Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 6:39 a.m. No.21184695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4772 >>4977 >>5047 >>5094 >>5101

Senate Committee Votes Against Biden-Nominated Judge Who Allowed Male Rapist In Female Prison

Rebeka ZeljkoJuly 11, 2024 12:24 PM


The Senate Judiciary Committee voted on Thursday against a judicial nominee who had allowed a male serial rapist, who identifies as a woman, to be housed in a female prison.


President Joe Biden nominated Sarah Netburn to the U.S. District Courtfor the Southern District of New York, but the nomination wasblocked by the Senate Judiciary Committee in a 10-11 vote. In August 2022, Netburn recommended the transfer of male inmate William McClain, who goes by July Justine Shelby, into a female prison despite his record of sex crimes, according to the Washington Free Beacon.


Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff of Georgia broke away from his fellow Democrats to vote against Netburn.


“So you took a six-foot-two serial rapist, serial child rapist, with male genitalia, and he said ‘You know, I’d like to be in a women’s prison,” Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said during a committee hearing on Netburn’s judicial confirmation in May. “And your answer was, ‘That sounds great to me.’”


McClain was convicted in 1994 of molesting a 9-year old boy and raping a 17-year old girl, the Beacon reported. McClain was released in 2015, then was later sentenced in 2017 for distributing child pornography.


McClain has reportedly sexually harassed female inmates in the women’s prison, the Beacon reported.


Federal prison officials objected to the transfer, butNetburn claimed that concerns about the transfer being “traumatizing and possibly dangerous” were “overblown,” the Beacon reported.


When confronted by Cruz during the committee hearing, Netburn referred to the male defendant as a “she” and said that “every person who is incarcerated has a right to feel safe in their space.”


“It is clear, on your record, your political ideology matters a heck of a lot more than the rights of those women that you endangered,” Cruz said during the committee hearing. “I think you’re a radical. I think you have no business being a judge.”

Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 6:48 a.m. No.21184731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trans inmate serving life for killing parents goes on hunger strike to protest being removed from women's prison for having sex with female inmate in Washington


There are approximately 62 trans-identifying males prisoners in Washington.


Washington State’s prison officials removed Bryan Kim, a trans-identifying male sentenced for murder from the women’s prison and transferred Kim back to a men’s prison after Kim was caught having sex with a female inmate.Kim went on a hunger strike to protest the move and this marks the first time the agency has removed a transgender person from “gender-affirming” housing.


On March 14, 35-year-old Bryan Kim, who now goes by Amber FayeFox Kim, was busted having sex with 25-year-old Sincer-A Marie Nerton at the Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW).


According to the Spokesman-Review, Kim was convicted in 2008 on two counts ofaggravated first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison for fatally stabbing father Richard Kim, and bludgeoning and strangling mother, Terri Kim in their Mount Spokane home in 2006. After the murders, Kim attempted to clean the crime scene and conceal the parents' bodies. The following day Kim went shopping and used the father's debit card to withdraw $1,000, according to the Daily Mail.


Kim was originally housed at a men's facility but was transferred to a women’s facility in Purdy, Wash. in February 2021 under the state Department of Correction's gender-inclusion policy, which was approved by Washington's Democratic Governor Jay Inslee. The policy allows male convicts to be admitted to the female facility if their gender-dysphoria diagnosis is accepted by an administrative panel.


According to National Review, a corrections officer found Kim “laying on the floor completely nude from the waist down with their cellmate Nerton Sincer-A on top of them also nude from the waist down actively having sex.”


The report obtained by the outlet stated, “I/I [Incarcerated Individual] Kim's hands were on I/I Nerton's buttox in a spread open position while I/I Kim's erect penis was penetrating I/I Nerton's vagina.” Engaging in a sex act with another person within the facility is against the facility’s rules “except in an approved extended family visit.”


Following Kim's transfer to the women’s facility, in December 2021 reports surfaced of complaints by women inmates of sexual exploitation by male inmates who identified as female.One woman told the outlet of numerous cases of sexual assault by convicted transgender felons.


One inmate, known as Jonathan or Jazzy, received multiple complaints from female inmates of grooming, making persistent sexual advances, and committing sexual assault, including one incident where a female prisoner woke up to find Jazzy with an erection touching her inappropriately.


