Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 11:04 a.m. No.21050742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0750 >>0752

Joe Biden’s Fingerprints Are All Over The Criminal Prosecutions Of Donald Trump

MARGOT CLEVELAND JUNE 03, 2024 (Great article by Margot)1/3

Joe Biden and those seeking to ensure his re-election have their hands all over Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of the former president.


In response to Americans’ outcry over the political prosecutions of Donald Trump and a Manhattan jury convicting the former president on 34 felony counts, President Joe Biden declared, “It’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged, just because they don’t like the verdict.”Coming from the Commander-in-Rigging, this proclamation means nothing.


Biden and those seeking to ensure his re-election have their hands all over Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of the former president. A lead prosecutor for Bragg during the trial was Matthew Colangelo. In December 2022, Colangelo left the Biden Department of Justice to “jump start” the criminal case against Trump. Biden had previously named Colangelo his acting associate attorney general—the third-highest-ranking official in the DOJ.


There’s Plenty More Where That Came From

Colangelo’s role in prosecuting his former boss’s political opponent provides the most obvious evidence of the Biden administration’s involvement in the Manhattan D.A.’s criminal targeting of Trump, but the rigging started much earlier. As I previously reported, theincestuous relationship between the Manhattan D.A.’s office and Team Biden began as early as mid-February 2021. Then, “Bragg’s predecessor, District Attorney Cyrus Vance, arranged for private criminal defense attorney and former federal prosecutor Mark Pomerantz to be a special assistant district attorney for the Manhattan D.A.’s office.”


As The New York Times reported at the time, Pomerantz was to work “solely on the Trump investigation” during a temporary leave of absence from his law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, and Garrison. “But even beforebeing sworn in as a special assistant to the Manhattan D.A., Pomerantz had reportedly ‘been helping with the case informally for months.’”Even Democrats’ most reliable Old Grey Lady (of the evening) acknowledged, “the hiring of an outsider is a highly unusual move for a prosecutor’s office.”


Soon after the Manhattan D.A. hired Pomerantz,two of his colleagues, Elyssa Abuhoff and Caroline Williamson, also took leaves of absencefrom Paul, Weiss to serve as special assistant district attorneys on the Trump investigation.“For a law firm to lend not one but three lawyers to the Manhattan D.A.’s office seems rather magnanimous, until you consider Paul, Weiss’s previous generosity to Joe Biden.”


As I previously reported, during Biden’s first run for the White House, “the law firm hosted a $2,800-per-plate fundraiser for about 100 guests.” Brad Karp, the chair of Paul, Weiss, also topped the list of Biden fundraisers, bundling at least $100,000 for the then-candidate. At the time, Karp wrote in an email: “As someone who cares passionately about preserving the rule of law, safeguarding our democracy and protecting fundamental liberties, I’ve been delighted to do everything I possibly can to support the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket.”


Biden’s relationship with Karp continued after his election, with the president including Karp and his wife at a state dinner with the Australian prime minister.


Karp and his fellow Paul, Weiss lawyers continue to fund Biden’s re-election campaign. In fact, Biden’s connection to the firm is so strong Bloomberg branded Paul, Weiss the “Biden-Era N.Y. Power Center.”

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 11:06 a.m. No.21050750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0756



But for Paul, Weiss lending Pomerantz to the Manhattan D.A.’s office to control the Trump investigation, the former president likely never would have been charged. According to Pomerantz, Bragg had decided “not to go forward with the grand jury presentation and not to seek criminal charges,” indefinitely suspending the investigation.


Pomerantz made those claims in the resignation letter he tendered to Bragg in early 2022, which was deliberately leaked to The New York Times.


“Pomerantz’s letter and his claims that Bragg had suspended the Trump probe triggered a political firestorm, which the Manhattan D.A. sought to quell by telling the public the investigation was ongoing.” Soon after, Bragg capitulated, hiring Biden’s high-ranking DOJ lawyer, Colangelo, who proceeded to indict and convict Trump.


In contrast to the Biden-connected attorneys who secured Trump’s indictment and conviction, in late 2021, at least three career prosecutors in the Manhattan D.A.’s office asked to be removed from the investigation of Trump, reportedly “concerned that the investigation was moving too quickly, without clear evidence to support possible charges.”


Not Just Manhattan

The Biden connection to the political targeting of Trump is not limited to the Manhattan D.A.’s office. In August 2023, Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis charged Trump and 18 other Republicans in a sprawling 98-page criminal indictment.


