Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 11:59 a.m. No.20978623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8780 >>8870 >>9087 >>9169 >>9237

LIVE: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump - 6/6/24


RSBN will have full coverage of this special event on Thursday, June 6, 2024, starting at approximately 3:00 p.m. ET. The event will begin at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 12:01 p.m. No.20978637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8669 >>8870 >>9087 >>9169

Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West


Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Moscow could arm countries with a view to attacking Western targets.

Mr Putin made the statement while criticising the West's delivery of long-range weapons to Ukraine.

Several countries including the United States have given Ukraine the green light to strike targets inside Russia.

Such action could lead to “very serious problems", Mr Putin told foreign reporters.

"If someone thinks it is possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to attack our territory and create problems for us, why don't we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those countries?" the Russian president said.

"That is, the response can be asymmetric. We will think about it."

He did not specify which countries Moscow could supply weapons to.

Mr Putin singled out Germany, which recently told Ukraine it was free to hit targets inside Russia with long-range German-made weapons.

"When they say that there will be more missiles which will hit targets on Russian territory, this definitively destroys Russian-German relations," Mr Putin said.

US President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American-supplied weapons to strike targets in Russia, but only near the Kharkiv region. The White House has said Ukraine cannot use long-range ATACMS missiles on Russian soil.

Ukraine has used US weapons to strike inside Russia in recent days, a US senator and a Western official told the Associated Press on Wednesday.

Fierce fighting has been raging north-east of Kharkiv since a new Russian push across Ukraine's northern border. Kharkiv, Ukraine's second city, is just 30km (18 miles) from the border.

UK Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron has said it is up to Ukraine to decide how to use British weapons and insisted it has the right to strike targets on Russian territory.

Ukraine says North Korean missiles are being used inside Ukrainian territory, and Western intelligence agencies say Russia has been using Iranian-made drones in the conflict.


Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Mr Putin was speaking to foreign journalists at the annual St Petersburg International Economic Forum.

He also warned that the West was wrong to assume that Moscow would never use nuclear weapons.

"For some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use it," Mr Putin said when asked by Reuters about the risk of nuclear escalation over Ukraine.

"We have a nuclear doctrine, look what it says. If someone's actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for us to use all means at our disposal.

"This should not be taken lightly, superficially."

Mr Putin also dismissed the idea that Russia has plans to attack Nato territory.

"You should not make Russia out to be the enemy. You're only hurting yourself with this, you know?" Mr Putin said.

"They thought that Russia wanted to attack Nato. Have you gone completely crazy? That is as thick as this table.

Who came up with this? It is just complete nonsense, you know? Total rubbish."

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 12:57 p.m. No.20978915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8956 >>9087 >>9169

Fauci’s Testimony Reveals The Inconsistencies And Deceit Behind U.S. Covid Response


Fauci’s testimony gave Americans further proof that many of his theories were based not on scientific research but on political expedience.


''recommend reading from website for videos and it's long format:''

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1 p.m. No.20978927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9087 >>9169

Charlie Kirk:

I am honored to announce that Turning Point PAC with @TPAction will be hosting “Chase the Vote: A TOWN HALL with Special Guest President Donald J. Trump” this Thursday, June 6, in Phoenix, AZ.


President Trump will be taking questions directly from AZ voters in the heart of Maricopa County, one of the most critical in the entire country.

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.20978931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9087 >>9169

Charlie Kirk:



Our team requested updated numbers from the Secretary of State’s office and they’re strong!


In just one month, Republicans have increased their margins over Democrats to 243,000—a one month net gain of 7,000 voters.


Before, Republicans had 40,000 more registered voters than Independents and that lead has increased to nearly 65,000 in April—a net gain of nearly 25,000.


We are winning the voter registration war in Arizona! We need to keep the pressure on, keep registering neighbors and family and then Chase the Vote come October.


Get registered to vote here 👇






Registered Voters: 1,434,982


Percentage: 35.36%






Registered Voters: 1,192,205


Percentage: 29.38%






Registered Voters: 31,164


Percentage: 0.77%






Registered Voters: 27,529


Percentage: 0.68%






Registered Voters: 2,796


Percentage: 0.07%






Registered Voters: 1,369,644


Percentage: 33.75%




TOTAL: 4,058,320

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:03 p.m. No.20978935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Melugin:


NEW: Yesterday was the first full day of President Biden’s executive order barring asylum to most illegal crossers being in effect, & it had no impact on numbers.

Per CBP sources, Border Patrol apprehended just about 4,000 illegal immigrants yesterday, on par with the low 4,000s/mid to high 3,000s we’ve seen in recent weeks.


