Anonymous ID: c91c31 Aug. 8, 2018, 11:35 p.m. No.2521318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1963



I’m trying to work through all this.

A paradigm shift of making an explanation.

A description is not an explanation.


I accept nothing I don’t see myself period.


I’m really intrigued by the observation - “gravity” doesn’t seem to work in water OR we would be pulled to the bottom.


We cannot move in water unless we displaced some of the water.


It must be the same in space.

So how can we move in space.

What would we need to displace?

You could never overcome “gravity” if it existed in a vacuum as there is nothing to push against.


How could you steer in a vacuum unless there is another force to displace, like magnetism.


What if we are constantly moving “up” and if we drop something we think it “falls” maybe the ground comes up to meet it. If you jump up the ground always come back to meet you.


You can’t leave earth unless you go faster than the earth is moving and it will always catch up to you if you slow down or as you slow down.


That is why satellites constantly have to be bumped back into LEO.


Just thinking out loud.