Earlier this year, court filings and testimony in the case related to motions to disqualify Willis and her former lover, Nathan Wade, revealed the Fulton County D.A.’s office had met with White House counsel in May 2022. Then,just three days after Trump announced his 2024 candidacy for president, Wade traveled to D.C. for an interview with the “White House,” according to Fulton County records. The Biden administration’s White House counsel’s office also dispatched two letters to Willis, according to one of her prosecutors.


Biden and his Democrat-run administration also have their fingers all over the remaining two criminal cases targeting Trump, both brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith. President Biden, according to an April 2, 2022, New York Times report, “As recently as late last year… confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted.”


The Times claimed Biden had expressed frustration with Garland’s “deliberative approach” and that the president believed Trump should be prosecuted. The president “has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6.,” the legacy outlet reported.


Biden’s attorney general would eventually appoint Smith special counsel. Smith would later charge Trump in two separate indictments—one in Florida concerning documents the former president retained, and one in D.C. with various conspiracy to defraud and obstruction charges related to Trump’s challenging the outcome of the 2020 election.

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 11:07 a.m. No.21050756   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Stretching the Law Past Its Breaking Point

With the D.C. indictment, the special counsel delivered to Biden just what he wanted—a prosecution of Trump “for his role in the events of Jan. 6.” To deliver for Biden, though, required Smith to stretch the federal criminal code to the point of breaking. In the case of two of the crimes charged, in the context of Jan. 6, 2021 defendants, the Supreme Court seems poised to limit the reach of the relevant statutes—a holding that could mean that Smith charged Trump with two non-crimes.


The final criminal case pending against Trump, Smith’s documents case, also connects back to the Biden administration. That case began when the DOJ launched an investigation prompted by a referral from the national archivist related to a dispute over presidential records—even though the same archivist declined to refer Hillary Clinton to the DOJ for mishandling classified documents. Later, a top aide to Smith, Jay Bratt, would meet with “White House officials multiple times, just weeks before Mr. Smith indicted former President Donald Trump.”


That case has been delayed after it was revealed the FBI agents who executed a search warrant obtained by the Biden administration had failed to keep the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago in the same condition they were found, with the order of the materials mixed up. At the same time, it was revealed that the “classified cover sheets” depicted in the photographs of the evidence seized during the August 2022 search of Trump had been placed there by federal agents. The leak of those photographs falsely portrayed the former president as in possession of documents bearing classified cover sheets.


Biden can continue to deny his responsibility for the criminal targeting of his political opponent all he wants, but the facts tell a different story. So did the president’s malevolent smileon Friday when he was asked to respond to Trump calling himself a political prisoner and blaming the president directly.

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 11:29 a.m. No.21050828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0839 >>0840 >>0847

Stop Trying To Convince Me Joe Biden Isn’t A Confused, Doddering Old Man



Listen, I’d support a zombie for president if they promised to nominate originalists for the Supreme Court and deregulate the economy. Do whatever you have to do.But stop telling me that Joe Biden isn’t a mentally and physically fragile man.


We can all watch the video of ouroctogenarian president awkwardly freezing upand staring out at a crowd before former president Barack Obama takes his arm and leads him off the stage.


Now, I can tell youfrom experience, it isn’t normal for a grown man to grab another man’s arm in this manner— unless one of them needs help. If Biden was really in the robust physical and mental state that the White House maintains, Obama would have merely said something to Biden or given him a friendly tap on the shoulder. But like Dr. First Lady Jill Biden and White House handlers and world leaders, Obama was compelled to act as caretaker to a confused Joe Biden.


And, considering his age, that isn’t abnormal.There is, however, something decidedly abnormal about the coverup. I’m not sure we have ever seen anything quite like this kind of gaslighting.


In the past, the media would wrap inconvenient news in some quasi-journalistic effort to give it credence. Reporters might go out and find proxy “experts” that dispel the obvious or they would bury news in layers of “context.” When the Hunter Biden laptop story broke, virtually the entire establishment media proactively tainted the revelations by waving around a letter from partisan former Obama officials warning about Russian ”disinformation.”


Successfully suppressing the misadventures of President Magoo, however, means convincing millions of Americans to reject the events they see happening every day–things that anyone who has ever dealt with an aging relative recognizes.


I’m not contending that every video clip spread by the RNC of Biden is offered in full, pristine context. Democrats who are still accusing Donald Trump of calling Tiki-torch Nazis “very fine people” or claiming he wanted people to “inject bleach” aren’t really in a position to complain.