Purdy officials have denied having any such complaints on file. However, according to heavily redacted documents obtained through a Public Disclosure Request by The Ari Hoffman Show on Talk Radio 570 KVI, there are approximately 62 trans-identifying males prisoners in Washington. As of October 2023, trans-identifying males account for approximately 0.5 percent of the prisoner population. According to the documents, some of the crimes that landed them in jail included rape, rape of a child, viewing and dealing child pornography. In the documents were also multiple substantiated instances of "inmate-on-inmate sexual harassment."


Despite the convictions for murder, rape, child rape, and child exploitation, the Huffington Post published an article sympathetic towards Kim and other trans-identifying males titled: Inside The Brutal Struggle For Trans Care In Prison.


Not to be outdone, Seattle’s far-left outlet The Stranger published an article portraying Kim as a hero to the trans community for going on a hunger strike to protest being moved to the men’s prison. The outlet didn’t even mention Kim’s crime or life sentence until the second to last paragraph of the more than 1,700-word article.


(Solution build a trans prison stick them all in there, they can have sex with each other)

Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 6:54 a.m. No.21184751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4791

Artist’s Monument to Women Beheaded at University of Houston

It’s unclear whether the attack on Shahzia Sikander’s sculpture is related to protests by anti-abortion groups, which previously denounced it as “satanic.”


Rhea Nayyar July 9, 2024


Artist Shahzia Sikander’s monumental sculpture “Witness” (2023) was beheaded in the early hours of Monday morning, July 8, on the grounds of the University of Houston campus.


The 18-foot-tall sculpture depicting a female figure in a hoop skirt and jabot with braided hair shaped into ram horns and vine-like appendages was installed for a temporary exhibition at the university earlier this year. In February, anti-abortion groups denounced the Pakistani-American artist’s work as a “satanic abortion idol” and threatened to protest the display, resulting in the university’s decision to cancel Sikander’s campus lecture for the opening reception.


“Witness” was vandalized as Hurricane Beryl made landfall along the Texas coast, causing power outages and damages across the campus and city, said Shawn Lindsey, associate vice president of Media Relations for the University of Houston.


“The damage is believed to be intentional. The University of Houston Police Department is currently investigating the matter,” Lindsey told Hyperallergic. “Conservators have also been called in to advise on the necessary repairs. We have been in contact with the artist to repair the artwork as quickly as possible.”


The sculpture’s head is in the university’s possession, a spokesperson confirmed.


Sikander has not yet responded to Hyperallergic’s request for comment.


“Witness” is among three works included in Sikander’s 2023 project Havah … to breathe, air, life, co-commissioned by the Public Art University of Houston System and the Madison Square Park Conservancy, and initially displayed at the park in Manhattan’s Flatiron District.


Referencing the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sikander said in her statement about the project that she sought to capture the “spirit and grit” of the women fighting to maintain rights over their bodies. She added that the works “demand a reimagining of the feminine not simply as Lady Justice with her scale, but of the female as an active agency, a thinker, a participant as well as a witness to the patriarchal history of art and law.”


“We anticipated that on a university campus, a center of learning, there would be important dialogue around ‘Witness’ and the artist’s practice. We did not anticipate this extreme, violent act,” Brooke Kamin Rapaport, the Conservancy’s artistic director and chief curator, told Hyperallergic.


Earlier this month, an artist’s sculpture of the Virgin Mary on view in an Austrian cathedral was also beheaded by an unknown vandalfollowing protests by conservative religious groups who viewed the artwork as “blasphemous.”

Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 6:59 a.m. No.21184765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4772 >>4977 >>5047

Trump is right again

Biden under pressure after countries refuse to take back illegal immigrants: 'National security concern'


Thu, July 11, 2024 at 11:34 AM EDT

FIRST ON FOX: House lawmakers are urging the Biden administration to do more to push back against countries,including China, who fail to take back their illegal immigrantsamid an influx of nationals across the southern border.


The 14 Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, are raising concerns about the record number of Chinese migrants that have flooded across the U.S. border in recent months, and that it is one of a number of "recalcitrant" countries who fail or who are uncooperative in taking back their illegal immigrants.


"This is concerning as China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pose grave threats to the United States’ economic and national security. In fact, China is one of 13 countries considered uncooperative or "recalcitrant," systematically refusing or needlessly delaying the repatriation of their citizens," they say in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken.


Fiscal Year 2023 set a record for the number of Chinese nationals coming across the border, with 24,314 nationals. With FY 24 still not finished, that mark has already been surpassed. It has raised a number of national security concerns, with lawmakers and officials warning that it could open the door to Chinese espionage.