Tucson & San Diego sectors were the top two yesterday, with roughly 1,100 illegal crossings each, not counting gotaways.


We shot the video below yesterday afternoon in San Diego sector.


Overall, I’m told there were roughly 5,500 CBP encounters yesterday, about 4,000 of which were illegal crossings, and another 1,500 were encounters at CBP ports of entry, which are largely releases via the CBP One App.

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:07 p.m. No.20978944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8976 >>9087 >>9169

REPORTER: “What do you see among African American men in this election?”


50 CENT: “I see them identifying with Trump.”


REPORTER: “Why do you say that?”


50 CENT: “Because they got RICO charges.”

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.20978955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9085 >>9087 >>9169

Russia deploying air and sea assets for military exercises in Caribbean, U.S. official says


Russia is preparing to deploy aircraft and combat naval vessels to the Caribbean to conduct military exercises in the coming weeks, its first exercises in the Western Hemisphere involving both air and sea activity in five years, a senior administration official told McClatchy and the Miami Herald.


The Biden administration is not expressing concern over the deployment, with the official stating it poses “no direct threat to the United States.” But the administration believes Moscow intends to use the exercises as a “messaging tactic” after President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission last week to fire U.S.-made weapons across its border into Russia to defend its territory.


The official said the administration expects Moscow will “conduct heightened naval and air activity near the United States” that will likely include port calls by combat naval vessels in Cuba, and possibly Venezuela — two longstanding Russian allies that have seen occasional visits from Russian naval assets in the past two decades. The exercises may also include “aircraft deployments” and flights in the region, the official said.


Administration officials suspect that Cuba approved the Russian port call “at least in part” over an incident last year in which a U.S. nuclear submarine docked at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, angering the Cubans, a second U.S. official said.


Russia has sailed ships into the Western Hemisphere every year from 2013 to 2020, and has sent flights through the region that have violated the airspace of U.S. allies. But the anticipated activity would be the first coordinated air and sea exercise of its kind since 2019, during the Trump administration, the official noted.


“We expect that, as is predictable, the Russians will amp up the information space with this, both to make a point and to unsettle us,” the official said. “We’re not particularly concerned. It’s something that they’ve done before. It’s messaging for the Russians.


“This is about Russia showing they are still capable of some level of naval power projection,” the official added. “We should expect more of this activity going forward.”


Moscow did not inform the Biden administration of the maneuvers. “Ships, of course, are observable, so they kind of don’t have to,” the official said. Biden administration officials notified members of Congress of the Russian deployments earlier on Wednesday.


The U.S. Navy is tracking the Russian movements closely, the official added, and will adopt “whatever the necessary posture is to track and to monitor” their activity as the exercises unfold.


The administration anticipates the Russia’s maneuvers in the Caribbean will culminate in worldwide naval exercises in the fall that will include additional activity in the region, as well as throughout the Pacific.


“Their port calls in the Western Hemisphere are less frequent,” the official noted. “They’re less frequent, of course, because Russia has limited capacity for this kind of sustained power projection. And so that’s a factor. But this is something they’re doing, and clearly, they are unhappy — needless to say — with our support for Ukraine and support for our NATO allies.”


“We’re tracking this closely,” the official added. “We’re trying to get ahead of this.”

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:09 p.m. No.20978961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8971 >>9087 >>9169

Merrick Garland faces charges of criminal contempt for ignoring a congressional subpoena on the Biden Dementia Tapes.


Peter Navarro is sitting in Miami prison on the same charge.


Steve Bannon is facing 4 months in jail for the same charge.

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:41 p.m. No.20979113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9115 >>9119 >>9120 >>9132 >>9137 >>9169 >>9214 >>9270

FBI Told Nashville Police Release Of School Shooter Writings Would Lead To ‘Conspiracy Theories,’ ‘Inaccurate Info’


A newly revealed memo shows that the FBI told the Metro Nashville Police Department that the release of a school shooter’s writings could lead to “conspiracy theories” and “inaccurate information” in the weeks following fatal shootings at a Christian school in Nashville, according to a report from The Tennessee Star.


The memo, dated May 11, 2023, and recently obtained by The Star, was sent to Nashville Chief of Police John Drake after a transgender-identifying woman killed six people, including three children, at The Covenant School. It was also sent just days after Star News Digital Media, owner of The Tennessee Star, filed multiple lawsuits seeking the release of the killer’s writings, which have remained sealed both by Nashville police and the FBI.


While the memo does specifically mention The Covenant School shooting, it tells Drake that a mass shooter’s writings and other documents, referred to as “legacy tokens,” should not be released to the public. The memo came from the FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group in Quantico, Virginia.


