Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 7:31 p.m. No.21053103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3120


>Jews are apologists for HAMAS?

No, Moishe. Jews are responsible for all of the world turning against them, due to their supremacist, religious ideology. Israel did 9-11. Israel funded HAMAS. Jews made up bullshit stories about "atrocities" in the Lolocaust (tm).


The only people to blame for what's happening in the Middle East right now, are Jews. And they're desperate to find someone they can blame, so the world will stop looking at them as liars, frauds and tyrants.


Victimhood card doesn't work anymore, Moran.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 7:47 p.m. No.21053202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Muslims still think that they are going to take over Europe.

So do Jews and Christians. What I'm gathering from you is that we need to do away with the Abrahamic Triumvirate, as a whole.

>they still claim as if Spain should be theres.

Kek. Now do Jews and Israel, Dipshit.

>There was no 'Arab golden age' it was slavery and a jaded elite.

There was no "Christian Golden Age" nor a "Jewish" one either. What's your point? I don't give a shit about "religion," Moran. It's a disease upon humanity. Another set of fucking chains, Genius.

>I'm not Jewish and my name is not 'Moishe'

>Jews are not blameless, nor is any group.

Kek. That's exactly what a Jew would say. Jews, as a collective, are racist and vile people. Not all of them, but the majority have the self-deluded notion they aresuperiorto all non-Jews, the rest of us being mere animals in human form meant to serve them.

>Muslims have NEVER made reparations for over a thousand years of murder and enslaving non Muslims.

The only people who see Muslims as the "bad guy" are Zionist Christians and Jews. The rest don't give a fuck. But since you want to talk about "reparations," when is Israel going to pay back Americans for grifting over 300 billion in taxes since the inception of that god-forsaken place? When are the (((Bankers))) who run the Federal Reserve (it's a private corporation and not an actual part of the US Government) going to reimburse Americans for fleecing them, leaving them trillions in debt and then leaving them with the bill, after they've devalued the dollar to the point we're another Weimar? As a matter of fact when are these same (((Bankers))) going to pay backEVERYcountry they've enslaved with their "central banking?" When are Jews going to pay for lying about muh "6 gorillion" (tm) and muh "Lolocaust" (tm)>?

>NEVER made an apology.

Every ancient society had slaves, Anon. It wasn't just muh "Muslims" (tm). When America finds out the truth about what [MOS] and traitorous "American Jews" like Chertoff and Wolfowitz did during 9-11, well I wouldn't want to be an Israeli.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 7:51 p.m. No.21053233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3242 >>3259


>that's why I support Israel in this conflict over creeps like you.

You support Israel, 'cos you're Jewish, "Anon." We all know . You fucking retards are so fucking transparent. You think we don't see? You think you're still working from the shadows? The whole world knows what you, as a group, have done. Nobody get's a free pass. Jewsknewthese scumbag zionist jews were trying to depopulate the world, but they're brian-washed by their bullshit religious ideology, that it'sforbiddento rat on another Jew, even if they commit a crime.


You couldn't just leave the rest of us alone and believe that you were "chosen" (tm) in your own circles. You had to force that shit on other people and now you're kind are about the face the music for it.


Face it, dipshit. You're fucked and it's all by your own hand.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 8 p.m. No.21053293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3299 >>3331


>I am kind.

>you are correct about that.

>sad you think it's a typo.

No, "Anon." That's what we call projection.

>think what you think, you display delusions and pretend to be psychic.

Again, projection.

>you have this whole theory of Jews and apply it to me and I told you the truth.

>but you don't care about that.

No, "Anon." It's not a a "theory" either, Clown. There's ample evidence that Jews lied about the Lolocaust (tm). There's ample evidence that Jews led the Bolesheviks to slaughter the last Russian Czar and created the Sovient Union. There's ample evidence that Jews were responsible for the creation of not only Marxism, but Communism. There's ample evidence that Jews assisted Mao in the slaughter of over 60 million of Mao's own countrymen.


But you just want to keep on gaslighting, don't you, Shlomo? Your Sheeny spells don't work anymore, Fag.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 8:07 p.m. No.21053323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3332

Kek. I have to save this (you). This is the saddest faggotry fail I've ever seen. Nigger had to bring up muh "final solution" and "plot to murder million" but he's not "Jewish."


At what point in our conversation, did I ever say "I supported killing all Jews?" That's why it's easy to find you kosher fags on the web. You dipshits don't know how to actually blend in, 'cos your "chosen" (tm) status gives you way too much hubris and you can't hide your air of superiority, so you resort to pilpul and gaslighting muh "racisms" (tm).


Fuck off, Fag.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 8:12 p.m. No.21053343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3401 >>3411 >>3423 >>3445


>hey anon, that faggot filtered you after smearing you and saying things you

Schizophrenia, Anon. They're scared shitless about what's coming. There's no protection anymore. Especially in America. They're resorting to projecting their fears upon others. I know there are a few good Jews out there. Dr. Alan Sabrosky, who blew the lid on 9-11 being a [MOS] OP is Jewish, but he's American First. The majority are just like that clown I was talking to. They're taught, at a very young age they are "superior" to all other humans and still think we don't know their religion teaches them this. They've gotten away with it for so long, they're freaking out it's no longer working.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 8:29 p.m. No.21053403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3415


>you lose because you are murderous haters.

Kek. Indeed. By the way, this faggot has never served in combat, not for the IDF or his host-country, America. But he thinks it's fine to slaughter civvies.


But sure, we're the "murderous haters."

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 8:32 p.m. No.21053412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3428


>you're such a schizo.

Kek. Sorry. It's not my bloodline that shit runs in. My ancestors didn't inbreed.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 8:41 p.m. No.21053460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3491


>they sure are obsessed with that 6 million number for some odd reason

Talking about it around 20 years before Hitler came into power. Crazy how the "6 gorillion" (tm) outstrips the 70-85 million that died saving them from the Lolocaust (tm) in victimhood status.

Anonymous ID: 780cad June 19, 2024, 8:53 p.m. No.21053520   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>did you know that d-day took place on the 6th day, of the 6th month, and the first landings were right around 6 in the morning?

Yup and it was a tactically bad operation, designed to slaughter the majority of the Allied troops, so Russia could try and steam roll all of Europe. That's why Hitler took all of Western Europe.


(((They))) underestimated the tenacity and spirit of the Americans they duped into being sacrifices.


If you pay attention to Schumer's BBQ poast, it's got a 666 as well. 6 hamburgers, 6 hot dogs and 6 letters in the word "cheese." That's why I hate faggots that poast the Gatekeeper Pundit. Hoft was comped AF by a pretty boy poofter he was doing in the early 2010s. TheonlyWH correspondent TGP ever had and he just happens to be Jewish. Even pulled out all the stops and changed his name to "Wintrich IV" from Einhorn. Their bullshit symbolism is everywhere, if you want to look for it.