>You're the source of what you claim to be obeerving.
What? lmao, I don't speak yidldish.
>You're the source of what you claim to be obeerving.
What? lmao, I don't speak yidldish.
>>20918567 Oy vey, truth deleted by filthy hooknosed 8Cunt jewmongrel wouldbe ramp rat!
>This is why they don't accuse people of lying, they accuse people of being antisemitic.
oops, missed the 2. page
>Notable that your recommendation for notable comes on Memorial Day you fucking slob
Said the lying yiddish fuckwit!
> was not caused by some russian hack
Right, just caused by some lies from yiddish snakes!
Let's see if it has been deleted again by the hooknosed 8Cunt mossad fuckwit ramp rat.
Well well well I thought it might be, lmao!