Anonymous ID: b5c9b9 June 16, 2024, 5:25 p.m. No.21034211   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Quality of life improvements continue across the #USArmy and now Alaska is home to the largest child development center on any installation.



6:05 PM EST →18:05 MIL

6 drops matching timestamp.

Q 1431

Q 1959

Q 2116

Q 2143

Q 2192

Q 2815

Wish I could dig into but right now I have IRL things I'm about to do.

I'd search the news in relation to drops shown.


Anonymous ID: b5c9b9 June 16, 2024, 6:30 p.m. No.21034527   🗄️.is đź”—kun


9 Years ago TODAY DJT announced

that he is running for president.

Q 2927



So it was known what was happening with DS, but this trip happened in 2016?



POTUS formally announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015.

Why did the HRC campaign actively work to push POTUS as the 'right' candidate for GOP?

Why did the HRC campaign publicly attack POTUS' opponents?

Why did the HRC campaign want POTUS to be the nominee?

Did the FAKE NEWS play along?

Think pre_nominee.

What 'set up' 'insurance' file was created 'assuming POTUS would become the nominee?



Was CRUZ the target of a separate illegal spy campaign?


Speaking of zero deltas, another drop talking about zero deltas that also have "2015"


Q 2948



Q on the left to show that

showing the [0] and [17] delta from last night too


>>5489614 (/pb)

[7] seconds?

We are getting closer to 0:00:00.

How is that possible?

Close proximity?



But there's moar:

Anonymous ID: b5c9b9 June 16, 2024, 6:48 p.m. No.21034659   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4668


On June 16th, 2015, Donald Trump, announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. He made the announcement at Trump Tower in New York City.


(ed. note-actual speech was much longer; see the video, partial transcript at bottom…)


Our country is in serious trouble. We are not respected by anyone. We are a laughing stock all over the world.

ISIS, China, Mexico are all beating us. Everybody is beating us. Our enemies are getting stronger and we are getting weaker.

Politicians are all talk and no action. They will never be able to fix our country. They will never bring us to the Promised Land, and I cannot sit back and watch this incompetence any longer.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for President of the United States.

While I love my company and what I have built, I love my country even more. When was the last time the US won at anything? When was the last time we beat China or Japan in trade? or Mexico at the border? or anybody in negotiation? When was the last time we had a military victory that was so complete and total that the other side just said “We Quit!” It just doesn’t happen for the US anymore.

Our country needs and deserves a comeback…but, we are not going to get that comeback with politicians. Politicians are not the solution to our problems– they are the problem. They are almost completely controlled by lobbyists, donors and the special interests—they do not have the best interests of our people at heart.

We will never achieve our full potential if we send yet another politician to the White House. They will grow government, not cut itthey will grow debt, not stop it. We are right now in a massive bubble that could be ready to explode—real unemployment in the range of 20%, artificially induced low interest rates, and a stock market that bears no relation to reality are symptoms of something that could be catastrophic. We better have a great leader who truly understands what’s going on.

Our country has a debt which will soon pass $20 trillion. We have unsecured borders. There are over 90 million Americans who have given up looking for work. We have 45 million Americans on food stamps and nearly 50 million Americans living in poverty.

Clearly, our so called “leaders” in Washington are failing us. They have failed to honor their sacred duty to care for our veterans and their families. They have failed to keep our military strong and vibrant. Through gross incompetence, we give billions of dollars of high grade military equipment to our enemies. Our President truly doesn’t have a clue!

At the same time, the world is becoming far more dangerous every day. Iran is racing towards developing nuclear weapons. China is exponentially expanding its military power, ISIS is beheading Christians simply for being Christian. In Benghazi, Islamic terrorists killed our diplomats without any consequences. Iran and ISIS, separately, are taking over vast areas in the Middle East and with it the largest oil reserves in the world. Our President has no plan.

The America we love will continue its decline because Washington is broken. We will never fix Washington from the inside unless we send someone to Washington from the outside. It is time for government to be run efficiently and effectively. It is time to get things done, and by done I mean properly done!

This is our time to once again make our government a government of the people, by the people and for the people. That is why today I am declaring my candidacy for President. I will Make America Great Again!

We will change Washington together and defeat the special interests. I am not a politician. I can’t be bought. I won’t be running around the country begging people for money for my campaign. I won’t owe anybody anything. I won’t be beholden to anyone except to you, the American people, if you elect me to serve as your President.

It is time to take our country in a bold new direction.

It is time to get Americans back to work.

It is way past time to build a massive wall to secure our southern border – and nobody can build a bigger and better wall than Donald Trump. A country without borders is, quite simply, not a country. Mexico is not our friend. They are beating us at the border and hurting us badly at economic development. They are sending people that they don’t want—the United States is becoming a dumping ground for the world.

It is of primary importance to take care of our veterans and their families – to make sure that every veteran has access to great medical care and attention. Our veterans are our heroes but are treated as third class citizens.

It is essential to rebuild our military so we have a strong presence that will send a clear message to our enemies that America is the leader of the free world. As President Reagan proved, there is only peace through strength…


Moar in link:

Anonymous ID: b5c9b9 June 16, 2024, 6:57 p.m. No.21034732   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The Washington Post is absolutely blowing up with Fake Stories! They ought to clean up their act - Start writing the TRUTH, and maybe they’d get some of their Readers back, considering that they’ve lost over 50% in just a short period of time. They have fools and stupid people, like Eugene Robinson, who are in no way qualified to be doing what they are doing. The Washington Post is on its last leg, there’s no reason for them anymore. They’re very untruthful, and you get your News from many other far more reliable sources, including those found on the Internet. You would think Bezos, who is losing more than $100 Million a year on that “RAG,” would want to at least see REAL Journalism, not Fake Stories that do nothing but hurt and demean our Country. MAGA2024!

9:27 PM EST