>That's why the blood splatter was on Trump's cheek.
The blood was that way from this magical thing called gravity, when he dropped to the stage.
Those are blood running down, not splatter
>US Marshalls
Wonder if those are the two that want to speak to O'Keefe.
Don't believe the two are mutually exclusive, they swore in State Police to U.S. Marshall deputy during Antifa riots.
Marshall is like a federal version Sheriff iirc
>Cannibalism is only illegal in the state of Idaho
There is only a specific law about cannibalism in Idaho, desecration of a corpse everywhere else.
Fucking tik tok'rs are potato, unless there are boobs, then it's okay, real ones, not silicone tranny boobs
>The Q drops are meant to be read backwards.
Possibly, but first determine when the real Q stopped posting and where it was compromised.
Don't say it isn't possible either, anything is possible to compromise with time, resources, effort and access.
U.S. Gov prime example.
Encryption is just another puzzle for a fancy algorithm to solve.