No President but Trump could’ve gotten through the ds clutches of Covid, just look at the metrics
and FUCK YOU.incentivized dancing joyfully msndc mercenaries
No President but Trump could’ve gotten through the ds clutches of Covid, just look at the metrics
and FUCK YOU.incentivized dancing joyfully msndc mercenaries
You must only find one predicate to find orange man guilty and off to rikers- it’s a msndc blonde impersonating fuck the laws bitches bent on war and law fare. Bloodthirsty- biblical prophecy., no other greater crime than to have a woman seek blood - baby killers en masse
If jury convicts of an imaginary crime while witnessing drug using gun control abusers skip while high as a kite - well then em we have ourselves a peculiar precedent on a tippy top precipice
The libertarian crowd is an exact representation of no make up no wigs msndcfauxnees- zombie winter apologists seeing both ways
It’s about the metrics, stupid. And stupid means the creator of said stupid.
Not able - karensplain again, please
Prayers and blessings of thankfulness to all the Memorial Day members who gave their lives for out Freedom, especially to the J6 hostages who are doing so now. By the grace of God may their service be remembered for infinity.