>>21223522 (/pb)
>>21223493 (/pb)
"Anons, we need to start adding a white bandage to the right ear of everyone in the memes we make. Even the bad guys. This is meme gold and we can never let Democrats and media f**ks forget that their vitriol and treason brought us here. Meme Morning Joe with a white bandage on his right ear. Make Pepe have a white bandage on his right ear. Put it on every scumbag reporter, politician, FBI agent etc. to say FU to them all, YOU did this. Meme it on the good guys as a sign of solidarity with Trump. Make a Q with a bandage on the right ear. Make this a reminder on every meme until the election. Make it cultural saturation. Wear it in public. You know this is our ride to the finish line. Make it habben."
Never let them forget.