Anonymous ID: 42d392 June 19, 2024, 7:48 p.m. No.21053212   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3230 >>3329 >>3336 >>3485 >>3487 >>3514

Grid Collapse: Ecuador Hit By Nationwide Power Blackout


A nationwide power blackout hit Ecuador on Wednesday afternoon,plunging 17 million people into darkness. Authorities are working to repair a faulty transmission line that was responsible for the outage.


"The immediate report that we received from the CENACE (National Center of Energy Control) is that there is a failure in the transmission line that caused a cascade disconnection, so there is no energy service on a national scale," Public Works Minister Roberto Luque wrote on X.


Luque added, "We are concentrating all our efforts on resolving the problem as quickly as possible."


The blackout has paralyzed a major subway system in the South American country. There are reports that hospitals in major cities are without power. This comes months after Ecuadorean President Daniel Noboa declared a power emergency and ordered eight-hour nationwide rationing due to lower hydroelectricity power generation levels.


Internet tracking website NetBlocks reports that Ecuador's national connectivity plunged to 44% shortly after the power outage.



Anonymous ID: 42d392 June 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m. No.21053235   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3336 >>3485 >>3514

Yes, Biden’s Department Of Justice Wants To Imprison Peaceful Pro-Lifers For Praying


There’s no doubt that the Biden administration is actively threatening Americans with prison time simply for peacefully praying and contending for unborn lives at abortion mills around the country.


By the time President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the federal government had brought fewer than 100 prosecutions since the unconstitutional Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act’s inception in 1994.


That’s fewer than four targetings a year under a law that, as Republican Rep. Chip Roy noted in a 2023 letter, “had never been used to indict individuals related to an attack on a pro-life pregnancy center or house of worship.”


In 2022 alone, however, more than two dozen pro-lifers were persecuted by the Biden-led Department of Justice with FACE Act charges. Over the last two years, that number has only grown.


The Biden DOJ formally kicked off its campaign against Christian pro-lifers when it charged Mark Houck with violating the FACE Act after he protected his son from an angry abortion activist across the street from a Planned Parenthood in 2021. The indictment carried a maximum of up to 11 years in prison with three years of supervised release and fines totaling $350,000.


In a clear attempt “to intimidate people of faith and pro-life Americans,” the Biden administration made a showy arrest of Houck at his family home in September 2022 by deploying FBI equipped with battering rams and ballistic shields. His wife and seven children, who were present during the raid, recounted that agents “had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house.”


After months of legal battles, Houck was eventually cleared by a federal jury. The dozens of other pro-lifers targeted by the Biden regime, however, were not so lucky.


In an extreme expansion of the punishment time often dealt to people protecting unborn babies, prosecutors threatened Lauren Handy and several of her fellow Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) members with up to 11 years in federal prison after they were convicted of allegedly violating the FACE Act and participating in a Conspiracy Against Rights.


In May, a U.S. district judge confirmed the 30-year-old must serve 57 months with three years of supervision for her participation in the peaceful protest of one of the most controversial abortion facilities in the nation. Paulette Harlow, one of Handy’s fellow defendants with a “debilitating medical condition,” is expected to be locked up for 24 months for activities such as staying “chained together, praying the Rosary and singing hymns to the Blessed Virgin Mary.”


Handy and her crew’s so-called crimes included initiating a “rescue and protest” at late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo’s Washington, D.C., facility in October 2020. As Handy’s lawyers at the Thomas More Society noted, the 10 defendants “simply kneeled and prayed at Santangelo’s facility, some passed out pro-life literature and counseled abortion-minded women, and others roped and chained themselves together inside the facility.”


A similar scenario played out for FACE Act defendants like Paul Vaughn and 87-year-old Eva Edl, who “survived a communist concentration camp.” They were among the 11 pro-lifers who were raided, charged, and convicted for peacefully protesting outside of a Tennessee abortion facility.

Anonymous ID: 42d392 June 19, 2024, 8:01 p.m. No.21053298   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3321 >>3485 >>3504 >>3514

Nano Robot Swarm Self Assembly Of Nanotechnology Mesogen in C19 Unvaccinated Blood - Darkfield Live Blood Analysis




Video footage of self assembly of mesogen sensor devices in C19 uninjected blood.


