes are dropping them, but the report states that they began to be delivered to Ukraine in November of last year.


The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the first interception of an SDB-type bomb last March. In later months, the remains of several munitions of this type were found in remote areas in the special military operation after they were apparently jammed by Russian electronic warfare means.


The Washington Post’s claims about the air-launched SDB being more resilient to Russian electronic warfare does not make much sense as this version uses the exact same guidance system installed in the ground-launched version.


Here it is important to note that the newspaper was citing official Ukrainian assessments, which may have been manipulated then leaked to justify the supply of the air-launched version of the bomb after the failure of the ground-launched one.


The fact that Kiev forces have been using the air-launched SDB at least since last November and it made no difference whatsoever in the battlefield indicates that it has indeed failed, just like the GLSDB.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:25 p.m. No.20918936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8947 >>9010 >>9079 >>9175

Yair Netanyahu Shares Vid of IDF Soldier Threatening Defense Minister Yoav Gallant With Military Coup


Gallant last week rejected the idea of Israel permanently occupying the Gaza Strip and said he would "not agree to the establishment of Israeli military rule in Gaza."


The Times of Israel transcribed most of the video:

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the video is for you. We reservist soldiers do not intend to hand the keys over to any Palestinian authority. We do not intend to give the keys to Gaza to any entity — Hamas, Fatah or any other Arab entity. Reservist soldiers are behind you and we want to win," the soldier said, speaking from what appears to be a ruined building in Gaza.


"We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you have 100,000 reservist soldiers that are ready to give their lives for the people of Israel. Ready to die. We lost everything, we lost our family life, we lost our livelihoods and we have nowhere to go. We will stay here, until the end. Until the victory," the reservist soldier states.


"Yoav Gallant, you can't win the war. Quit. You can't win this war. You can't command us," the reservist says.


The soldier vowed to refuse Gallant's orders and asserted that soldiers will only listen to Netanyahu. He threatened that the 100,000 reservist soldiers would station themselves at the border and not move, and call on citizens of Israel to join them there if the government steps back from the goal of completely eliminating Hamas.


"Think really well who you leave the keys to after this. We want victory. Our brothers and sisters did not die for nothing, weren't raped for nothing, and were not slaughtered in their beds for nothing," he said, referring to the IDF casualties in Gaza and the atrocities of Hamas's October 7 massacre.

It's becoming clearer by the day that Israel is losing the war.

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.20918937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From UK dissident Parliament Member Andrew Bridgen, who has been denouncing the covid & vaccine scamming -


"Bridgen revealed that the big huge European / global war is already locked in by the higher powers, though the public announcement is delayed until July or August, either after or during the Paris summer Olympics


Bridgen indicates this explains the 'surprise shock' decision of UK Indian Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to call a general election for 4 July, tho his Tories are expected to hugely lose


Sunak was apparently informed by his globalist bosses that the big war is on and cannot be stopped … but Sunak decided he cannot stomach it, he does 'not want to be the wartime Prime Minister', so he and his billionaire wife are taking the exit

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.20918980   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Video: “Justified Vengeance” and The History of Israeli “False Flags”(2001-2024): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor”


The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda


There is a complex history behind Israel’s October 2023 Plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map”.


It’s Genocide, An Absolute Slaughter:


“We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” Israel’s chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.”


It’s a criminal undertaking based on Israel’s doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” which was first formulated in 2001.


(See below: my January 2009 article published at the very outset of Israel’s 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Led”)

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.20919016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9021 >>9032 >>9036

There’s nothing more dangerous on planet Earth than a cornered rat like this one.


BEWARE! The ICC arrest warrant

for war criminal Netanyahu puts

the entire world at great risk……


…because the genocidal regime ruling the Zionist

State of Israel will do anything to both (i) distract

the world’s attention from this major geopolitical development and (ii) throw the entire planetary civilization into the kinetic phase of a World

War III scenario as a means of overwhelming the

extraordinarily profound significance and far-

reaching ramifications of the ICC’s scathing

indictment alleging genocide.


All of which means ANYTHING GOES, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, for the remainder of 2024.

Which also means that folks everywhere ought to exercise a heightened degree of situational awareness as never before. In light of the slow-motion intensification of the Zombie Apocalypse, that’s always a good idea going forward.


When war criminal “Bibi the Butcher” Netanyahu does everything in his power to incite the daffy U.S. Congress to pushback again the ICC arrest warrant, and the House and Senate both react like a puppet on a string, things are about to get very dicey indeed.


Netanyahu Issues Warning To US Leaders

Over ICC Arrest Warrants: ‘You’re Next’

First of all, it’s of paramount importance to understand just who Polish Jew Benjamin Netanyahu really is.


Bibi Netanyahu is the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia in Israel


It’s also critical for the American people to comprehend the true intentions of the Zionist State of Israel toward the USA, and especially Netanyahu’s role in the long-planned takedown. As follows:


“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do. America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s God’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu


(Benjamin Netanyahu was in a meeting at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording, which was witnessed and which has been 100% fully authenticated.)

(Source: MODERN STATE OF ISRAEL: Established as the Global Headquarters for ‘the World’s Largest Organized Crime Syndicate’)

Anonymous ID: 54952a May 26, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.20919019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9025 >>9079 >>9175

Top Attorney Testifies: Hospitals Were ‘Incentivized’ to ‘Murder Covid Patients’


Renowned American attorney Tom Renz has testified before the Ohio Senate with explosive allegations against the medical industry and federal government health officials.


According to Renz, hospitals and doctors were “incentivized” to “murder” their patients to create the illusion that COVID-19 was a significant threat to public health.


During his testimony, Renz revealed that hospitals received more money from the government for every patient that tested positive for Covid.


They received additional funding for treating patients for Covid and even more when the virus was listed as the cause of their death.


Renz notes that this system encouraged hospitals to inflate Covid numbers and even “murder” patients.