Inside the memo, the FBI argued that the public should not have access to a shooter’s materials because the writings would be misinterpreted and may inspire further attacks.


“Reasonably, the request often proffered by those seeking the release of the materials revolves around the public’s need to understand what led to such tragic events,” the FBI said. “Yet, legacy tokens seldom provide the answers or comfort sought by the public and surviving victims. Offender’s words are often misleading, biased, or lacking insight.”


The FBI said the release would also lead to “conspiracy theories.”


“Public access to legacy tokens will also facilitate false narratives and inaccurate information. For personal gain, self-professed ‘experts’ will proffer their perspectives on the motivations behind the attack,” the memo said. “This also may lead to unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound.”


Metro Nashville Police Department Public Affairs Director Don Aaron told The Star on Tuesday that the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit has been working with Nashville police on the investigation into the shooting.


The release of the Covenant shooter’s so-called “manifesto” has been held up for months as both the FBI and Metro Nashville have refused to release the materials. A group of families from the school have also sought to block the release of the materials.


A Davidson County judge is currently looking at a lawsuit against the police brought by a group, including The Star, looking to release the shooter’s writings, while a federal judge is considering a similar challenge against the FBI. The Nashville Police said that it expects to release its full report and most of the shooter’s writings in July, adding that its investigation is ongoing.


A small portion was leaked in November by podcaster Steven Crowder, who obtained three photographs of the alleged writings. The pages included racial slurs against white children as well as an itinerary for “death day,” which articulated her intent to have a “high death count.”

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:44 p.m. No.20979121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9128 >>9169

Jonathan Turley: Is Hunter Biden Pursuing a Jury Nullification Strategy?

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:45 p.m. No.20979129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9169

Pentagon’s AI office awards Palantir a contract to create a data-sharing ecosystem


The Department of Defense’s Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office, or CDAO, leveraged its marketplace for fast-tracking the acquisition of innovative technologies to award Palantir a contract to develop a data-sharing ecosystem — a tool that will help the Pentagon with its connect-everything initiative.


CDAO announced last Thursday that the ecosystem — known as Open Data and Applications Government-owned Interoperable Repositories, or Open DAGIR — will enable the Department of Defense to scale its use of data, analytics and artificial intelligence capabilities through greater collaboration with private sector partners.


Palantir said it received a $33 million prototype Other Transaction award from CDAO “to rapidly and securely onboard third-party vendor and government capabilities into the government-owned, Palantir-operated data environment to meet priority combatant command digital needs.”


The contract was awarded through CDAO’s Tradewinds Solution Marketplace, which allows private firms of all sizes to pitch DOD their AI, machine learning and data capabilities through five minute infomercial-style videos. Once companies are accepted into the marketplace, Pentagon components can search the platform to view videos of solutions from industry partners. Companies, in turn, are able to access post-competition, readily awardable contracts.


Bonnie Evangelista, CDAO’s acting deputy for acquisition directorate, told Nextgov/FCW earlier this year that the platform can significantly shorten the time it takes for companies to receive DOD contracts.


During a NetApp conference on Tuesday, CDAO Director of Procurement Quentin McCoy said Palantir’s use of the Tradewinds marketplace allowed it to receive the award for Open DAGIR in 30 days.


“It’s a sort of healthy prototype,” McCoy said about the Open DAGIR solution Palantir will provide, noting that “it's going to allow industry and government to ingest data together and share and bring in third-party vendors to do this action.”


DOD said it will initially use Open DAGIR to support its Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control — or CJADC2 — initiative that is designed to promote interoperability across disparate military environments. Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks announced in February that CDAO had achieved “the minimum viable capability” of the information-sharing network.


CDAO is also planning to use its ongoing Global Information Dominance Experiments, or GIDE, to determine whether any additional capabilities should be added to the Open DAGIR ecosystem. GIDE is designed, in part, to help inform the Pentagon’s use of emerging technologies to support its CJADC2 initiative.


The GIDE series — created by U.S. Northern Command and relaunched by CDAO last year — tests out AI and data analytics tools to determine how they can be used for military decisionmaking. The department finished its GIDE 9 iteration in March.


McCoy said CDAO is planning to hold several industry days in the next few months, including one scheduled for mid-July, in preparation for the office’s next GIDE iteration.


The Open DAGIR contract announcement came a day after DOD awarded Palantir a $480 million contract for its Maven Smart System prototype. Palantir said the award will allow it “to make licenses of their AI-enabled operating system available across the Department of Defense.”

Anonymous ID: 934849 June 6, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.20979136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9169

Top news app in US has Chinese origins and ‘writes fiction’ with the help of AI