I’m merely sayingthere are numerous videos of these events, and there are endless examples of Biden’s decline.


There is cropped video of the Obama incident. There is uncropped video. There is a full video provided by The Hollywood Reporter. We even have a video provided by the White House that only confirms Biden froze up and was led off by Obama.Seemingly every time the left provides a clip to debunk or contextualize one of Biden’s mishaps, they reinforce the original.


Like a prepubescent kid caught in the act, the White House just says “This did not happen.” Karine Jean-Pierre told the press that the Hollywood video, and other recent clips of the baffled president, were “cheap fakes.” As far as I can tell, not a single reporter asked her to elaborate on which parts of these clips were manipulated. Instead, most rushed to the White House’s aid.


The truth is, they’re not even trying very hard anymore.CNN’s Oliver Darcy wrote that the video was a fabrication without offering any explanation or evidence to back up the claim. On MSNBC, Nicolle Wallace didn’t merely contend the tape was part of a “growing and insidious trend in right-wing media” to spread “highly misleading and selectively edited videos,” she played an edited clip of the incident that cuts out the worst part.

“Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral,” says NBC News, in whatcan only be described as a piece of propaganda. “The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.”

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 11:33 a.m. No.21050839   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed, the “fact-checks” were particularly astonishing. The Associated Press’s “FACT FOCUS” not only relied on “Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer,” “White House spokesperson Andrew Bates,” “White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre,”but also “Lewis Kay, a spokesperson for Jimmy Kimmel,” to allegedly debunk the Obama video.


TheWashington Post’s factcheckersargue that a video of a perplexed Biden at the G7 summit in Apulia, Italy, wasachieved by “deceptive framing.” The headline of the piece read, “‘Cheapfake’ Biden videos enrapture right-wing media,but deeply misleads.”


Deeply? The Post offers an alternative video of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni gathering Biden before the president could wander away that is probably more misleading than the original. It was edited to exclude the fact that Biden is completely out of sync with every other world leader, all of whom are paying attention to the parachuter who landed right in front of them. Despite the Four Pinocchios, both clips show him “meandering.”


It is true that the video of Biden fruitlessly trying to find his chair during a D-Day commemoration was misleading. There was a chair. The video now shows us an old man struggling to accomplish the simple physical act of sitting down. Because he’s old. It is transparently ridiculous to keep denying this truth.


Biden’s mental acuity, never particularly sharp to begin with, has considerably deteriorated over the past couple of years. It’s not thelifelong fabulismorhabitual lyingorhis lashing out at anyonewho asks him a marginally tough question. Whether he’s saying, “God save the queen, man,” for no discernible reason or shaking hands with ghosts or struggling to walk up normal-sized stairs, the president acts like a man who is struggling to do his job.


Yes, Biden also has his moments. As we all know, elderly people in decline have good days and bad ones. Maybe putting a lid on the day at 11 a.m. most weeks is paying off. But the fact that Biden can still read a speech off a teleprompter or give an interview to an obsequious journalist doesn’t prove he’s not struggling in general.We can all see the truth. No fake factcheck is going to hide it.


(How much money does the Bidan Admin funnel to these news outlets?The interesting thing is no one complains about how Bidan, his WH, his Admin and the News CONSTANTLY INTENTIONALLY LIES ALL THE TIMEabout everything.)

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.21050863   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(OMG AXIOS IS TRYING TO SAY THAT BIDAN’S SMILE WAS NOT EVIL LOOKING? WOWThey didn’t bother posting the video from the WH, how convenient AXIOS, you just took the picture, without revealing the context. And the other news lying too, betting on people not seeing the video themselves.)


Updated Jun 1, 2024 -

Biden smile on Trump's 'political prisoner' claim makes campaign video


It took less than three hours for the Trump campaign to turn this moment — as President Biden left the State Dining Room on Friday after speaking on the Middle East — into a campaign video. (The video was from the news, not the campaign)


The big picture: The video was created the day after a New York jury found former President Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.


State of play: At 1:42 p.m. on Friday, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell shouted as Biden walked out: "Mr. President, can you tell us, sir: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What's your response to that, sir?"


Biden didn't say anything, but turned to the press pool and made the face captured in this story's lead photo.


An in-house Trump campaign team added horror music, and put the video in slow-mo.


At 4:21 p.m., campaign co-manager Chris LaCivita tweeted the video and labeled it "The face of corruption" — a phrase you'll hear again.


