Anonymous ID: 18d71e June 19, 2024, 9:54 a.m. No.21050479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0597 >>0726 >>0835 >>0957 >>1004 >>1042

Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case to “defend the broken status quo.”

Swing-state Nevada’s dirty voter rolls include hundreds of suspect addresses, at bars, strip clubs, empty parking lots, and other commercial addresses, according to an investigation by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. Doing so is clearly against the law.

“In Nevada, by the state law, you are required to be registered where you actually live, where you sleep. Not where you work, not at a P.O. Box. So we’re trying to get elections officials to enforce the law,” Lauren Bis, PILF’s director of communication and engagement, says in a video tracking bad addresses in the Las Vegas area.

To that end, the foundation has filed a petition in Washoe County, Nevada’s second-most populous county, to force elections officials to investigate and fix commercial addresses on the voter roll. PILF investigators found addresses on the rolls reported as liquor stores, empty lots, and even the Nevada Gaming Control Board, among others.

Elias Law Group and a band of leftists have sought to intervene in PILF’s petition for a writ of mandamus, arguing that forcing Washoe election administrators to follow the law and clean up the county’s dirty voter rolls will “threaten” voting rights.

The would-be intervenors claim that their members and constituents would be forced to “expend substantial resources to educate voters and protect them from baseless attacks on their eligibility.”

As The Federalist recently reported, Bis was greeted with a lot of quizzical looks from employees at the casinos, fast-food restaurants, retailers, post offices, funeral homes, strip clubs, tattoo parlors, and jails where registered voters — at least according to Nevada’s dirty voter rolls — “resided.” What PILF found was equal parts sad and hilarious, foundation President J. Christian Adams told me on “The Federalist Radio Hour.”

The election integrity public interest law firm tracked data from the Nevada secretary of state’s office, which in the 2022 midterm elections reported 95,556 ballots sent to undeliverable, or “bad,” addresses. PILF investigators documented commercial addresses purported to be the residences of registered voters, confirming on video that the individuals did not live where they reported residing.

“We’ve been to all of the locations. It’s not some data exercise we see sitting at a computer in Chicago. We’ve actually got boots on the ground looking for the voters, and they don’t exist,” Adams said.

It’s almost as amusing as Elias and friends’ apparent efforts to stop election officials from following the law under the absurd premise of voter rights. Their court filing offers a dire warning about what will happen if Washoe County is required to do what PILF has done: Washoe County’s job.

“If the Court grants such relief, Respondent Burgess — and other clerks and registrars across the state — will be flooded with third-party demands to investigate all manner of alleged peculiarities in the voter rolls, based on unsourced, unverified, and unsworn information,” the court filing admonishes. “Petitioners are not the only ones making such demands. Nevada is in the midst of a storm of baseless efforts by third parties to force election officials to undertake a rushed purge of registered voters before the November election.”

Adams called Elias’ latest lawfare stunt a “cry wolf exercise.”

“He does this all over the country. He spools up these progressive astroturf organizations and they file a legal brief, which they have done in our case, which we have to respond to, that says, ‘Oh, if you listen to these evil conservatives, there will be eligible people improperly removed from the rolls.’ Nonsense,” said Adams, who formerly served in the Voting Section at the U.S. Department of Justice and was appointed to President Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

Anonymous ID: 18d71e June 19, 2024, 10:41 a.m. No.21050662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0726 >>0835 >>0957 >>1004 >>1042

A curious, if bland, process story ran in POLITICO Tuesday morning, appearing intended not to catch the eye of the average reader, but a small group of influential D.C. politicos tasked with harming President Trump’s reputation on the national stage.

The story—one of many regarding the implications of the guilty verdict against former President Donald J. Trump in the New York hush money trial late last month—contains substantial information that will doubtless inform the activities of Democrat-aligned SuperPACs supporting Joe Biden‘s re-election bid.

In essence, POLITICO ran a story that breaks down Biden‘s presidential campaign committee’s messaging, data, and advertising pitches regarding the Trump verdict, point-by-point.

The story was likely leaked to POLITICO by the Biden campaign as a workaround for federal campaign finance laws that bar direct coordination between a presidential campaign committee and partisan-aligned PACs.

The tell? It quotes generously from anonymous Biden campaign sources, including campaign pollsters.

“We’ve seen in polling since the conviction that the more the conviction is front and center in voters’ attention, the worse it is for Trump,” one anonymous source told POLITICO—signaling to aligned SuperPACs to focus future ads on the conviction.

Biden’s pollster elaborates further, noting to allies that the messaging should be tied to a broader narrative accusing Trump of “being self-centered and unwilling to take responsibility for his actions.” POLITICO then provides Biden-aligned SuperPACs a look at the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent’s internal polling, noting that it mirrors that of the outlet’s Ipsos-conducted survey.

Process stories, like the one published by POLITICO, often occur when a campaign wants to shift messaging and alert its allies without overtly breaking the law. After noting that the Biden campaign’s initial strategy was to remain hands-off following Trump‘s conviction, the outlet states: “But even then, Biden aides privately noted they could always readjust their hands-off strategy if the ruling served to be more damaging down the road.” The strategic shift appears to be now taking place, and the very story covering it is also serving as the vehicle to alert Biden’s non-campaign affiliated groups.

The story even serves as a mechanism for Democrat SuperPACs and political groups to signal receipt of the messaging shift.

POLITICO quotes Matt Bennett, co-founder of the center-left group Third Way: “What the polling clearly shows is there is a group of voters for whom the convictions matter and … it is the voters who are going to decide the election.” Ostensibly, this response came after the outlet approached Bennett with the Biden campaign data and news of its messaging shift.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules make coordination between a campaign and aligned SuperPACs difficult—and illegal.

However, their three-pronged test to determine coordination does not include planting useful data or messaging instructions in media stories. Nor does it cover what can made to appear as an accidental leak.