Bob Woodward Calls Joe Biden's Debate Performance A 'Political Hydrogen Bomb'
“Biden’s performance was so bad, so awful, the way I look at it as a reporter, there must be some explanation,” Woodward told Melber. “What really happened? He was preparing for this a long time, he knew it was consequential, and then it was this bad.”
“I sat there and watched it, and I could not believe it,” Woodward told Melber, likening Biden’s poor showing to a “political hydrogen bomb.”
“That’s where the reportorial energy should go,” he told Melber, adding: “If a building blows up in downtown of some city, the story will be what happened, and then the story will be how did this happen, why did it happen?”
“And that’s where I’m very, very curious,” he continued, “because this was a mega-disaster.”