Anonymous ID: 196fd1 July 16, 2024, 7:46 p.m. No.21224521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4528 >>4578 >>4587

Every energetic reaction gives off electromagnetic radiation that can be instantly tracked with the right equipment.


See this post #19622341 at 2023-09-28 02:51:06 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #24097: Clinton Served Multiple Verbal Notices: Nien Nine 9's, WARNED? Edition



puff the magic dragon was a C-47 gunship that was deployed during the Vietnam war.


the "puff" part is obvious, but what about the "magic" part?


So it turns out, that when a sparkplug goes off whilst in it's regular petrol engine beat, it gives off a very detectable electromagnetic signal that can be easily detected using standard radio triangulation equipment. Thus it was very easy for puff to detect the Vietcong trucks moving in convoy, when they were suppling the south with weapons and rice.


puff would zero in, and then, once the positions of the trucks had been determined; open fire with the onboard guns, and whilst hugely entertaining to the observers, the carnage resultant was complete.


the devastation was was so complete, that it only took two weeks to destroy nearly every single petrol engined truck in the Vietcong inventory.


After a while the Gooks twigged,


they can see our signal from our spark plugs.


So, they put their thinking caps on, and quickly realized that diesel engines don't have spark plugs, and there for don't give off easily detectable radioelectric emissions. Ah ah! , they thought.


BUT, there was a problem…….


Whilst it is true that diesel engines do not have sparkplugs, and therefore have no radioactive signature, the fuel itself, has a serious problem; namely the impurities, particularly sulphur and potassium.


Oh dear…


Turns out the sulphur and potassium has an easily detected signal, when it it is "energetically" reacted.


puff retuned its detection gear, and was able to re-engage the diesel convoys moving at night.


the result was the complete destruction of the Vietcong mobile reinforcement.


Interesting, No?


So, what else has sulphur and potassium impurities, that can be easily detected using radio triangulation?


Gun powder does…..


So does Cordite…….


Ooops, you mean to say that whenever someone pulls the trigger on their rifle, the authorities have already quadrangulated their exact position, even before they themselves hear the shot?




Why does Rambo use a knife and a bow?

Anonymous ID: 196fd1 July 16, 2024, 7:55 p.m. No.21224568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4577 >>4587 >>4716


Instantly trackable.


Its how the meth'ed up National Guard pilots were able to detect Afghan wedding parties, shooting guns into the air.


How do you think they knew were they were?


How do you think they could detect auto gunfire from 33000 feet?


How did they manage to drop a bomb smack in the middle of them?


The batch no on the ammo packets is the POWDER batch no.


And ALL manufacturers have their own special mix, that they adulterate powder batches with, to identify their powder from another manufacturer, and what cartridge it was used in, and were it was supplied.


ALL powder manufactures do this, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, including Russian and Chinese manufactures.

Anonymous ID: 196fd1 July 16, 2024, 8:21 p.m. No.21224716   🗄️.is 🔗kun




When Biden talked about F15's dealing with militia, what he meant was, that there are literally hundreds of Meth addicted pilots, who will do anything, and I mean anything, to have their script renewed.