Anonymous ID: 18da70 July 24, 2018, 7:06 p.m. No.2272502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3188


>So, I call bs on this thread and wonder what actual benefit it is to Q and our present journey to be free of the lies?


>It does the opposite using myths.


As you've so wonderfully demonstrated by both first admitting your nescience in relation to the worth of Sacred Geometry and following it up with "I consider this a myth because I don't understand it and as such, refuse to see any worth in it."




>confusing way; unclear.


You're certainly ignorant in regards to the importance of Sacred Geometry and so instead of actually doing your due dilligence and doing research which would ascend your consciousness, you choose instead to partake in the negative action of complaining and dismissing something because you do not understand or do not wish to understand it.


Surely you both must recognize the insanity of your positions. You're both effectively saying "I don't understand this, therefor you're crazy" It's absolutely childish.