Earache my eye!
Earache my eye!
I recall seeing a post somewhere indicating that the parents called to report the gun missing.
Some of us skipped the beer, cigs, lattes, phast phood, NFL cable package, cable, concerts, movies, vacations, unlimited cell phone plans, $1200 cellphones, credit cards, car loans, student loans and all other debt, choosing instead to pay cash for everything as we could afford it all while saving more than we spent.
Not much fun at times I'll admit, but I'm debt free, happy and building wealth.
I'll also admit I got a $25k inheritance from my dad and used every penny of it to buy my house. Every penny. I'd rather have my dad back though.
Discipline grasshopper, get some!
If you watch the video of him coming to the stairs, I'm 99% certain he is in his stocking feet wearing dark socks..
>25k would change a lot if anons lives
Evidence says not. Most would piss it away on useless shit in a matter of weeks or months. Most can't scrape up $500 cash in a weeks time if they had too.
Break the cycle, do without ALL but the essentials. Pay down debt as fast as possible, get a second job. Options to get out of debt are just as numerous as options to get into debt. ((They)) OWN YOUR ASS if you carry debt.
Make a change. It's well worth it.
The size scale of your shooter compared to the water tower is way the fuck off. Looks like fucking King Kong up there.
It only meant that I could pay cash for my house one year sooner than expected.