Anonymous ID: 09d880 June 16, 2024, 5:06 p.m. No.21034122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4140 >>4170

Ron Howard (aka Opie from the Andy Griffith Show) alluded to the moon landing being faked in his show "Arrested Development", and had 6-6-6 symbolism and mockery of Christ throughout the series, and he has obvious access to top secret military/government projects/secrets, and clearly understands that the Hollywood agency (CAA) is an extension of the 3-letter agency ClA.


Something to the effect of "You would be shocked to find out who you're really talking to".


Ron Howard is likely an agent, used for Hollywood propaganda, who has probably seen the "Looking Glass" project (among others), likely has access to many "scenarios" & future events. Through his "Imagine Entertainment" company, he has made a multitude of series and films that are predictive programming in nature, & he may well beQor, at the very least, part of theQteam.


Don't be shocked if this turns out to be 100% true anons. Think long & hard about this possibility.