Note to my subscribers:


There are many pseudo experts spreading disinformation regarding the topic of self assembly nanotechnology in the blood. Individuals who have no medical degree giving medical advice, and people who never looked at live blood or treated patients with certain treatments making their nonsensical claims. Some dismiss the nanotechnology findings as contamination on the slide. If you understand how uneducated these statements are, then you do not have to ask me for my opinion. If people do not know how to decontaminate their slides, maybe they need to take a basic class in microscopy. Here is a class I recommend, their September course will be starting soon and they have incorporated my research into their teaching materials: Live Blood Microscopy Class


I consider this kind of disinformation a great disservice to humanity, by people who put their self relevance above helping their fellow man to understand the threat of nanotechnology. You do not become a nanotechnology and polymer expert overnight. I have read hundreds of articles and books, taken university courses in polymer chemistry and collaborated with the worlds best experts. People who have not walked this path, have no standing in empty and malignant opinions - even though they are free and certainly allowed to have them.


My strategy to deal with this war is to do what I can to wake people up by showing exactly what I see unadulterated in my clinical practice. I do not know of another currently practicing experienced medical doctor who is actively and daily treating large volumes of patients, certified and trained to give the proposed treatments and who is doing this research work in the open. Hence you could say, my work is in its unique league.


I am grateful for others who legitimately work to bring this atrocity to light. I feature those people I trust on my substack and in my show, and that silent discernment speaks volumes as to who I find credible and responsible. In the end, we have the privilege of free will and all make our own choices. May humanity be blessed with the wisdom to wake up to this threat - that the technocratic elite and military literature has featured in their own documents as the means to control humanities body, mind and soul.


I only show you what they said they would do. And I have given you solutions that I have shown have helped in my many patients that I have treated. I was my first patient with contaminated blood I ever looked at, and I helped myself. What I tell others to do, I do for myself and it works, in fact it has kept me alive. In my approach, I have been impeccable, truthful and giving of my time and hard work to give others a chance against this threat.

Anonymous ID: 42d392 June 19, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.21053361   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3382 >>3485 >>3514

Google executive ADMITS to rigging search results


Video streaming platform Rumble published a video this week of former Google vice president of search products Marissa Mayer admitting that Google Search provides rigged search results.


Google, which owns Rumble competitor YouTube, "arranges" the results on its search page in such a way as to prioritize the official narrative on a given issue or topic, Mayer said. And in all cases, Google's products are shown at the very top of any search so they will receive the most hits.


Rumble's legal team is credited with unearthing the video, which you can watch below. In short, Mayer is presenting the things she says in the below video to a room full of Google recruits, meaning the next generation of Google employees:


Rumble filing antitrust lawsuit against Google


Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski tweeted the above video to blow the lid on Google and YouTube concerning the unfair way they present information. Regardless of popularity, metrics or other quantifiable criteria, Google and YouTube serve up what Google and YouTube want you to see, not necessarily what you want to see.


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Everything that Google and YouTube show to users is based solely on Google's decision to "make it so," Mayer told the room. And because this is now concrete proof of corruption, Rumble believes that it has what it needs to successfully win an antitrust lawsuit against Google.


According to Rumble, Google is guilty of self-preferencing antitrust violations. It even goes so far as to promote certain stock websites over others in the Google Finance module, for example.


"We were actually ordering the links based on various published metrics like Comscore and media metrics," Mayer explained about how stock sites were displayed prior to the existence of Google Finance.


Instead of showing the top five finance sites based on their popularity, which is part of what a search engine is supposed to do, Google Finance always puts "the Google link first."


According to Mayer, it is perfectly "fair" for stock and finance websites to be prioritized by Google rather than the public, though she did not specify how or why this is fair.


"It will be very interesting to see how the U.S. courts view this practice," writes Didi Rankovic for Reclaim the Net. "Not least because in the same video, Mayer is heard confirming that it didn't stop with Google Finance."


Where else did it go, you are probably now asking? According to Mayer, Google Maps is also the first thing that shows up in Google Search when searching for "maps" or other directions-related contents.


"So when we rolled out Google Finance, we did put the Google link first," Mayer explained. "But for Google Maps, again, it's the first link, and so on and so forth. And after that, it's ranked usually by popularity."


The way that Mayer so casually and playfully revealed all of this to her audience, laughing all the while at what Rankovic describes as Google displaying "the unbearable lightness of breaking antitrust law," is something that Rumble hopes to capitalize on in court.


"Rumble is suing Google as an unfair competitor, a giant dominating the market and from that position, preferencing its own products, against antitrust rules," Rankovic explains.