Anonymous ID: da73da July 13, 2018, 8:47 p.m. No.2149550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9737 >>0009 >>0084


The world is round.

  1. Coalescence- Gravity pushes all objects toward the center. Therefore, after a certain amount of material accumulates a heavenly body becomes a sphere ( loosely). We see that in all heavenly bodies.

  2. A lunar eclipse has a round shadow. So we are at least on a round something because the shadow is rounded no matter what hemisphere you see the eclipse.

  3. There is a wonderful u tube vid that shows 2 cameras. 1 on a tripod at sea level and one hovering in the air strapped to a drone. The sun sets on the sea. Camera on the tripod sees it set. At that moment the hovering camera is rocketed to 400 feet. The sun rises in the remote view finder and sets again. This is proof the world is round. The flat earth model cannot explain this.

  4. Mother nature is a simple girl. She wouldn't make all the objects in the heavens (beyond certain size) round and then make the earth flat.

  5. NASA fuckery photos add to this theory I get it.

  6. All the math done by the nerds and plane routes etc etc add to flat earth theory. I get it it's tastiness!!

  7. What if the earth was just bigger than they are telling us and the sun closer? It would explain all the anomalies and the earth could still be round.

  8. Crazy?? Well no different than the earth is the only "special body" in the know universe. I prefer to think that maybe the nerds just fucked up the math or the earth has a larger circumference than they are saying.

  9. What if flat earth model for south pole being a shelf surrounding us is real and beyond that barrier is the rest of the big blue marble and it's inhabited by aliens that actually govern our little ant hill?

  10. I digress . If there are multiple explanations for the same phenomenon how likely is it that the earth is actually flat? Where is this scientific proof really? Triangulation of google maps? Again mathematical error is a far more likely scenario for those discrepancies.

Hope this sounds objective and is helpful not trying to belittle anyone for exploring a theory :)