Anonymous ID: c7c9dc July 25, 2024, 6:29 a.m. No.21289715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9726 >>9732 >>9747 >>9776 >>9978

i don't like J.D Vance. Anon said back in 2018 Pence was evil and Anons told me to kill myself, called me shareblue shill, retard, etc. All those typical things when presented with a differing opinion. Anon feels same way about Vance. No proof, just can't shake it. Eyes are the window to the soul. Anon is hopefully wrong. But it brings me to this question. What are the laws and rules on VP's? Is Trump able to decide he wants someone else in say a month's time? Or is he legally bound to this guy now? Maybe Vance would need to step down as the only option?


Some parts of this plan I just don't get. Back to Pence. Why would a deep state element sit as your #2 for 4 years? Why possibly do that again? Plan is bigger than my dumbass, just can't help but wonder what the answers are. i'll take my insults and concernfag accusations now. Thanks for reading.

Anonymous ID: c7c9dc July 25, 2024, 6:38 a.m. No.21289751   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Eh. We're all in this together. I understand the paranoia. We all have it. I just wish we were better at giving consideration to unpopular opinions (myself included at times to be fair).

Anonymous ID: c7c9dc July 25, 2024, 6:46 a.m. No.21289805   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes! Pompeo for sure! I was even fooled into thinking he was a good guy. But I made the mistake of not researching him. I just took Anons popular opinion. And learned a hard lesson. And that's not me insulting Anons, that's on me! Good on you knowing that back then. Keeping all options on the table. That's important. We all need to keep every consideration open. Q obviously writes stuff like that to fool people above our pay grade. Imagine if you're a deep state creature and Q says Trust Kansas and he's supposed to be working for you. That has to mess with your head and make you question his loyalty.