Anonymous ID: ea86b7 July 29, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.2335573   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5585

>>2333097 "In 1960, the metre was redefined in terms of a certain number of wavelengths of a certain emission line of krypton-86. "

Q: Why was c "light" linked to m "metre" in 1960?

What does Dr. Rupert Sheldrake say about c and big G?

and "are you having my sanctity?" ;)

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 July 30, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.2351455   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>2347750 hypotrochoid schizma pattern ; exclusion zone water 440. Fibonacci last-digit(s) are PRIME. Bruce Cathie' Grid Time Nine. Grammar, logic and rhetoric for Number and Geometry in space; musical cosmos . . .. …

you're dancing :) can you sing too?

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 1, 2018, 12:05 a.m. No.2386945   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8337

>>2383427 you're almost Hopf fibrating :) Buckminster got stuck on "infinite points on a sphere", then along came Prof. Knuth. And now we're beyond surreal number; far beyond Bernhard Riemann AND Hugo Riemann.


"The fibration of the 3-sphere is expressed by the exponential map applied to the vector subspace of quaternions. As such, it was known to William Rowan Hamilton and is expressed in § 548 of his Lectures on Quaternions, Royal Irish Academy, 1853 (see page 555). He writes, "the logarithm of a versor of a quaternion … is the product of axis and angle." The axis corresponds to a point on the 2-sphere, and the angle may unwind as a fiber."


ROTAS - T Twists

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 2, 2018, 5:02 a.m. No.2409603   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0520

>>2394420 obfuscation much tunc? your bible is a fucking WAR manifesto . had your adrenochrome and flesh hit today ?


answer THIS adrenochrome junkie GOD bothered : WHAT does Jesus say in the Essene Gospel of Peace about pedovores?


Seriously fucktard - i swim with Sharks ; you ?

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 3, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.2426895   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>2420520 >"where are the groups that believe that particular brand of religion?" it is NOT a religion to avoid slaughtering for taste.

>"where were the followers" ? they were overrun and eaten by pedovore cannibals.


recall history is occulted. you and i, et al are survivors of a catastrophe. Prior, we were living in symbiotic harmony with earth - and we had all the "toys" that go with it. those same "toys" are now being used to expose harm.


Geometry is part of the Quadrivium - number in space; a function of bifurcation

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 4, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.2446814   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>2428860 falun gong mon tete - you are a either IN or OUT / pregnant or sterile / dead or a-live / benign and symbiotic or parasitic / schizma'd chaos or coalescing LIVE that Matters. . .


Zero and multi-verse Tards; ONE UNIVERSE

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 4, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2453529   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3693

>>2447114 as Gary Yourofsky says, " luv it, luv it, LOVE IT"


elliptic curves and here's a worthy comment :


