not a DNC insider ID: ad8a3a July 18, 2024, 11:12 a.m. No.21235981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5998

It's not chaos right now inside the DNC, it's calculated optics and long game election strategy… lots of strategizing.


We all knew Joe Biden wouldn't be the actual Democratic Presidential Candidate in November 2024. The handlers and planners just needed to be sure of the timing and optics in order for the replacement of Joe Biden to look legitimate.


The original replacement included coordination with Republicans… Joe Biden would be replaced with Gavin Newsom and Donald Trump would be replaced with Ron DeSantis.


Newsom and DeSantis are both controlled by the

trans-national security state. We did a Newsom / DeSantis debate, Newsom went to China to look "presidential" and we allowed Ron DeSantis some victories in Florida to look "presidential" for the Primary. The Newsom / DeSantis events were trial balloons.


DeSantis fizzled out and Black Hats were stuck with Newsom and another unknown-at-the-time controlled candidate within the RNC.


However, after all the attempted "dirtying up" of Trump with constant bad press, indictments, convictions, etc., we fooled ourselves thinking Trump would drop out and not become more popular. We were wrong.


We are still replacing Biden… but the DNC replacement candidate is being discussed since the Newsom / DeSantis model didn't work.


Newsom is planning for a 2028 presidential run and he'll settle for a DNC position or Cabinet Appointment now and wait his turn. This leaves Kamala and some other less-supported candidates.


JD Vance was approached by Black Hats with an offer but he refused. JD Vance is not a controlled asset and has been written off at this time.


White Hats posing as "black hats tried to make another offer to JD Vance… but, again, he refused. The other Trump would-be VP candidates were a disappointment when approached by "black hats" with an offer.


There are many deliberative discussions in the DNC right now about Biden's replacement.


Optics and timing…. it's all optics and timing to fool the masses into believing everything is on the level.