Anonymous ID: a03ead July 16, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.21221349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1355 >>1558 >>1819 >>1959 >>2037

>>21220848 pb

>>21220882 pb

Magenta Pixie on the Trump Shooting–18xU



MP talks about the assassination attempt as a choice point, the second of three. The first was whether or not to "take the juice" (covid jab) - this was the first one, which was physical. The second is this event (shooting) is more spiritual for onlookers (must choose how to interpret what happened). The third is yet to come, will be both physical and spiritual.


NOW is the time of GLOBAL EXPOSURE. She has had dreams about it:


Dream re Trump July 17 2022

~12 mins

surge of energy around him = global exposure. Had 2 years ago almost to the day


This second event (the shooting) is an consciousness expanding event (potentially), it all depends on whether we correctly understand what happened. Cautions against jumping to conclusions, but her impression at this point is this event was carried out by a black hat, is not staged, but not DS per se, some kind of breakaway, they got upstaged.


Dream about the military at ~ 12:

they were chanting "we are all waiting for Global Exposure"


~ 31: what she just posted today on social media re whether assassination is real or staged, she says real - it's not organized by white hats, as some believe ~44


~49 Trump was protected angelically, refers to flag forming an angel


~53 Also posted on this today - Yahoo

6:11 pm, shots were fired, it's 11:11 GMT


~56 Refers to Melanie's post, holds a thread of high vibration


~59 DS doesn't understand what happened, they had other plans for some event but not this one (she did not look beyong the level of Obama etc, this is dangerous - like viewing Sauron kek, they can see you back). Her impression: this was a black swan event, DS actors are confused. Offshoot opycat group is a possibility, it's definitely


~1:10 April 1 2023 dream: there was a happy crowd w/2 military men chanting, "we are all waiting for global exposure", same phrase as above.


Channeled info based on dream: Global exposure is happening NOW. This event is a seed point into several threads, globally and finance. There is more to come from this event (the shooting). Re who is behind the shooting: did not reveal, spoke of this event as a second choice point, said to investigate.


~1:20 cryptic message from the nine, best to LISTEN TO IT, very interdasting. The last part talks about the shot targeting the EAR, "for all must listen to the winds of change."