Recently, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) touted a new charter flight of Chinese nationals, which it says was the first large charter flight since 2018. The lawmakers cite reports that fewer than 150 illegal immigrants were on the flight, while only 288 Chinese nationals were removed in FY 2023, only a small fraction of the tens of thousands coming across.


DHS said that the flight was the result of efforts by Mayorkas to engage China "on areas of mutual interest" and the countries are working to reduce illegal immigration and disrupt smuggling.


"We will continue to enforce our immigration laws and remove individuals without a legal basis to remain in the United States," Mayorkas said in a statement announcing the flights. "People should not believe the lies of smugglers."


The lawmakers note that federal law allows for the administration to stop granting visas to a recalcitrant country until they begin accepting their nationals back to the U.S., but in some cases existing visa sanctions have been lifted, namely for Laos.


"Ensuring a timely return of removable aliens should be a priority for the administration. The administration should ensure every country accepts all its repatriated citizens, with no exceptions," they say.


The lawmakers are requesting the names of all the countries currently deemed recalcitrant, how many aliens are in the U.S. from those countries, and how many have criminal records.


They are also asking for any visa sanctions that have been imposed on them, including on China, since 2021.

Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 7:03 a.m. No.21184773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Benny Johnson



🚨BREAKING: Attorney General Ken Paxton announces that the House General Investigating Committee in Texas is attempting to collude with The Biden Administration to bring a federal case against him or resurrect the impeachment attempt that already failed.


9:22 PM · Jul 10, 2024




Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.21184810   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Jul, 2024 12:47

UN shown ‘drone evidence’ of Ukrainian attack on Europe’s largest nuclear plant

Moscow has rejected a resolution demanding the return of the Zaporozhye NPP to Kiev’s control


Russia has urged the UN not to support Ukraine’s claims to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the largest such facility in Europe, accusing Kiev of launching strikes that frequently jeopardize the safety of the plant.


Speaking at a UN General Assembly meeting on Thursday, Russia’s deputy representative to the organization, Dmitry Polyansky, displayed a Ukrainian drone that allegedly hit the plant earlier this year. He said that attacks on the station by Kiev’s forces are “regular and numerous.”


“The IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi formulated [principles] for ensuring safety at the Zaporozhye NPP,” Polyansky said, referring to the UN’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency.


“One of these principles – the prohibition of attacks on the plant – is regularly violated by Ukraine, as the agency experts at the [site] have the opportunity to verify. There is enough evidence of this – I have in my hands the wreckage of a Ukrainian UAV that attacked the Zaporozhye NPP on April 7,” the Russian diplomat stated.


Polyansky urged the assembly not to support the Kiev-pitched resolution, which demands the return of the plant to Ukraine’s control and the withdrawal of Russian troops and personnel from the site. The aim of the resolution is “to try to promote the false Western narrative about the source of threats to nuclear facilities in Ukraine,” the Russian diplomat argued.


“If Kiev were truly interested in ensuring nuclear security, it would not regularly carry out reckless attacks on the Zaporozhye NPP… This is the only real threat to nuclear facilities in Ukraine that exists today,” Polyansky stated.He claimed that by calling for Russia to abandon the plant, Kiev’s Western backers are simply trying to “smuggle in their own political agenda” unrelated to the facility’s safety.


The Zaporozhye NPP has been targeted multiple times since Russia took control of the plant in the early weeks of the Ukraine conflict. Kiev considers the facility to be illegally occupied, but has staunchly denied attacking it, placing the blame on Russia. Zaporozhye Region is among four former Ukrainian territories which voted to join Russia in 2022.


The IAEA maintains an observer mission at the site and has condemned the strikes on the station, but has declined to attribute blame for them, arguing that “indisputable evidence” is needed to establish who is responsible.


The 193-member UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted the resolution supporting Kiev’s claims to the plant with 99 votes in favor, nine against, and 60 abstentions.However, the resolution is not legally binding.


The UN is and always will be a terrorist organization, tear it down, destroy and get it out of the US NOW!

Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 7:21 a.m. No.21184832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Jul, 2024 10:22

Zelensky slams ‘crazy’ limits on Russia strikes

Kiev has been pushing to lift all restrictions on using foreign weapons, which Moscow has warned would amount to the West’s direct participation in the conflict

Zelensky slams ‘crazy’ limits on Russia strikes


Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky on Thursday lashed out at Kiev’s foreign backers for their reluctance to lift the remaining limitations on the use of Western-supplied weapons for long-range strikes inside Russia.


