Anonymous ID: 93dab5 May 26, 2024, 11:19 a.m. No.20918408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8981

>>20918325 (LB)

Trump advisors know.

They know libertarians often understand a person as either libertarian or not a libertarian, because it's a logic based system, which can have sensitive outcome of needing to use the same logic to group by not libertarian thereby grouping not libertarians into the same category.

By Trump 'self-identifying' as a libertarian to that crowd, he masterfully traversed the logical either or logic gate and thereby effectively assuring by voice that he, Trump, agrees with a lot of what the libertarians are saying, which is precisely the message they needed to hear to immediately settle that if there is going to be a two logic gate of libertarian and not libertarian, then Trump is 'with' the libertarian path.

Unfortunately the reaulting necessity of understanding a person's ideas as either libertarian or not libertarian, it sometimes gives excuse to lazy thinkers that merely the naming event when it happens, for either or unfortunate additional mistake of believing that an argument is won merely by naming a person as not libertarian.

It was a brilliant rhetorical statement. Libertarians who name themselves as libertarians, often like it when they hear someone else say they are libertarian, because it almost like a promise to the receiver, an offer of commitment to the set of ideas, what with libertarianism being in the 'underground' of idealism in 2024 if only because the empirical world of praxis in government of 2024, particularly government funding, is Marxist. Libertarianism must be idealist in a communist world of action, whereas Communism is idealist in a free enterprise world of action (in what funds governments).

Anonymous ID: 93dab5 May 26, 2024, 11:31 a.m. No.20918449   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Communism was always a top down government program.

Communism is the acme of idealism in political economy.

Forced onto public accused of having false consciousness itself created by nothing more than oppression and victimhood dialectic.

Logic and Mathematics are attacked only because they exist, because to the ruminatiin sufferers, their own self-alienation and revolt against nature, from within and without, against the one source of it all that is 'limiting' their idealistic delusions of "I/We am/are the real God" in the temporal order, as a place of exile, makes them hate everything like they hate themselves in their mortal bodies.

They need guns pointed at innocent people to prevent them from stopping the communist revolution.

Anonymous ID: 93dab5 May 26, 2024, 11:52 a.m. No.20918525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8544


The nation would need a clearing house "for" the federal government.

Can restructure the fed to be a clearing house for thr federal government to use to facilitate its own funding from competing crypto currencies throughout the industry.

It could establish measures to structure the nation's money supply portfolio, e.g. 17% bitcoin, 17% ethereum, etc, making use of sophisticated risk models that the economist yokels there are doing for fiat currency today.

Restructure makes sense.

Anonymous ID: 93dab5 May 26, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.20918544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8606 >>8637



Gold backed crypto?

Federal Reserve guarantees gold to/from crypto holdings?

Crypto used as digital form, with gold as physical form?

Then if one's crypto digital form has 'bugs', can use gold to 'redigitize' account with another hash algo?

Anonymous ID: 93dab5 May 26, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.20918630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8656


Crypto backed notes yeah…

Should there be anything backing the crypto?

crypto has both pattern benefit and it can be said to be 'real' in the sense that objects of information are indeed real things, they're real 'data' saved on real hard drives and flowing in real transisitor gates in real silicon.

Maybe crypto needs no backing itself, but what do we do with risk of digital crashes.

Anon would pay in the form of lowered exchange value for goods knowing that if there is a system crash I have gold to sell to buy non crashed crypto hashes.

Anonymous ID: 93dab5 May 26, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.20918650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8651


>Need parts of the Fed but trusting anything tied to crypto and gold is asking for trouble.

What should it be tied to, if we agree it shouldn't be a fiat system controlled by one satn worshiping family/blood monarchy empire?