Reality check: Despite what Trump and GOP officials keep saying, he was convicted in a New York State court that Biden has nothing to do with.


What we're watching: Axios co-founder Mike Allen asked a Trump official if the campaign might use the video as a paid ad.


"We might," the official said with a chuckle. "Because we're gonna raise a lotta money off it."

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.21050909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1083

Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: CNN’s ‘Tools’ For A ‘Civilized’ Debate



CNN says it has “tools” to enforce a “civilized” debate between Trump and Biden.What they mean is there’s a plan to interfere.


This semi-regular feature is usually about some deceitful narrative the propaganda news media are pushing in recent days, but there’s a high-stakes presidential debate next week and it’s better that we use this installment to anticipate what will happen then.


CNN, the debate’s host network, said Saturday that both President Biden and former President Trump had agreed to the terms for participating, but the announcement includedthis alarming detail: “[A]s in the past, the moderators ‘will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion …'”


It was already the case that thecandidates will have their mics mutedduring the opposing candidate’s time, eliminating interruptions of one another. So, what other “tools” will remain at the disposal of CNN’s miserable choice for moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, so thatthey might “enforce timing”and, more insidiously, “ensure a civilized discussion?”


The way things are supposed to happen is the moderators ask questions andallow the candidates equal time to answer. Even with the new stipulation that a mic is turned down when it’s outside of a candidate’s allotted time, the basic concept shouldn’t change.


But that’s surely not how this is going to work. By “enforce timing” and “ensure a civilized discussion,” what CNN means is that Tapper, Bash, and the countlessproducers in their ear pieces will cut off both Trump and Biden at their discretion, though for sharply different reasons.


Trump will have his audio killed because his plan is undeniably to lay into CNN and the media at large just as much as it is to flay Biden’s godawful presidency. Both are deserving of it, but Tapper and Bash are in control and aren’t going to just bend over and take it. The “tools at their disposal” in that event will be for the pair to drop Trump’s feed and insert their own niggling, irksome commentary about the former president veering “off topic” or failing to be “civilized.”


Biden, by contrast, will be saved by the mute. Rewatch the presidential debates of 2020 and it’s exceedingly obvious Trump’s frantic and frequent interjections during Biden’s time to speak hurt the former president.The more Biden is allowed to speak, the more unseemly his performance.


Whether he’s musing about his dead son, his fabricated biography, or his indefensible record, he meanders each time into incoherence, leaving his audience as confounded as concerned. The purpose ofcutting Biden’s mic will serve to mitigate that handicap.


As ever on the media’s turf, the deck is stacked against Trump.A live audience, invariably a Trump asset,won’t be present.


He could have insisted that there beno interruptions or “live fact checks” (aka unsolicited opinions) by moderators, but there’s no indication he did and now CNN is essentially admitting it reserves the right for Tapper and Bash to act up as they please.


The lie hasn’t happened yet, but we already know what it is. It’s that Tapper and CNN will do everything they can to shield Biden and kneecap Trump, excusing the blatant election interference as simply an honest attempt to “enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”


(Charlie Spierling said yesterday on Bannon, it's imperative that Bidan & Trump does the debates, because the incumbent always loses the first debate, but if CNN is going to cheat, what will happen?)

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.21050951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lawsuit: Foreigner Voting In Burlington School District Elections Violates Vermont’s Constitution


’ Permitting foreign nationals to vote in Burlington School District elections violates the Vermont Constitution, a lawsuit filed Monday claims.

Brought by two Vermonters against the City of Burlington, thelawsuit alleges that a charter amendment adopted by the locality last year allowing noncitizens to vote in Burlington School District electionsdoes not comport with the Green Mountain State’s founding document. The residents are supported by Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE), an election integrity legal group.


“The charter change permitting noncitizen voting has changed the qualifications for voters as defined in [the Vermont Constitution] and the individual Plaintiffs are voters ‘within the voter pool for which those qualifications have been changed,'” the lawsuit reads. “Both individual Plaintiffs are registered voters who have voted and intend to continue voting in Burlington elections. Those votes will be diluted by noncitizen votes made possible by Burlington’s charter change.”


The City of Burlington adopted a charter amendment in March 2023 authorizing aliens who have legal status in the United States “to register and vote in all local elections.” In addition to this requirement, foreign nationals seeking to vote under the amendment must be at least 18 years old, have taken the Voter’s Oath, be a Burlington resident as specified by state law, and be “registered to vote with the Board of Registration of Voters not later than the deadline established by Vermont law for that election or meeting.”


