Anon ID: 2ee33d Aug. 1, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.2394420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8494 >>9603 >>8111

Ahhhhh yes…. the little forest path down the road of the occult. Where better to place it than next to a bunch of truth???


I spent probably the majority of my life dabbling with that garbage. I cannot possibly convey how badly you anons need to STAY THE FUCK AWAY from all of it. Do not fall for it like I did as a young man. I thought "If all of these powerful people study occult knowledge, maybe I can learn it, and then turn it around against them and make the world a better place!!!"


If you hear this little birdy on your shoulder, smash it and walk the fuck away. Run from this shit. You will invite horrible things into your life. God doesn't need you reading tarot spread and doing gematria calculations to decide if you're going to whack off that day or not.


Leave this shit to the masons and pagans and luciferians AKA THE CABAL.