Kiev already has the greenlight from several Western states to hit “legitimate” targets inside Russia with their weapons, as well as a concession from Washington to strike beyond Russia’s border near the city of Kharkov. However, Zelensky has been pushing for the strike range to be extended – a prospect Moscow has warned would constitute an escalation of the conflict.


Speaking at a press conference at the NATO summit in Washington, Zelensky claimed that allowing Kiev to launch unlimited long-range strikes inside Russia is crucial for “having Ukraine on the map” and not allowing Moscow to “attack half of the planet.”


“If we want to win, if we want to prevail, if we want to save our country and to defend it, we need to lift all the limitations,” Zelensky stated. He cited week’s tragedy at the Okhmatdet children’s hospital in Kiev, which Ukraine has claimed was hit by a Russian missile. Moscow has insisted that the facility was hit by a Ukrainian air-defense missile.


“That is a crazy question why we can’t answer and attack these… military bases from where these guided bombs from jets or missiles came, targeted us and killed our children,” Zelensky argued.


Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday that Kiev is deliberately using tragedies in its PR campaigns ahead of important international events to demand more support from the West. Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, claimed that Kiev’s Western supporters saw the hospital tragedy as a “perfect gift” to justify escalation of the conflict.


US President Joe Biden on Thursday reaffirmed the limits on how Ukraine can use American-supplied weapons, arguing that it “wouldn’t make sense” to allow Zelensky to strike deep inside Russia.


“We have allowed Zelensky to use American weapons in the near border regions of Russia. If he had the opportunity to strike Moscow, strike the Kremlin, would that make sense?No, it wouldn’t,” Biden said at a press briefing in Washington.


The UK, which has a ban on using its long-range Storm Shadow missiles to hit targets deep inside Russia, has also apparently distanced itself from earlier statements by Prime Minister Keir Starmer. The premier on Wednesday signaled he was loosening restrictions on how the missiles are used, saying “it is for Ukraine to decide how to deploy [them].”However, according to a report by The Telegraph citing Downing Street, UK government policy “had not changed” regarding the deployment of the long-range missiles, and the limitations remain in place.

Anonymous ID: d11dc7 July 12, 2024, 7:26 a.m. No.21184850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4922

11 Jul, 2024 15:41

West looking for Zelensky replacement – Russian intel

Kiev’s backers are concerned about growing public discontent with Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine, an SVR agent has claimed


Ukraine’s Western backers have stepped up efforts to find a replacement for Vladimir Zelensky, an operative with Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed in a declassified report. The document was published in the latest issue of the SVR’s Razvedchik (‘Scout’) magazine.


According to an operative using the pseudonym ‘Stone’, the US and EU are “extremely concerned” by “growing discontent” among Ukraine’s population over the protracted conflict and the current leadership’s inability to end it, especially after the expiration of Zelensky’s presidential term last May.


While Western powers will tolerate Zelensky for now since he is “linked to war financing schemes that bring enormous income to both the Kiev regime and Western arms manufacturers,” Stone claimed they had stepped up efforts to find a suitable replacement.


According to the operative, the West has already reached out to former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko and Kiev Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko, as well as Zelensky’s chief of staff Andrey Yermak, previously described by The Times as Ukraine’s de facto ruler. The countrty’s former top military commander General Valery Zaluzhny and the ex-speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Dmitry Razumkov, are also on the list of potential Zelensky replacements, Stone claimed.


“It is assumed that these persons may be in demand in the event of a sharp deterioration of the situation on the front line and the need for an urgent change of leadership. Then it will be possible to choose one of them, blaming all the failures on Zelensky,” the operative stated.


He added that, for the US and EU, the focal point in dealing with Kiev’s leadership is currently “to prevent a critical increase in disappointment among Ukrainians with the failures of pro-Western policies.”


While Zelensky’s legal claim to office has been in dispute since the end of May, he has ruled out holding presidential elections, citing martial law. Russian President Vladimir Putin last month predicted that Ukraine’s Western backers would remove Zelensky from power once he has pushed through all necessary “unpopular decisions,” which could be as early as next year. At a press conference during a visit to Vietnam, Putin said Zelensky only remains in power because he has not yet outlived his usefulness.


In an SVR report published in May, which cited closed opinion polls conducted by the US and EU, the agency claimed that the level of support forVladimir Zelensky, which had topped 80% in the initial months of the conflict, had dropped to 17% and continues to decline.(the number confirms its true)