How did Q team miss Biden dropping out of election? I doubt we have a countermove.
As a peasant that must live under a different set of laws I despise this type of rubbing it in my face. These people are not VIP.
Why didn't he get the vaccine like the rest of us did?
Where does all that money go? Viral marketing is pretty cheap now a days. Events may cost a considerable amount of money due to cost of venue but what else is there? Jets? Still doesn't cost as much as they are raking in.
I am only in the 3 camp. 1 & 2 do not pertain to me.
Would Trump be paid as a consulting gig to the USA Corporation?
Q. How did you all not see this coming? Without Biden this show isn't worth watching anymore.
I'm beginning to consider that this is just a scripted show. How long has it been this way?
I hope she is the only female politician that has resorted to this kind of actions for advancement.