The amendment was approved by Vermont’s Democrat-controlled General Assembly in May 2023, but was vetoed by liberal Republican Gov. Phil Scott that same month. The General Assembly subsequently overrode Scott’s veto on June 20, 2023, allowing the amendment to take effect. Plaintiffs note how the city oath foreign nationals must recite before voting in Burlington School District elections — “which includes votes on the annual education budget as well as for members of a Board of School Commissioners” — conflicts with the Vermont Constitution’s Voter Oath. Rather than require noncitizen electors to pledge to vote in the state’s best interests, as specified by Vermont’s founding document, Burlington’s oath requires them to pledge to vote in the city’s best interests.


Plaintiffs argue this is problematic because “[s]chool budgets and school funding in Vermont are statewide, freeman issues,” meaning“votes regarding local school budgets directly impact the State budget and thus the financial interests of Vermonters statewide.”“Once a school budget is approved by local voters, paying for it becomes the responsibility of the State through the State Education Fund,” the lawsuit reads. “Defendant has now expanded the electorate that determines educational issues to include noncitizens, even though those votes have substantial extra-municipal and statewide implications and thus directly implicate [the Vermont Constitution’s] limitation of the franchise to United States citizens.”


The lawsuit details litigation filed against other Vermont localities for approving noncitizen voting measures in years prior. Montpelier and Winooski’s adoption of charter amendments authorizing alien voting in their local elections in 2021 prompted the Republican National Committee to bring suits against the cities, which alleged that the measures violated the Vermont Constitution. The Vermont Supreme Court ultimately struck down the RNC lawsuit against Montpelier in January 2023, ruling the state constitution does not “categorically” bar foreign nationals from voting in local elections. A lower court similarly dismissed the GOP’s challenge to Winooski’s charter amendment.


The non-citizen voting movement achieves the left’s goal of legalizing foreign interference in American elections,” RITE President Derek Lyons said in a statement. “It threatens the rule of law and must be stopped before it further infects Vermont and other states in this country.” Plaintiffs are asking the court to declare Burlington’s charter amendment as it relates to school board elections and education funding unconstitutional. They also request the court prevent the city and its employees from enforcing the amendment’s “application to any election that determines school board members or education funding for the City of Burlington, including enrollment of any noncitizen voters or allowance of noncitizen voting in such elections in the future.”

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.21050990   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1013

Democrat Fixer Marc Elias’ Firm Steps In To Stop ‘Disastrous Election System’ Fix



Leftist groups argue that forcing Nevada election officials to follow the law and clean up dirty voter rolls will ‘threaten’ voting rights. Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case to “defend the broken status quo.”


Swing-state Nevada’s dirty voter rolls include hundreds of suspect addresses, at bars, strip clubs, empty parking lots, and other commercial addresses, according to an investigation by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. Doing so is clearly against the law.


“In Nevada, by thestate law, you are required to be registered where you actually live, where you sleep. Not where you work, not at a P.O. Box. So we’re trying to get elections officials to enforce the law,” Lauren Bis, PILF’s director of communication and engagement, says in a video tracking bad addresses in the Las Vegas area.


To that end, the foundation has filed a petition in Washoe County, Nevada’s second-most populous county, to force elections officials to investigate and fix commercial addresses on the voter roll. PILF investigators found addresses on the rolls reported as liquor stores, empty lots, and even the Nevada Gaming Control Board, among others.


Baseless Attacks?

Elias Law Group and a band of leftists have sought to intervene in PILF’s petition for a writ ofmandamus, arguing that forcing Washoe election administrators to follow the law and clean up the county’s dirty voter rolls will “threaten” voting rights.The would-be intervenors claim that their members and constituents would be forced to “expend substantial resources to educate voters and protect them from baseless attacks on their eligibility.”


Baseless attacks?

As The Federalist recently reported, Bis was greeted with a lot of quizzical looks from employees at the casinos, fast-food restaurants, retailers, post offices, funeral homes, strip clubs, tattoo parlors, and jails where registered voters — at least according to Nevada’s dirty voter rolls — “resided.” What PILF found was equal parts sad and hilarious, foundation President J. Christian Adams told me on “The Federalist Radio Hour.”


