imagine shillniggers think we'll listen to
about anything
imagine shillniggers think we'll listen to
about anything
they probably never sold out to the corporations in the first place
towns are just corporations that own the freehold deed, and then produce a LIENED DEED for you whereby you agree to their rules
No different from an HOA
>Fight Club made soap from body fat
OK thanks that confirms my theory that fight club preceded 9/11 to build the sense of zio-war
and the sense of "fight" in youg men so they would be good victims
>Right before the 2024 RNC.
Planned summer 2022
Chek the tree planting, everything.
Addition of "nub" to water tower?
Even after
Trump wins the election in 3.5 months,
even after
the electoral college shit where democrats will object to the votes
we will still be expecting the cabal to pull off a COG attack at the inauguration.
They are so fucked.
If they can get away with what they just did, what wouldn't they do.