I can't wait forever. I need to heal.
meta description here is a dynamic field that aggregates catalog/index data, i.e., some anon posted that, nothing to get concerned about.
I did not consent to my daughter being assaulted or my family member being held hostage. The people who brainwashed me seemed to know both would happen before they did.
There's another (geological?) term for it that opens up a lot more digging.
(((they))) will do anything to control us
starts with an e I think
That's what you have to do, all this stuff is split across different schools, called different things.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." - Tesla
Found it, the term is Red Ocher
I am about to become a threat to my loved ones. I need answers.
I need answers.
I'll shoot myself with my glock 19 before I let you drive me to another outburst.
You said I only have a few years left anyways. And you are never wrong.
I will shoot myself before I put her in danger.
I promise I won't miss.
you published my daughter's birthday on the same line as my son's birthday, and referenced the video, then my daughter was assaulted while under the care of the government and they wouldn't release the video to me
you murdered my best friend, or watched as someone else did
That's what she told me to call her, my precious. e-bot knows