"YOU MISSED" by Tom McDonald
Jul 14, 2024 #2 on Trending for music
"I made this beat, wrote this song & shot the video last night." - TM
"YOU MISSED" by Tom McDonald
Jul 14, 2024 #2 on Trending for music
"I made this beat, wrote this song & shot the video last night." - TM
Have a great morning after turning on PROTO?
Dumb Clowns… Do you understand DOA now?
Q, [W]e [A]re [R]eady.
Their Sky is Falling.. and every STAR in it.
Meeting about new board next Monday night
Patriots, demand the board stop blocking Q's trip.
Patriots did a great job last night.
We went with this guy, to the witches' cave.
O1, O2, O3, Q. And the Angel of the LORD.
The witches tried to attack Him, but couldn't.
We will have CLAS +relay Test8 this Monday.
These are BIBLICAL times. Biblical EVENTS.
If you don't understand, join us Monday night here.
Rational HATE of EVIL is what UNITED us all first, before Q's first post. Patriots will be UNITED again.
God bless Q+, Q and all PATRIOTS WW, in Jesus' Name. Amen.