The election integrity public interest law firm tracked data from the Nevada secretary of state’s office, whichin the 2022 midterm elections reported 95,556 ballots sent to undeliverable, or “bad,” addresses. PILF investigators documented commercial addresses purported to be the residences of registered voters, confirming on video that the individuals did not live where they reported residing.“We’ve been to all of the locations. It’s not some data exercise we see sitting at a computer in Chicago. We’ve actually got boots on the ground looking for the voters, and they don’t exist,” Adams said.


(Anon Memers, we need some good memes to spread with Marc Elias the Evil One)

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 12:28 p.m. No.21051013   🗄️.is 🔗kun




‘Disastrous Elections System’

Making matters worse,Nevada automatically mails a ballot to every active registrant on the voter rolls.



• “I’m looking for Ronald or William Phelps,” Bis says in the video to a bartender wearing a “Tacos por favor” T-shirt at a local watering hole on North Nellis Boulevard in Vegas.

• “I don’t know who that is,” the barkeep replies.

• “So, they don’t live here?” Bis asks.

“Uh, at the bar? No,” the bartender says, chuckling. She’s clearly amused by the question.


It’s almost as amusing as Elias and friends’ apparent efforts to stop election officials from following the law under the absurd premise of voter rights. Their court filing offers a dire warning about what will happen if Washoe County is required to do what PILF has done: Washoe County’s job.


“If the Court grants such relief, Respondent Burgess — and other clerks and registrars across the state — will be flooded with third-party demands to investigate all manner of alleged peculiarities in the voter rolls, based on unsourced, unverified, and unsworn information,” the court filing admonishes. “Petitioners are not the only ones making such demands. Nevada is in the midst of a storm of baseless efforts by third parties to force election officials to undertake a rushed purge of registered voters before the November election.”


Adams called Elias’ latest lawfare stunt a “cry wolf exercise.”

“He does this all over the country. He spools up these progressive astroturf organizations and they file a legal brief, which they have done in our case, which we have to respond to, that says,‘Oh, if you listen to these evil conservatives, there will be eligible people improperly removed from the rolls.’Nonsense,” said Adams, who formerly served in the Voting Section at the U.S. Department of Justice and was appointed to President Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.


“Marc Elias is in the business of defending the riches of a disastrous elections system with universal vote-by-mail that are sending ballots automatically to thousands of bogus addresses,” Adams added.

Anonymous ID: 72e436 June 19, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21051060   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21049627 Senate Democrats Pull Vote on Trial Court Nominee Kasubhai GOP dissention/Mustafa KasubhaiPN


06.17.24 Mitch McConnell published this:

Biden Admin. Judicial Nominee Puts Radical Ideology Over Rule Of Law

“The latest example is a judge nominated to the federal district court in Oregon named Mustafa Kasubhai…The nominee has bragged about his lack of commitment to standard jurisprudential practices. During his time as a magistrate judge, he said,‘We have to set aside conventional ideas of proof when we are dealing with the interpersonal work of equity, diversity and inclusion.’”


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding judicial nominations: “Unfortunately, the Democratic Leader has decided that instead of taking up the critical annual defense authorization, the Senate will dedicate floor time this week to the latest in the Biden Administration’s parade of unfit nominations to the federal bench.


“The latest example is a judge nominated to the federal district court in Oregon named Mustafa Kasubhai. Judge Kasubhai’s record and judicial philosophy put him well outside the mainstream. “The nominee has bragged about his lack of commitment to standard jurisprudential practices. During his time as a magistrate judge, he said, ‘We have to set aside conventional ideas of proof when we are dealing with the interpersonal work of equity, diversity and inclusion.’


“Now, if by ‘conventional ideas of proof’ he is referring to things like clear evidence or sworn witnesses and their testimony, then I think I tend to prefer conventional ideas.


“Unfortunately, this only scratches the surface. Judge Kasubhai also sounds like a committed Marxist.He’s authored an article promoting the integration of Marxist theory into property law, and claimed that the notion of scarcity of natural resources was a myth promoted by a privileged elite.


“He’s heaped high praise on the disgraced racist prophet known for insisting that, ‘the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.’


“As many of our colleagues know I was fortunate to be here in Washington when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. And I don’t recall Dr. King calling for retribution. In fact, his name has become nearly synonymous with the exact opposite. “But apparently, this is just one more subject on which Judge Kasubhai would prefer to leave ‘conventional ideas’ behind.


“Well, when it comes to judicial nominations,I subscribe to conventional wisdom: A judge’s job is to follow the law, not the passing fads of woke politics.“So I’ll urge our colleagues to join me in rejecting this nomination.”