piss-a inna bottle, lemon syrup.
put all the keks in a bag, this a robbery!
have you seen these keks that were stollen? armoured with a gun but no shots, ouch.
>late Old English ūtlaga (noun), ūtlagian (verb), from Old Norse útlagi, noun from útlagr ‘outlawed or banished’.
kicked out of the gene pool, kek.
kek 5.0 with service pack.
some people like to fuck tits.
what ya gonna tell the big guy when he wants his 10%? Anon goes ninety miles per hour.
>how it's going
there is a bomb on this image board, keep your speed at 90 miles or it will boom.
>Kind of can’t wait for suicide weekend.
suicide squad made some preparations to help bad people kys.
>twice quoted
check em all four
>Who is Wikileaks' Julian Assange and what did he do?
hacked someones computer when he was 16. boom.
you can upload like 5 images per post, wow
3 keks
>it's over
it was over before it began, still here.
>It's time for your nap Roseanne.
anon is clinically asleep, did you wake the great yet?
this is a fine bag, carry on luggage ain't too heavy.
When you get on that plane and airborne in the sky and that motherfucker ain't real shows up, snakes on the plane!
5 images test