Phi 60 KEY 288 360 world grid Bruce Cathie


Reality Grommets pt 5 - Bruce Cathie


Robin Small 4 years ago

This man was a reverse engineering savant  … Let’s think  energy , vibration and frequency … think curvature velocity and Fibonacci or Harmonics of divided light = magnetics … I am coming to believe that Light and the reciprocal of light = magnetics or 144,000 arc minutes per grid second versus 694444 , respectively in Fibonacci = Harmonics is what this light wave Universe is all about … It is all light … one divided form is duality and the other Unity …  one is wrapped inside the other … via magnetic vortex action … the Bible is allegory … look at the 153 fish Peter caught … that is two circles that touch each others centers with their circumference … and 144,000 is the Fibonacci speed of light  in arc minutes per Grid second   … or curvature velocity based on Earth spin time (this ties the velocity to Fibonacci = Harmonic = Fractal time) … … you see how my energy research  work and magnetic vortex’s and this new Bruce Cathie’s learned  knowledge fit … and fits beautifully … a bit more … take Pythagoras’s right angled or Rhombus triangle  3 = height , 4 = base and 5 = hypotenuse  multiply by one half the harmonic of light 144/2= 72   one gets 216,       288,   and            360 So the Light Harmonics of a 360 degree circle are : —  288 = double the speed harmonic of light (cause it runs two complete sine wave cycles)  (a matter and an antimatter sine wave set) (… this reminds me of cube math)  and 2160 arc minutes per circle … conclusions// my postulations at this point … How does undivided light go double it’s speed in the domain of  3D physicality … my answer is  it doesn’t … but divided into magnetics it can …  and borrowing from Ed Leedskalnin’s concept of two equal and opposite , right handed and whirling forces running towards each other and through each other and back again (kinda like a twin or binary star system — cause it is … all Fractal)   So two ways to make the 288 value … half a helix coming towards each other like a magnetic current or simultaneous release of two spirals of  equal and just opposite PHASE … call one magnetic/electric current and the other thought current …  this thought current ties in with  parthenogenesis or planet and star formation where the Sine Waves cross …   I like this cause it ties in with  tuning into one side of reality or the other and that everything we decode is happening right now … like a superposition …  including time and space illusions … so 288 refers to a helix  formed by two magnetic waves = divided light waves  So I postulate that the Sol or Star or Sun within us sends out two magnetic spirals in unison as mirror images to our brain decoder and thus both our reality of 3D physicality and of the unseen etheric template mirror image are holographic-ally created  continuously … when I think about it this is magnetic vortex math and based on Octaves as I have previously discussed … So the 288 is 2 x 144 in a paired equal but opposite, simultaneous  sine wave emission  from Sol source … – and where the sine waves intersect are Source connection or energy points or star points … a circle in our Universe needs to be based on the Sumerian math 60 system … this is amazing stuff as this is then frequency or energy coordinates or space and time travel … Thank you …  Bruce Cathie  …  you have helped me I feel understand Sol magnetics flow and how our brains decode this reality in a continuous fashion … and even how if we want to access the etheric world … how polarity needs to be reversed … by quieting the 3D wave and tuning into it’s mirrored opposite sine wave …  This brings another postulation and that is …  if our Sol centers are divine consciousness …  as is a sort of mirrored magnetics sine waves (or vortex)  or  shadow consciousness … I think a shadow consciousness can directly communicate with our Sol essence consciousness … This fits well … very well … Cheers, Robin Small

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 6, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.2492669   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>2462674 try Rhombic triacontahedron: Buckminster's "infinite points on a sphere" solved


Primes at F60 , 300 ,, 1500 ,,, 15000,,,,


Twin prime distribution channels confirm 1,2,4,8,7,5…


want pi with that?

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 9, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.2521963   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>2521318 "My Discovery: FIRST TIME EVER SEEN ON EARTH, FERROCELL EM phase shift demo. PART 1"


he's not an atomist or egoist ; he's Ken Theoria Apophasis and history recalls his Great Work


Dr. Rupert Sheldrake will noun him Morphic Field "angry photographer" evidence COURT - when he figures out what, "are you having my Sanctity" means


Time tells

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Aug. 21, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.2690860   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Can you actually get a fractal out of a regular geometric figure?


Yes - welcome to the schizma. The DOR (Direct Opposite Reverse) , ferrocell and some other simple devices expose it: Caduceus cascades emanating …


The hypercube is perfectly expressed by nested tori - negative curvature (prime topology) being the next big "thing"


the 1st 7x7 fractal closes the schizma - confirmed by DOR - like aligned coherent light amplification .


First 7x7 is from 10x10 grid of F numbers expressed as modulus 25 (25 mod 9 is 7)


see the "Phi_60_Fractal_7_-….jpg" earlier

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Sept. 5, 2018, 5:15 a.m. No.2885375   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5454


hoorah say Apex Orca !


6pts define wHERE, 7th current(s)


D45' Barron has a Good (deadly) Captain for a Father - he is a fortunate young Man: Note worthy like his Dad. . .


Emulate WHAT we need; condensate emanations in the (recursive) Field ;


Torsion physics isn't rocket science :)

Anonymous ID: ea86b7 Sept. 5, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.2886212   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>2684920 caduceus cascades; Dan Winter Bliss recordings.


Want Clipped Clifford-Orca Algebra with that?


wHAT say u?


Live Happy?




Should you wish; please Close the DOR on your way out - least it SLAMS SHUT.